John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Democrat Party

Wow - things are getting interesting out there doncha think?  I was sitting at my grandson's BB game last night; son-in-law says he thought Hillary was dead in the race.  I just casually said not until they drive a stake through her heart. 

It does look like now, it will go to the convention in Denver - it will be exciting if you are a junkie I guess, and I will confess right now I am.  Hillary has definitely found her voice since I wrote on Feb 22 I thought I had heard her concede. 

One thing I never heard mentioned until late this morning, and it was not a TV commentator, it was Christopher Hitchens.  He picked up the very thing I did when I heard Hillary giving her acceptance in Ohio.

During the acceptance she mentioned she had won in Florida and won in Michigan.  News flash folks.  She did NOT win  in those states.  Those states were not allowed delegate wise because they broke the rules.  But... Hillary is counting on a redo with those two states, book on it. 

In the meantime, it has been a hoot for me to hear the commentators blame Rush Limbaugh for perverting the system by urging republicans to cross over and vote for Hillary in Texas and Ohio.  What idiots.  They all thought it was wonderful when quote, unquote, INDEPENDENT voters crossed over to vote for McCain.  It was wonderful then, not so now.  I say, they were just mavericks.   Yup, it tis gonna be fun.


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