John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Her Highness Megan McCain

I actually agree with allot of what Megan has to say – what puzzles me is how she does not realize how she is being used.  For goodness sakes, she above most should see how the left loves her now that she is slamming the GOP.  Her father is / was exhibit A from which she should have learned.  Before Senator McCain was the nominee of his party, he was the left’s wonder boy, mainly because of many disagreements with the Bush administration.  Once he was the nominee he became Mr. Crapola.  Now Megan is their darling because she flaps her jaws about how un-inclusive the GOP has become.  Perhaps she’s right to a point.  I just believe, (in fact I know), when they are done with her, she will be Ms. Crapola in their eyes.

Oh, and btw – for someone who is a graduate of Columbia, I think ‘like’, she should quit using ‘like’ in every doggone sentence in ‘like’ describing ‘like’ ‘things’. Sheesh.

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The Torture Memos

Personally I hope the democrat party lets this go forward.  Just get it all out on the table.  The hypocrisy of those in the highest echelons of the democrat party will be revealed.  And I can’t wait to see them indict Bush administration officials.  What a wonderful display for the world to see. 

Pelosi knew, Rockefeller knew – go ahead, tear down the CIA in toto.  Create another situation like occurred from The Church Committee back in the mid 70s.  Tear it all down again, go ahead.  We obviously do not care. 

Don’t you find it interesting Congress will not investigate themselves as it applies to the housing mess which in my opinion was created by ‘them’, but want to investigate  the prior administration for torturing terrorists?   Let the country go straight down the slop shoot Congress, just let it go all the way in the crapper while you make the terrorists feel better.

And for anyone interested?  I am FOR, 100%, water boarding or any other technique that will get information from those bastards!!!

Hypocrisy – it is alive and well (on both sides), in the Congress of these United States.

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Passing Thoughts

Any irony to the fact The President flies to Iowa on Earth Day?  I mean, is Air Force One a green mosheen?  Just wondering.

I like looking at the female anatomy; no apologies there.  I ‘do’ get tired of watching Fox News run over and over, and over again a good looking woman when there is not change in the story.  The latest?  Miss California post her bashing by the goofball judge.  Btw, her position on marriage is once again the classic response by the left.  I don’t care what the issue; if you do not agree with them you are mud. 

Been reading about GE shareholders being outraged at MSNBC’s bias – does my heart good.  I used to enjoy the opposing views, now they are tedious and I spotted this trend long ago.  Gives one abit of hope.

Yes Ms. Napalitano – I am a terrorist according to your definition. Sad state of affairs.  And I guess I am proud to be so identified. Ahh, feels good to finally be ou

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Presidential Sleight of Hand

   The President is making a big deal about asking his cabinet to cut their budgets.  One hundred million dollars is the latest figure thrown out to pare from their budgets.  Sounds like a big number, but is such a pittance as to be insignificant.

   The budget has been increased by over three TRILLION, and you are saying you are asking for a cut of one hundred million?  We really are sheep being led blindly down the path.  Some will only see 100 vice 3.  We deserve it I guess.  Have fun paying kiddoes.  Me?  I’m going to Vegas – never been and figured I’d better go before it goes tango uniform also. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

There Is “NO” Free Lunch

So this morning I am reading my ‘local’ hometown newspaper.  There is an article in there about our volunteer fire department perhaps getting $60,000.00 for infrastructure updates (this money to come from stimulus funds).  Initially I scanned the article and a small paragraph just reached out and stroked me.

I give you a quote from our illustrious mayor:  “the opportunity to get what amounts to free money for a project already planned is too good to pass up.”  It is precisely this type of thinking that drives me nutso.  I had to have been at ‘least’ in the fifth grade before I learned there was not a free lunch from the govmint!!!!  And this from our “mayor”.  We are doomed me thinks.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I for one want to congratulate The President ‘and’ the military as it pertains to the freeing of the ship’s captain.  I surely do not understand how in the world a bunch of umm, pirates can board, takeover, and steal a ship, but that is for another day.  Good job by all on this issue.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Did He Bow or Not?

