John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, September 29, 2006


I meandered a little this week. A nephew had told me I should try a little place called The Dugout in Murdock Nebraska. Wednesday was so very beautiful, not a cloud in the sky, and my better half was otherwise engaged. So I headed south and west (about 40 miles). When I got to Murdock I could not remember the name of the eating establishment, but pulled up to the only one I could find... since the outside appearance did not warrant the lavish praise nephew had spewed, I called him and told him where I was, and is this the place - he confirmed it was, so in I went.

Hometown America - that's what The Bulldog bar and grill is. I had an open faced prime rib sandwich with shrrrrrooooms and melted cheese on top, some curly cue fries and some cole slaw. It was a busy place and I enjoyed watching the people... the people of small town America, hardy folk who generally are genuine. Perhaps because at one point in my life I came from small town America. I can remember going into the small town cafe with my father and saying I wanted a hamburger with meat!!! Just seemed natural to me I guess. Anyway it was delicious and I will traipse back that way on some beautiful day.

After lunch, I dropped further south and went to Kimmel Orchard - bought some fresh apple butter, and some fresh apple doughnuts... the orchard was humming as it 'is' that time of year. The actual festival is over but it is indeed still harvest time.

Turning back north for home I stopped into another orchard (Union Orchard) as I had passed it many times over the years. It was a good stop. There I bought a fresh, uncooked, frozen peach pie. I cooked that sucker yesterday... first of all, the smell in the house was wonderful, and the pie itself was simply outrageously good!!! I had to fight to only have a single slice but it will be savored until gone.

Winter will be here soon enough, but I doubt there is anything as serene as a drive through the heartland of America on a cloudless fall day. A drive like that will ground you in the magnificence of what we call home. It was a good day.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Advertising Works In Strange Ways

I have my phone, my cable TV, and my internet service all with Cox® Communications. Another company (Quest) has been running for months an ad offering the same services, but the part that intrigued me was their internet service... $21.99 [for life]. Hmmm, this got my attention and I finally went to talk to a rep the other day. I brought the data home to discuss with 'The Boss'. She didn't have a problem, so...

I called Cox® and asked my customer service gal to tell me why I should stay with them because I had made up my mind to change it all over to Quest. She made two half hearted attempts to tell me things like having to port my phone number etc., which she soon learned I'd done before. Then, within two minutes she had offered me a reduction from my current billing down $16.00 and change per month for six monthes. I says... so, in six months, I call you again and go through the drill again, right? And I can just ask for you, right? Anyway, this proves to me that the Quest advertising is working. You cannot convince me that were I the only one, that Cox® would give little ole me a break.

BTW, this reduction in cost is what NEW Cox® customers are offered for six months according to my customer service rep. My reply to that was, I have been a longtime paying customer. Bout time maybe "I" got a little something from you folks. Know what? She agreeed. We went on to gab about what I was cooking for supper and Rotella's Bakery. It was a good day.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Passing Thoughts

I watched the Chris Wallace & President Clinton interview today. The President was peeved to say the least. I'm not a big Wallace fan, but thought he maintained his cool under intense pressure from President Clinton. And, for the record... almost to the word, Wallace asked the same questions of Rummy as far back as 2004. Just an interesting interview.

While watching the news this evening I wondered out loud just when was the last time you heard a news commentator say something GOOD about these United States... think about it, and I'm not talking local folks. The national media. And yet, those folks are running over the border every day, trying to get the the 'better life'. Must be something good here doncha think? I do!!!

The lastest rage (actually been going on for quite a spell) is to say we are creating more terrorists by being in Iraq etc. First of all, we were not in Iraq when the hit the Trade Center towers (either time), we weren't there when they hit the USS Cole, and on and on. I just wonder then... do we just turn the other cheek? Because ladies and gents... those folk 'are' serious about ending our way of life.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Our Visitors

I refer to Mr. Chavez and the Mr. Ahmadinejad. While it sickened me to hear them speak, I suppose the fawning over them by many in our media actually made me feel worse. The fact they are 'allowed' to speak in this country like they did speaks volumes 'for' this country. It 'is' I guess, why so many try to come (at least one of the reasons).

Yes, we do indeed, even with all our faults, have the single most wanted place to be on this earth, right here within the borders of these United States. Mr. Chavez and Mr. Ahmadinejad can come here and ridicule all they want, but they sure won't allow that same ridicule within the borders of 'their' countries. Fascinating doncha think?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

This'n That

So much going on in this old world. Don't really know where to start. Maybe that's not good.

Iranian President - watched a Brian Williams interview with this nut case. Forget what the Iranian said... I was stunned by watching Williams myself. I don't think he once looked him in the eye. What was that all about? Guess he didn't want to be influenced. ha ha

President Bush speech to United Nations - the man has fortitude. He has conviction. He does not waver. He generally has my support, and I see very few on the national stage who have the conviction he has regarding the real issue of who the enemy is and what to do about that enemy.

