He Can NOT Hide
I think, in my own mind, Barrack is making some serious mistakes in not taking The Rev. Wright to task. He has got to publicly disavow this guy doesn't he?
I don't care if he and his family were physically present when one of the cited sermons were given or not; it strains the credulity of anyone's imagination that Barrack 'and' Michelle were not aware of the venom spewed from that pulpit. If people wanna hide their heads in the sand and believe he (The Senator) was not there, therefore was unaware, you are smokin something.
I had the audacity sometime ago to say I was proud of this country and how far it has come as it relates to race. I now believe (I think), if The Senator does not publicly disavow The Reverend, it will set race relations back bigtime.
In the final analysis, this will rouse the old Scoop Jackson Democrats to probably cross over for McCain in the general. A gift for the elephants it would appear to me. Course I could be full of ka ka.
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