John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, March 27, 2008

You Would "NOT" Forget

Pffft - zing - thump - whack!  Dayyyammm Hillary, duck your hayid.  The point?  Were you shot at by snipers, you would not forget. Period. The military may have wished that base 'were' under sniper attach.  You wouldn't have been allowed to land.


Signed:  A typical white man.

Monday, March 24, 2008

I 'Had' Wavered - Last on Obama and The Preacher

Anyone who knows me, will understand just how difficult it is to admit what I'm about to say.  I am a conservative, period.  Whether or not it is political fatigue or just plain disgust, I had felt Barack Obama was a fresh start for everyone.

I am not nieve,  I pretty much know his voting record.  By that I mean, 'how' he's voted on different issues that differentiate a liberal and a conservative philosophically speaking.  I was willing to believe that as President, Mr. Obama would select somewhat of a middle ground.  He had convinced me that words mean something. He could inspire me when he spoke, me, a craggy ole conservative. 

Here is the interesting part.  I had heard about Reverend Wright almost one year ago via Shawn Hannity.  It had slipped my mind, probably because one year ago Hillary was going to be anointed, even though  we knew at the time Barrack was going to run. 

I have heard all the pabulum about how Blacks have a very different perspective than Whites and are therefore allowed to spew crapola.  B.S.  This means that racism as we know it will NEVER go away.  It means that all the gains Blacks have made mean  nothing.  When Obama talked about Don Imus, saying he should be fired etc., I thought.  Well he has gonads, and again he said, "words mean something".  And that is where he loses me.  For him to sit in that church and listen to the good reverend spew his sewage and not repudiate said sewage; I cannot even think of voting for him.  For those who said he did repudiate the reverend, I again say, B.S.  Obama got me close to voting for a democrat, and that may be partly because of my disdain for McCain, but he did get me close.

I still suspect Obama will get the nomination in the end, but he won't get my vote, and yes, I will vote.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I Am Slow, But Learning

So 'this' one is for Hillary - Will  she now have to apologize for him?  Pretty amazing stuff.

This is quite sad to me; I believe we are going to go backwards twenty, maybe thirty years. 

Look - I was raised on a farm in NW Iowa - I never saw (in person), a person of color until I was  fifteen years old.  I remember Little Rock - it was on TV every day for what seemed forever. 

For Barrack Obama or anyone else listening - I think you have now blown your chance to be 'my' President.  To have brought 'this' issue back to the fore at this point in time?  Ya blew it Barrack.  Just where is that judgement you talked about?  "YOU" said words mean something... unhuh, they do.

Are you all beginning to understand why Hillary has hung in there?  I am.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Senator's Speech

I listened to Senator Obama today - once again, he has shown he can deliver a speech with verbal silkiness.  He's good, he's dadgummed good.

I admired the fact he did not throw the Reverend Wright under the bus.  Had he, he'd have lost many because it would have been too hypocritical.

What he did NOT address, at least in my mind, was his own judgment in putting The Reverend on his advisory council (since removed). 

In the final analysis, the speech was a home run.  I didn't like the fact he cringed at his grandmother's statements, but...

Monday, March 17, 2008

He Can NOT Hide

I think, in my own mind, Barrack is making some serious mistakes in not taking The Rev. Wright to task.  He has got to publicly disavow this guy doesn't he? 

I don't care if he and his family were physically present when one of the cited sermons were given or not; it strains the credulity of anyone's imagination that Barrack 'and' Michelle were not aware of the venom spewed from that pulpit.  If people wanna hide their heads in the sand and believe he (The Senator) was not there, therefore was unaware, you are smokin something.

I had the audacity sometime ago to say I was proud of this country and how far it has come as it relates to race.  I now believe (I think), if The Senator does not publicly disavow The Reverend, it will set race relations back bigtime.   

In the final analysis, this will rouse the old Scoop Jackson Democrats to probably cross over for McCain in the general.  A gift for the elephants it would appear to me.  Course I could be full of ka ka.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Senator's Pastor

It is not the fact (in my mind), what the pastor has said.  In my mind, it is the fact he has been saying this sort of thing for years and has remained The Senator's pastor.  Umm, this Senator has been speaking of the bad judgement exercised by Clinton, Bush, (and anyone else who voted to go to war). I personally think he has exercised bad judgement for not leaving this church, period.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Can You Imagine Limbaugh Saying This

"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

Know who said it?  Geraldine Ferraro - Have you heard it blabbed all over the media?   Nope, and you probably won't (unless someone like Limbaugh says it).  Unbelievable to me why the Blacks in this country are so wrapped up in the democrat party. 

I will tell you when it will change - when the Hispanics as a voting block surpass in numbers that will hurt, Blacks.  And that day is coming quickly. At that time, you might see a break from the 90% + devotion to the democrat party by Blacks.

BTW, Geraldine is backing Hillary - umm, wonder what Her Highness thinks.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Will it Ever Go Away - Racism

Regardless your 'political' thoughts, how many of you were sort of proud that a black was able to get to, and probably win the nomination of one of our political parties?  I had good feelings to think how far this country has come.  But, as this process moves on down the road, I suspect racism will never go away, much like sexism won't either.

Evidently (I have not been watching), Shawn Hannity has been running a series regarding some remarks Barrack's pastor has said.  Evidently Shawn's 'test' is, just change the word 'black' to 'white', and if you did, you'd be run up the nearest tree for being racist. 

I am continually amazed to hear people justify statements like those when spoken by a black but will jump at the most minute similar remark spoken by a white.

I had high hopes; I now suspect it will never go away... no matter what though, we have come along way from when I was a child. Same with sexism.

As for me?  When I meet someone I respect, be it a black person or be it a woman in a power position... I generally find I not only respect them, I like them.  Do I have prejudices?  Truthfully I suspect I do... as do you.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Democrat Party

Wow - things are getting interesting out there doncha think?  I was sitting at my grandson's BB game last night; son-in-law says he thought Hillary was dead in the race.  I just casually said not until they drive a stake through her heart. 

It does look like now, it will go to the convention in Denver - it will be exciting if you are a junkie I guess, and I will confess right now I am.  Hillary has definitely found her voice since I wrote on Feb 22 I thought I had heard her concede. 

One thing I never heard mentioned until late this morning, and it was not a TV commentator, it was Christopher Hitchens.  He picked up the very thing I did when I heard Hillary giving her acceptance in Ohio.

During the acceptance she mentioned she had won in Florida and won in Michigan.  News flash folks.  She did NOT win  in those states.  Those states were not allowed delegate wise because they broke the rules.  But... Hillary is counting on a redo with those two states, book on it. 

In the meantime, it has been a hoot for me to hear the commentators blame Rush Limbaugh for perverting the system by urging republicans to cross over and vote for Hillary in Texas and Ohio.  What idiots.  They all thought it was wonderful when quote, unquote, INDEPENDENT voters crossed over to vote for McCain.  It was wonderful then, not so now.  I say, they were just mavericks.   Yup, it tis gonna be fun.