John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision denied a woman's petition for discrimination against her company because she did not file within the time line established [by law]. As I understand it, one has 180 days to file such a lawsuit and she in fact was well past the established criteria.
While I find it difficult to see how the four on the court in the minority could possibly vote the way they did, this decision manifests very clearly the idea of legislating from the bench. The majority merely said, the law says x,y,z. If you in fact want to change the law Congress, have at it; for whatever reason, the minority on the court simply wanted to do this themselves.
The idea is simple - would you rather have the nine justices making your laws or your representatives in Congress? Making Congress the lawmakers at least gives a better chance for us all being represented.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Presidential Newsconference

1) The President really believes in this immigration bill - I would have to say it is perhaps 'the' issue I most strongly disagree with him on - simply put, you have to show me you are going to secure the borders before anything else.

2) I was struck by some new language regarding Iraq - it seems to me it is the first time I have heard him say, "if the Iraqis want us to leave, we will". I had heard him imply that before; today there was no misunderstanding his statement. He also made reference to being in agreement with [one] aspect of the Baker Hamilton Study Group. First time I have heard that. Hmmm.

3) It is clear to me the media does not believe the seriousness of Al Quada. So be it I guess; the American people will just have to make up their own minds. You listen to the questions from the media - whether you agree with President Bush or not, he has an iron constitution.

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Immigration Bill

    I dunno how you feel about this bill, but I hope it goes down in flames.  All I really needed to know is who announced it, one each Theodore Kennedy.  For those that don't know, Teddy is the one who authored the previous bill waaay back there that was supposed to fix our immigration problems once and for all.

    Thank goodness for the Internet is all I have to say - years ago these things would be passed and then we would be notified.  Now, we can do some searching and find out what is going on before it is crammed down our throats.  It may be anyway, but at least we don't have the excuse we didn't know.  

    I do not let The President off on this either.  For whatever reason, he is backing this and he couldn't be more wrong. As for me?  I will settle for a new bill.  Here is the verbiage in toto:  Senate Bill #: S001a - Title: Immigration 2007 - The United States will enforce all immigration laws currently on the books. The end.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Test of New Service

This is a test of a new service I found called 'WriteToMyBlog'.  It looks like it will be useful for writing Blog entries and even comes with a spell checker.  It is accessed online at:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Paul McNulty - Assistant Attorney General

I guess this guy is [quitting] / [resigning] towards the end of this summer. One can think what they want about General Gonzales and all the crapola being reported out of his office, but I can't really figure out why Paul's leaving is being portrayed as it is - "IF" he were leaving as an act of conscience, don't you think he'd do it post haste? This sort of reporting drives me nutso.

I'm saying, because of 'when' he is leaving, he is part of any administration well into their second term... leaving in order to utilize his status to garner a better paying position in the real world, and not the fantasy land we call government. And "IF" he is leaving because of the fired attorney issue, and waiting till the end of summer, then he is as emasculated as the rest of them. Until I hear him speak, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ethnic Neighborhood Smells / Sights

I was out for an evening walk and while I have never even thought about the different ethnicities in this neighborhood, it is apparent they are here. First of all, the smells of freshly cut grass permeated the air. Mmm, I love the smell of fresh cut grass, lawn grass that is. :)

Anyway, I'm going along with my own belly full after supper. All of a sudden I distinctly smelled Chinese food. Dunno if it was carry-out or if someone was in stirring the pot, but it smelled wonderful... abit further and someone was grilling, just normal grilling, and then abit further and you could smell a smoker.

Funny the different things running through one's mind while out walking. I probably saw a minimum of four different ethnic groups while on this walk; it truly is what America is all about it seems to me. And yet, I then hoped they were all here legally.

By the time I got home and cooled down I need some peanut butter and celery.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Greeting The Public

I had sauntered over to Ace Hardware today to pick up some concrete patch - because my favorite radio show was on, I slipped on the earphones and had them in my ear at the checkout. The lady - middle aged - name of Marge wanted to know if I was listening to a ballgame. I said, nooo, listening to Rush. She frowned and said something like "ugh"!!!

Sensing an opening to public relations, I as sweetly as I could said: doesn't that make you feel good to know I am enjoying this so much? She said she could not stand him. I asked her... can you give me just ONE reason? Just one Marge? She huffed and she puffed and she mentioned the song Barack The Magic Negro. I asked her if she knew the origin of the song and if she knew what a parody was... by now she was gittin red in the face and my enjoyment was almost complete. I told her she needed to listen longer; told her it takes six weeks of sustained listening to [get] what he is saying. I thought the fellow behind me in line was going to croak. I left the store with an added spring in my step... (actually I have new Z-Coil shoes), but they seemed extra springy.

Friday, May 04, 2007

President Bush

Take a moment, if you will, and read this short oration from the Charleston Daily Mail. Dunno the author, Mr. Surbur, but it is very refreshing to read someone who does not have an agenda, just recites teensie weensie facts. Facts, they are so difficult for the big media boys and girls to discern.

Here is the link:

Regarding the meat of the article as to what the President said, the other 'facts' about how many troops are still positioned around the world in countries 'we all' deem safe... have you heard even one of the new candidates speak of repositioning them? Just food for thought.