John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Last Entry on Swifties

It's just that I do not understand. Would 'you' if you were being attacked not do what you could to clear your name? In the case of Mr. Kerry, if I understand it at all, he could clear this all up by releasing his military records... signing the form 180 whatever that actually is - have heard it is a form that releases all your military records to the public. All I'm saying, if he could shut these guys up, don't you think he would? No more on the swiftie boyz. I doubt they will go away though.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

The Swifties

Who in the world is to really 'know'... I had always been troubled by the man who said Mr. Kerry pulled him from the water with bullets flying; I finally have heard a logical explanation that makes everyone right. Those that say there was 'no' enemy fire, and the fellow who said bullets were flying. It goes something like this.

There is no dispute he fell into the water, and there is no dispute that Kerry helped him out... the issue seems to be the period from the time he fell into the water to the time he was pulled out. When he surfaced, he heard gunfire and naturally thought it was enemy gunfire. The explanation I heard the other night says, those on the boats [thought] they saw something moving on shore and began firing from the boats towards the shore. While firing, the man in the water surfaced, and hearing gunfire, kept submerging to not be an open target. Once the movement on shore had been deemed to be 'nothing', the firing stopped and the fellow was recovered from the water. So... 'he' was right, there was gunfire, and he 'was' pulled from the water by Mr. Kerry. The Switfies were right in saying there was no enemy fire.

At least this explanation has taken 'my' consternation away - it seems very logical to me. I still am more convinced than ever that the democrats 'want' this to be the issue so they do not have to talk about Mr. Kerry's Senate record. Were his senate record to be the focal point, he would be in big trouble. There is nothing there to distinquish him except his votes, and trust me when I say, they would not be pretty.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Mr. Kerry's Viet Nam Problem

I'm beginning to think the democrats 'want' this Vietnam thing to keep bubbling. By doing this, they keep the emphasis on what they perceive to be Mr. Kerry's patriotism and heroism. You did know he served in Viet Nam didn't you? Regardless, by keeping this issue at the forefront his senate record is ignored. The dirty little secret here is his senate record is abysmal. If and when your record is considered 'the most liberal' in the whole U.S. Senate, you are one liberal fellow. More liberal than Theodore Kennedy??? By quite a stretch actually.

Bob Dole said the other day that he (Kerry) actually accomplished very little while he (Dole) was in the Senate. Ole Bob who found some gonads in the last couple of days regarding this Viet Nam controversy has always been quite the statesman in the political arena. He had warned Mr. Kerry NOT to place so much emphasis on the Nam issue.

I think the real issue to the public is not necessarily what Mr. Kerry did 'in' Viet Nam, debatable though it may be... the 'real' issue (I think) is what Mr. Kerry did when he came back. I don't think anyone can deny there were atrocities in the war, goodness knows there are in any war. War is to break things and kill people. That 'is' what war is. But, while your fellow soldiers are still fighting, at least in my mind, you should NOT be speaking ill of them.

Mr. Kerry and Viet Nam

I'm beginning to think the democrats 'want' this Vietnam thing to keep bubbling. By doing this, they keep the emphasis on what they perceive to be Mr. Kerry's patriotism and heroism. You did know he served in Viet Nam didn't you? Regardless, by keeping this issue at the forefront his senate record is ignored. The dirty little secret here is his senate record is abysmal. If and when your record is considered 'the most liberal' in the whole U.S. Senate, you are one liberal fellow. More liberal than Theodore Kennedy??? By quite a stretch actually.

Bob Dole said the other day that he (Kerry) actually accomplished very little while he (Dole) was in the Senate. Ole Bob who found some gonads in the last couple of days regarding this Viet Nam controversy has always been quite the statesman in the political arena. He had warned Mr. Kerry NOT to place so much emphasis on the Nam issue.

I think the real issue to the public is not necessarily what Mr. Kerry did 'in' Viet Nam, debatable though it may be... the 'real' issue (I think) is what Mr. Kerry did when he came back. I don't think anyone can deny there were atrocities in the war, goodness knows there are in any war. War is to break things and kill people. That 'is' what war is. But, while your fellow soldiers are still fighting, at least in my mind, you should NOT be speaking ill of them.

The Kerry Issue

I'm beginning to think the democrats 'want' this Vietnam thing to keep bubbling. By doing this, they keep the emphasis on what they perceive to be Mr. Kerry's patriotism and heroism. You did know he served in Viet Nam didn't you? Regardless, by keeping this issue at the forefront his senate record is ignored. The dirty little secret here is his senate record is abysmal.

If and when your record is considered 'the most liberal' in the whole U.S. Senate, you are one liberal fellow. More liberal than Theodore Kennedy??? By quite a stretch actually. Bob Dole said the other day that he (Kerry) actually accomplished very little while he (Dole) was in the Senate. Ole Bob who found some gonads in the last couple of days regarding this Viet Nam controversy has always been quite the statesman in the political arena. He had warned Mr. Kerry NOT to place so much emphasis on the Nam issue.

