John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Hurricane and The Convention

One thing you can count on; President Bush can not win in whichever direction he goes. "IF" he goes to the convention people will say he has no compassion for those under duress from the hurricane. "IF" he stays away they will say the Party did not want him there. There is no solution for him.

As for me - conventions being what they are, it probably does not matter. Having said that; sitting at a local restaurant the other night eating dinner, a couple sitting in an adjoining booth provided dining entertainment. They made startling insightful statements about the democrat convention they had just witnessed. They gave me hope that Mr. Obama has allot of work to do to 'convince' Americans he is ready. Their comments sort of set me back, pleasingly so I might add.

I am not really afraid of an Obama election; what 'does' scare me is that possibility in conjunction with a veto proof Senate and a large majority in the House. As stated many times, law originates in those two chambers; as long as there is a balance between the lawmakers and the Presidency things generally balance out. If not? And yes, the Republicans created the pile of feces they are standing upon today.


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Is She Ready?

It seems to me, even if you agree Sarah Palin is NOT ready, then you have also disqualified Mr. Obama. I don't see how you can see it any other way. Were I a democrat, I think I'd tread very lightly on this issue, again, even if you agree she does not have enough experience.

On this issue, Hillary 'and' Biden were correct. Mr. Obama can speak well but....

What Passes For News

If you are interested in how low MSNBC has sunk view his interview with The Honorable Michael Moore. Edward R. Murrow is turning over in his grave methinks.

What he is forgetting is Mayor Nagin says he's gonna be ready this time. Wonder if he got a good kick in the arse from Governor Jindal. As for me, having been in hurricanes, typhoons and tornadoes, I 'know' one has time to prepare for the first two. My sympathies grow more feeble as I age. Does that mean I wish for a 'hit'? Nope, just means precisely what I said. You have 'time' to get out of harms way.


Friday, August 29, 2008

The Media Bamboozled

One of the best things I've ever seen was the ability of the McCain camp to keep his veep choice under wraps. They were in a frenzy and it was so very funny to watch. I happened to be watching MSNBC mainly because I like keeping an eye on the enemy. Lest anyone think that is a biased statement, watch them for one day and you will have zero problem figuring who they are for. To me, that is not the media's job, and the main reason they are losing credibility along the way.

As for the pick of Ms. Palin; I am not familiar with her; yes I had heard of her in passing, but I did not know her. So far I am liking what I see, but time will tell. It will be delicious to hear the media say she has no experience. Guess what, she has 'more' governmental experience than Mr. Obama. Don't forget, he decided to run for President within the first year and a half in his Senate term. And her job is actually governing, his in the Senate is making law. Ahh, it is gonna be a fun ride. I think I might be getting interested again.


The Speech

I listened to the entire speech last night; I found myself left wanting abit and thought perhaps it was just my political leanings. Whether or not one believes this, I find myself 'wanting' to believe Mr. Obama. In the end, for whatever reason, the thought crossed my mind that I have heard him be more eloquent in the past. Couldn't then, and can't now quite put my finger on my feelings at the time.

This morning I was listening to Peggy Noonan (former Reagan speech writer) - I will not bore you with her evaluation; suffice it to say she agreed with me, or perhaps I agreed with her. Since my thoughts were first, I think she agreed with me. While I don't think Peggy's thoughts are in print yet, they will be. Anyway, I was disappointed.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The New Michelle

So, I watched the convention last night. For me? I wish they were not so very controlled. From Theodore Kennedy to Michelle Obama; I just wish the teleprompters would FAIL. I have never understood why people in public life can not speak from their heart so we the people could find out what they really are all about. If you watched this event and could not see how 'controlled' it was, you must be smokin something. And of course it will be more of the same next week.

One thing I saw in the speech that was authentic... the children. Don't think you can fake their authenticity. Cute. The problem? That is about all the people who did NOT watch will see in the news bites. If one did not know of Michelle's previous unscripted comments and only watched this, they would never know just how scripted the speech she gave was. But, you will 'never' hear an honest analysis from our press.


Monday, August 25, 2008

'My Friend Joe Biden'

I do not know if Mr. McCain will ever learn, but I get the biggest kick out out of hearing Joe Biden slam John McCain. I am not naive; I understand politics... what is going on now is why I could never, and I do mean never be a politician. McCain has yammered forever about being a maverick. Those on the left side of the aisle have used McCain for years, every time McCain was against something Bush did, he was a democrat hero. And now? Their true feelings come out.

There is nothing wrong with being partisan. One must stand for something. Take a stand, stick to it; yes, compromise is a necessity, but not when it crosses a certain point. The 'can't we just get along' middle of the road stand does not work. Principles, positions, issues are important.

I will bet quite a large sum if one were to go back as recently as the democrat debates they would discover John McCain to be the only republican worth anything. The reason? He bucked President Bush. Now that McCain is the nominee he is mud. In my personal world, you turn on me, you are done with me. No way could I tolerate the day to day back stabbing that goes into a politician's daily life. 'My friend' Joe Biden is the most recent example. I wonder if McCain will ever learn they hate his guts.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

2008 Olympics

Tonight is the end of the 2008 Olympics, summer style. I have enjoyed them allot, and was struck by how well the Americans had performed. Oh sure, there were disappointments along the way. The 4x100 relay teams - my heart went out to those athletes. To work that long for a goal and to drop the baton? Tough.