   Holy Moly!!!  Such a bunch of bull stein ofski regarding whether or not The President bowed to the Saudi King or did he not bow to the Saudi King.  Now, I have heard all the arguments about whether or not ‘any’ president should or should not.  Personally?  Don’t care.  Here is what I do care about.  He ‘did’ bow.  I have watched it in slo mo, in fast forward, in 3D, in whirl wind mode.  He bowed.  Please do not insult my fricking intelligence, if there’s any left, by telling me he did not bow.  I don’t care if he did or not White House spokespeople. Go chase a dadgummed pirate or something useful. smile_baringteeth

Saturday, April 04, 2009

The McFarland Boyz

   Sometime ago, perhaps three weeks ago I made a couple of calls to get an assist on cleaning up the back yard.  I had done my  share in the front.  One fellow seemed particularly interested and came out to provide an estimate.  His price was $60.00 per hour.  I told him I’d done the yard many times myself and if he had a crew of three, it would be two hours maximum and in NO case was he to go over three hours. He agreed, and said he’d get back to me as soon as he could fit it in.

   In the meantime, flyers were showing up in my mailbox, in my door etc.  You know how it is this time of year.  One of the flyers was smartly done, and it had written across the top - “The McFarland Brothers”.  As the days passed and I did not hear from my original man, I finally decided to call the number of the McFarland brothers.  A young lad talked to me and asked if it would be OK if he came by after school on Friday (this was Tuesday).  I said certainly, that would be OK.  Well, he called early Thursday and asked if he could come by a day early and again I said OK.

   Wouldn’t you know… Thursday is in progress… I am sitting by the front window when I see a hail of trucks approaching with mowers, blowers, hoes, – I mean, every tool one could think of pulling up in front of my house.  If you are ahead of me, you are correct, it was the original crew I had contacted, and they meant business.  Now, “I” am in a dilemma. I made an instant decision to allow them to proceed, but had to call the McFarland boyz and confess my sins.  Nobody answered there, but I left a message on their phone – this was 1:30 P.M. – I felt bad I could not officially call them off, but figured I’d done the best I could.

   The ‘crew’ took 1.5 hours to do the job; I paid them for two + a tip.  At 4 P.M. my doorbell rings and it is Mark McFarland with clipboard in hand, there to provide an estimate.  He was a young lad, perhaps fifteen… I said, you evidently did not get my phone message to which he said he had not – I again confessed what had happened, and as young as he was, and as big and mean as I am, he looked me squarely in the eye, shook my hand and said thank you Mr. Wilson.  I think my jaw may have dropped.  First of all he had walked to my house.  My heart went out to him as I noticed him trudge away, but I had a good feeling about him.  I wondered just how far he’d had to walk only to walk away empty handed. 

   Fast forward twenty four hours -  upon returning from dinner, on the last turn for home (one block from home), there were two boys skateboarding in the middle of the street.  Yup, the McFarland boyz lived one block away.  Mark (the one who had come to my door), even waved.  I felt better that he had not had to walk too far.  Further I again remembered just how the young lad had looked me square in the eye and it gave me abit of hope for this nations future.  The boy had spunk! I predict the McFarland boyz will go far in this ole world. 

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

America’s Depression

   So, I’m watching World News Tonight with ole Charlie Gibson – they begin talking about how the horrendous depression is affecting America’s families.  The had perhaps three instances of people having to cut back on eating O U T !!!  One lady had to quit giving her fricking dawg a session at his monthly pet spa. 

   I’m being as honest as I can here.  I wanted to vomit.  Do you think for even one second someone in a third world country watching that would have any sympathy???   Cutting back on eating out???!!!???  Now, as for the restaurant itself and the associated waitresses' and waiters, yes, I have compassion.  For those who can’t afford to go out abit less?  Nope!!

   I spent many years overseas – I watched and know from whence the term ‘ugly American’ emanates.   I am proud of this country and there is none better, but abit of humility goes along way.  And having a story citing people having to cut back eating out, or grooming their pet as a result of the depression is not showing humility in any way.  This is a world wide crisis, not just here.   Acck.