I think the real issue to the public is not necessarily what Mr. Kerry did 'in' Viet Nam, debatable though it may be... the 'real' issue (I think) is what Mr. Kerry did when he came back. I don't think anyone can deny there were atrocities in the war, goodness knows there are in any war. War is to break things and kill people. That 'is' what war is. But, while your fellow soldiers are still fighting, at least in my mind, you should NOT be speaking ill of them.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Melt Down of The Main Street Media (MSM)

I'm thinking it is quite apparent that The Swift Boat Veterans are getting under the skin of the MSM. Last night I was watching Hardball, Chris Matthews show on MSNBC. He was interviewing Michelle Maulkin whose column I read frequently. She is a contributor to Fox News so automatically is the enemy of MSNBC, but Matthews ended up kicking her off the show when she did not kowtow to his heated questioning.
The MSM allowed Mr. Kerry to base his entire run for the presidency on his four months in Viet Nam. The Bush administration would rather be talking about the Kerry years in the United States Senate. He (Kerry) knew those years could not withstand the scrutiny of the American people digesting same; he calculated that his record in Viet Nam would override everything, and methinks he miscalculated. In fact I suspect he wishes he had never gone to Viet Nam.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Mr. Keyes

I have followed Alan Keyes for many years. I remember during the 2000 primaries, he gave the best speeches of any candidate. Because of the fire he could bring forth, after he was eliminated from the republican race he was sought after to be on talk shows because he was known to voice his opinion. I generally agreed with much of what he spewed.

One of the things he spewed about was Hillary's running for senator from New York since she was not even a resident there... and again, I was in total agreement with Mr. Keyes. Now it's four years later and what do we have? Mr. Keyes, a resident of Maryland is running as the republican candidate from the great state of Illinois. How in the world he can do this with a straight face is beyond me, but he does. Out of principle he should not run... he is a hypocrite. At a minimum he should take back what he aid about Hillary.... how can it be I am on Hillary's side in anything is equally bizarre but... truth at times is stranger than fiction.

One thing you can count on Illinois... you will hear some entertaining debates - trust me on that one. :)

Monday, August 16, 2004

Mr. Kerry

Does anyone remember the phrase that goes something like this???? It does not matter whether it is true or not, it is the seriousness of the allegation and it must be investigated. Used in checking on The Presidents military service... used on checking into The President's early years as a wild young man...used on Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court. I do believe I could go on and on on naming folks it applies to, and the press definitely agreed. So, why is it, the press refuses to check into the allegations that have been made by the 200 service members 'against' Mr. Kerry? I have seen this man Oneil on several interviews. I have seen venomous interviewers almost foam at the mouth trying to shut him up... he is soft spoken and refuses to get rattled. "SOMETHING" is wrong... they won't even let him answer sometimes.

I think cracks are starting to show up. The fact that Mr. Kerry now has historian David Brinkley revising the dates of his Cambodian incursion; the cracks are beginning to show. He, (Mr.Kerry) had said the Christmas spent in Cambodia was a turning point in his life, spending Christmas in Cambodia... turns out it was not true. So he trots out a presidential historian to literally re-write this episode. Pretty amazing. I guess in my mind, were you a reporter, do you not think this could be the most important story of the year? Finding out if indeed someone running for thehighest office in this land has been lying??? Just wondering, because to use Mr. Kerry's words, this episode was 'seared into my mind'. Hmmm, and then they admit he wasn't even there??? I'll be doggone.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004



The poor souls. Can you picture GW and Laura doing this? Hmmmm? Just wondering and wandering down life's path (with an evil grin on my face).


What a beautiful word... call from doctor's office today... the poloyp
removed on Monday was indeed benign. It is a bright day in Nebraska
even though the sun is not shining. :)Thank you Lord.

Monday, August 09, 2004

If Kerry Should Win

In my mind, "IF" John Kerry should win the election there may be at least one good thing. That is, he is almost locked in to the fact he must continue the war on terrorism. The democratic party, for the first time in 'my' memory is portraying themselves as a 'War Party'. Do I really believe it? Not until it is proven to me, but if nothing else, their portraying themselves as the War Party is an admission that apeasement is no longer the way America will do business.

The more you think about it folks... President Bush, in his very first speeches post 9/11 talked about the axis of evil, and named the countries. Guess what... he has been proven right; The President said this war will go on for many years and will be fought in ways never before fought. Right again. Everybody seems to forget just what insight he had at an early stage. It appears even the democrat party has seen at least a partial light. The simple fact is, 'no' president can guarantee there will not be other attacks on this country, but they will be judged on the action or lack thereof they take.


I had one today - yesterday in the lead up I developed a sore throat which resulted in a miserable night. Anyone who has had one of these knows the 'prep' is the hard part. Drinking the gallon of 'Golytely' is a true reward in itself.