United Nations - holy cow, can anyone and I mean anyone deny the ineptness of this organization? Take the Iranian issue as the most recent. You can blame the French if you want, goodness knows they are playing a major part in the current Iranian issue, but... resolution after resolution, none of which have to be honored apparently. What does it mean? It means in my mind the institution may as well be absolved. We can go on and on, Darfur - oil for food - inner corruption. It does not end, and for sure, again in my mind, it should be relocated. I'd say, were it put somewhere with access to less affluence, more would get done... say, Hatii, or perhaps, I dunno, you pick the place. The point is, perhaps, just perhaps they would accomplish more if for no other reason than to get outta the place they are and go back home.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A New Project

Dunno if they will accept me, but I received a request from AARP the other day to assist in explaining medicare issues to old folks. Ha Ha... they will train me and then go from there. I sort of have an ulterior motive... I figure I will be old soon myself, and I need to brush up on what is coming. I am 'not' laughing at the old folk. I also realize many consider 'me' old. In fact, considering I never expected to get to this age anyway, I guess I am.

This is not a paying job but I think I will benefit quite abit myself, and I'm not looking for a paying job anyway (at least not yet).

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Rules of Engagement

"IF" the recent article I read in the NY Post is accurate, I am quite ticked. They had many, read as more than 50 Taliban supposedly sighted via a drone in Afghanistan. The problem? They were attending a funeral in a cemetery and according to 'our' rules of engagement, attacking in a cemetery is a no no. Hog Crap!!! If this country is going to ask our men/women to put their lives on the line, then whenever, and yes, where ever the enemy is found they should be eliminated. And to be able to do it without putting our people at risk is just a bonus.

If The President is pulsed on this and does not have a satisfactory answer, he will have many angry Americans. I understand relations with the leaders of other countries, but if anyone thinks even one of those bastards wouldn't cut your, or members of your family's heart out, you are a fool. It is a war. Get used to it and go win it. Unleash the reins Mr. President. Eliminate them post haste! The 'rules' need changed.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Movie

I got to watch it - it was riveting. I nor anyone else except those present at the actual events will ever know if the portrayals are [true]. One thing is for sure, 9/11 happened, the horror was real and I hope this country never forgets who perpetrated the evel acts. I'm not into whether or not this country could have stopped it - others can debate that... further, while I know much has happened since, much money has been spent etc., never will all be satisfied. The commision gave the administration a failing grade for something like 17 of their 41 recommendations. So be it. Much has still been done and nobody can deny the fact. Just ask anyone who travels.

One almost chilling note. As I watched the film it had been interrupted while President Bush addressed the nation. When it resumed, there was a sequence when the first tower fell. Guess what time it was on my TV screen at precisely that moment.... you may be ahead of me... it was 9:11. A chill went up my back... nothing to do with the movie, just a happenstance that seemed appropriate.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

ABC 9/11 Movie

So, will it be shown? Cain't tell yet. Will it be worth watching? Dunno. It sounds like it has been shredded / edited / changed, pick your own descriptive. I've had my calander tagged for three weeks to be sure to watch. I still will (if it is on at all).

Here is what interests me the most. From what I've heard and read, neither the Clinton administration 'nor' the Bush administration get off scott free in this [docu-drama]. Both administrations are portrayed as being deficient in having this country properly defended. Umm, just wondering if anyone has heard the Bush administration demanding the [DOCU-DRAMA] be pulled.

I wonder if 'only' the Bush administration were being castigated, would the Clinton lawyers be demanding the [DOCU-DRAMA] be pulled??? Hmmmm????

Pardone - I really must go and retch.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Last on Plamegate

I heard Armitage on the news last night being interviewed. His summatiion? I screwed up. How very very pathetic. And the fact he 'TOLD' Colin Powell (his boss at the time), that he was Novak's source makes my stomach turn. The whole fricking investigation was unnecessary. The special prosecutor should be prosecuted for incompetence.

As for Mr. and Mrs. Wilson? Slink back into your holes. The stench is overwhelming.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


I guess the dew is off the roses - if one is to believe all the media spewing around, the GOP is going to lose the House for sure, and perhaps have significant losses in the Senate as well. I'm not yet ready to concede but am mentally preparing.

I wrote quite some time ago that The President had six months to turn Iraq around, and that was six months from whenever I wrote that statement. Obviously it has not turned around, and while I admire his sticktuitiveness, the american people in general have no patience. Not a criticism, just a fact.

For me, the bigger thing is the spending the GOP has done. They led us to believe for many moons / years that they were the conservative spenders. Crapola. The congress as has been stated here for a long time controls the purse strings. The President 'can' veto and he has not, so he is culpable also in my mind.

I freely admit I am disappointed in the GOP - there is not much time to turn it around. The two major problems in my mind are as stated above, controlling the spending and getting control of the borders. The saddest part of this is the simple fact that the democrats will do even worse. What a revolting development.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Football !!!

It's time to kick it off!!! A good time of year to be from this part of the country. While I still miss the previous two announcers, I can live with the curtrent one. : ) Nothing much better than to sit out on the deck, crank the radio and listen to the Huskers. Especially when the weather has been like it has this month. Temp today supposed to be in the hi 60s, lower 70s. What player would not like that!!!???!!!