I think what struck me the most was the sportsmanship displayed by the American athletes all around. I watched much of the games, and while I did not watch it all, I do not remember even one incident of taunting by American athletes. This is 'somewhat' of a departure of the past, and I for one was proud I am an American. They did a great job... gold, silver, bronze, and those who suffered heartbreak.

Thank you athletes.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tax Incentives

Have you ever wondered about our government (you and me), giving tax incentives for different things? Say, ethanol for example. We are told it is an important part of our energy predicament. I have said before, I am for alternative sources of energy but why can't they stand on their own if they are so good?

Bill Gates and Microsoft - did he get incentives to start his company? I don't think so, and look at the number of Windows computers in this ole world. Why is that? Because, people found out their worth, they are useful, they are profitable.

Steve Jobs and Apple - did 'he' get incentives? Nope. Again, something people wanted, something they could see value in etc.

Why isn't energy the same thing? If someone invents something that people can [SEE], is 'the' answer, doncha think they will buy it and wean themselves off of oil? And, doncha think that product, even if it is feces would be profitable? Yup, it would be.

Give me an alternative that is something I can believe in please. Just something to think about.


Monday, August 18, 2008

Above My Pay Grade

I did not watch the questioning from The Rev. Rick Warren talking to Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain. I have watched clips of the question to Mr. Obama when he in essence said the answer was above his pay grade.

More times than I care to remember, over the years I have heard that same response from those afraid to make a decision. My response to them has always been, if you aren't going to make the hard decisions give up the fricking money you are paid to make those decisions. In Mr. Obama's case, while the money paid to The President of The United States is not all that great, I will suggest gently of course, that there is nobody on this earth 'above' his pay grade. If he doesn't have the gonads to answer a simple question from The Reverend, he will be in deep doo doo if elected.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Olympics

Have been enjoying the Olympics immensely. Actually when this marathon began I thought I'd probably not watch nearly as much as I have in past years. However, as the days pass, I seem to always find myself watching. While I have not watched it all (impossible methinks), I have watched a significant amount.

It suddenly dawned on me, there is no poverty in China. There are no slums, nothing but beautiful new construction. It is indeed a beautiful country, but then I have never been in a country that was not beautiful. I am left wondering though if the Chinese have not stumbled upon 'the' way to govern. All appears to be, umm, well, rosy there. I suspect, were the games in this country, NBC would find a way to show the seamier side of things. Just a tad of reality.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Six Degrees of Separation

So I went to my 45th high school reunion the other night... interesting stuff when one gets right down to it. 45 years. Where did that go? Here is the most interesting thing that happened. At the table I sat were two women. One had worked with my mother at the bank in Council Bluffs Iowa when I was a lad. Her name was Sally and I did not know her during high school. Or, if I did, I don't remember and perhaps that is really the issue. I asked Sally if my mother was a good worker; she replied in the affirmative. I told her I wished I could report that to Mom.

On my other side sat another lady who began talking about my brother's recently sold business, Betty's House. Her name was Shirley. Her son-in-law worked for my brother and his wife. I must confess I didn't remember Shirley either and for that I am sorry, but... what are the odds of picking that table to sit at? I mean, I came from a class of between 250 - 300, and while there were only about 75 in attendance I find it just an amazing coincidence.

Other than that, it was amazing how I was the ONLY classmate who had not changed. Everyone else had changed, and I do mean dramatically!!!


Monday, August 04, 2008

Government In Action

Fremont NE recently had an issue come before the city council regarding illegal immigrants.  The proposal had been put forth to make it 'against the law' for landlords to rent to illegal immigrants.  Further, they also wanted to have fines for employers who hired illegal immigrants.

The usual large crowd ascended on the meeting - in fact the meeting had to be held in the high school gymnasium due to the large anticipated crowd.  Long story short - the mayor cast the tie breaking vote 'against' these proposals and cheering ensued.  We were told how enlightened the wonderful administrators of Fremont NE were in making their decision.  The papers and radio shows were 'hot' for a day or two.

Then we hear the Honorable Governor of the great state of Nebraska is going to propose in the new legislative session next year that it be illegal to give benefits to illegal immigrants.  This implies it is currently legal to give benefits to illegal immigrants does it not???  What in the name of all that is holy does this mean?  He is proposing a law to make it illegal to do something for people already breaking the law.  I just want to crack my head open on the table at times with the absurdity. 


Friday, August 01, 2008

Exxon Posts Record $32.36 Billion Tax Payment

I realize you only read about the frickin profit, but... for every dollar of profit, they paid $3.00 in taxes.  Just something the media does not tell you.  Nooo, they want to make the populist argument that you are being gouged.   Oh well, I realize I'm spittin straight up in the air but...those wonderful 'reporters' should at least tell both sides of the story.