John Smyzer's Ramblings

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Our Visitors

I refer to Mr. Chavez and the Mr. Ahmadinejad. While it sickened me to hear them speak, I suppose the fawning over them by many in our media actually made me feel worse. The fact they are 'allowed' to speak in this country like they did speaks volumes 'for' this country. It 'is' I guess, why so many try to come (at least one of the reasons).

Yes, we do indeed, even with all our faults, have the single most wanted place to be on this earth, right here within the borders of these United States. Mr. Chavez and Mr. Ahmadinejad can come here and ridicule all they want, but they sure won't allow that same ridicule within the borders of 'their' countries. Fascinating doncha think?


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