I guess the dew is off the roses - if one is to believe all the media spewing around, the GOP is going to lose the House for sure, and perhaps have significant losses in the Senate as well. I'm not yet ready to concede but am mentally preparing.
I wrote quite some time ago that The President had six months to turn Iraq around, and that was six months from whenever I wrote that statement. Obviously it has not turned around, and while I admire his sticktuitiveness, the american people in general have no patience. Not a criticism, just a fact.
For me, the bigger thing is the spending the GOP has done. They led us to believe for many moons / years that they were the conservative spenders. Crapola. The congress as has been stated here for a long time controls the purse strings. The President 'can' veto and he has not, so he is culpable also in my mind.
I freely admit I am disappointed in the GOP - there is not much time to turn it around. The two major problems in my mind are as stated above, controlling the spending and getting control of the borders. The saddest part of this is the simple fact that the democrats will do even worse. What a revolting development.
Ooops....I posted my comment on the wrong blog. See Football blog for my comment on this blog. Confused??
Anonymous, at 9:27 AM
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