John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

This'n That

So much going on in this old world. Don't really know where to start. Maybe that's not good.

Iranian President - watched a Brian Williams interview with this nut case. Forget what the Iranian said... I was stunned by watching Williams myself. I don't think he once looked him in the eye. What was that all about? Guess he didn't want to be influenced. ha ha

President Bush speech to United Nations - the man has fortitude. He has conviction. He does not waver. He generally has my support, and I see very few on the national stage who have the conviction he has regarding the real issue of who the enemy is and what to do about that enemy.

United Nations - holy cow, can anyone and I mean anyone deny the ineptness of this organization? Take the Iranian issue as the most recent. You can blame the French if you want, goodness knows they are playing a major part in the current Iranian issue, but... resolution after resolution, none of which have to be honored apparently. What does it mean? It means in my mind the institution may as well be absolved. We can go on and on, Darfur - oil for food - inner corruption. It does not end, and for sure, again in my mind, it should be relocated. I'd say, were it put somewhere with access to less affluence, more would get done... say, Hatii, or perhaps, I dunno, you pick the place. The point is, perhaps, just perhaps they would accomplish more if for no other reason than to get outta the place they are and go back home.


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