Regardless, when I reported for the procedure this morning, the nurse asked me if I had been sick recently and I said, not that I know of... the reason she was asking was, I was running a fever. There was no way I was going to admit being sick in the off chance they would cancel the colonoscopy, and I'd have to begin anew. Regardless, they did the deed... awaiting one polyp biopsy sometime in the next week.

I napped for three hours today... out like a light. Stomach is cranky and I'm feeling mean. :)

Sunday, August 08, 2004


Do you remember when Andy Card leaned over and whispered into the President's ear about a plane hitting the World Trade Center? Michael Moore made an issue about it stating The President had sat there without taking action.

Mr. Kerry has even commented on how 'he' would have taken immediate action instead of sitting there like a bump on a log.

Now... the shot we see of Mr. Card leaning over and whispering... was that when the 'first' plane hit, or the second? I do NOT know the answer to this, but, if it were the first, it would make allot of difference. Initially we 'all' thought a terrible accident had happened. And by the time the second one hit, we ALL knew we were under attack. See the difference? If anyone knows this answer, I'd like to know.

Friday, August 06, 2004

9/11 Commission

The 9/11 commission report is by all accounts a best seller. The interesting thing to me is, they (the commission) do not want to go away after supposedly completing their task. They now are 'demanding' that their recommendations be implemented carte blanche. Pullleeezze. And not only that, they want it done immediately!!

I give you, ladies and gentlemen, The Patriot Act. How many members of congress have you heard complaining about that piece of legislation? Too many to count. And I have actually heard many publicly state they never read it before voting for it's implementation. And they are howling about it on a daily basis. So now we want to do it again???

I think they had better slow the sam hill down, implementing what can be done immediately that which will not upset the applecart, and going mucho slower on those things that require much coordination.

Ms. Gorelick who was on the commission for goodness sake was one of those responsible for the stovepipe conditions that existed between the CIA and the FBI... "SHE" should have been a witness and not a member of the commission, but that is another subject.

Bottom line is, slow down, do it right.

P.S. Do you know 'anybody' that has been inconvenienced by The Patriot Act???? Me either! Just wondering.

John McCain One More Time

I wish I could figure this fellow out. The democrat party is almost orgasmic over him and have been for months on end. Then when he stood up and endorsed Mr. Bush for re-election, they piped down, until the next time they needed him.

In this case it is the soldiers who have stood up against Mr. Kerry. McCain comes out and says they are a disgrace.... now, I suppose he is entitled to say that; I just wonder why he has not spoken out against the constant drip drip drip against President Bush... Joe Wilson (proven wrong), Michael Moore's so called documentary, - to my knowledge, and I pay quite close attention, not a disparaging word from Mr. McCain.

In fact, waaaay back there when the Senator from Arizona came home from Vietnam, in an interview he spoke out against John Kerry. It was in response to Kerry's affiliation with Jane Fonda and that group.... his (McCain's) thoughts being that those groups had given the VC incentive to continue on etc. And now???

Here is the deal folks... John Kerry is the one who brought the Viet Nam war to this campaign. "HE" is the one who espouses his four fricking months there. What in the world are we doing going back to 1969 when we are preparing to pick a President? And... are NOT Mr. Kerry's senatorial record a subject to address in this campaign? He devoted less than two minutes during his acceptance speech to the last 18-20 years of his life. Come on!! If you check just a little, you will see why.

So in conclusion Mr. McCain... I am getting sick and tired of your antics... I actually wish, you would pack your bags, go home to Arizona and take a rest. Quit straddling the fence. Take a stand my man. In short, BE a MAN!!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Mr. Kerry

For whatever reason, I've been locked out of this blog from home, arrgh. I've been wanting to post on this issue for a few days. Since I'm at the office, I will just say: why in the world is it accepted as gospel when some soldiers stand up at the convention and 'praise' Mr. Kerry, and then when some speak against him, they are branded as lower than snake dung? Hmmmmmm???? Can ya please answer that for this feeble minded fellow?

I have a sneaking suspicion this book coming out is going to be devastating... it will be interesting to see how it plays... already #1 on and it is not out yet. I consider that a good sign. :)

Monday, August 02, 2004

This Election is O V E R

I watched the Sunday news shows... after listening to them I concluded that Mr. Kerry and Mr. Edwards were going to be elected in a landslide. Feeling rather depressed, I put a pork loin on the grill, slathered with salsa and a jar of roasted red peppers and fresh onions. Also cut up a large zucchinni squash, battered and fried it for dinner. The loin was very tasty, the sweetcorn was indeed sweet, but I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. And thennnnnnn I woke up Monday morning and heard that instead of getting the normal bump from their convention, President Bush actually made up ground in the first polls after the democrat convention. What???? How can that be??? Could it be one more example of why the viewership of the networks continues to fall? Methinks that may be a reason.
So, today I will eat left over pork tenderloin and savor the flavor one more time. While nobody can predict the election results, I feel better this morning thinking about the chances.