John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arizona and Immigration Issue

   I read today the government is going to have unmanned drones flying over the border with Mexico.  Umm, will the drones be armed?  If not, for what is their purpose?  We already know people are penetrating the border.

   The news reports 70% of the people in Arizona are ‘for’ the new law.  If you come to this country ‘legally’ (there is that terrible word), you are issued a green card.  When it is issued to you, you are instructed to have it with you at all times.  This means you must have ‘PAPERS’ to show you are here legally.  Sigh.  Sounds Nazi-ish to me.

   The mayor of San Francisco has mandated any city worker making in excess of 100K NOT visit Arizona.  The governor of AZ should give all those arrested for being in AZ illegally a one way ticket to San Francisco. Tell’em the benefits in San Fran are very generous.

Monday, April 26, 2010

General Motors Deception

   I have bought ‘new’ three General Motors cars – further I have bought two General Motors Program Cars.  As of now, I will NEVER buy another General Motors car - ‘ever’.  And because of a previous employer, I can get a discount on new purchases.  Why?

   When GM places an ad with their chief executive Ed Whitacre strolling through an assembly plant and exclaiming GM has paid back their government loan in full, it makes me want to vomit. 

   They used TARP money to pay back the loan folks, and it seems to me they should be just abit more truthful that it was taxpayer money… a shifting of funds in other words.

   Nope, never will I buy another GM product. 

Sunday, April 25, 2010


What with the oil rig accident in the gulf, if ever there were a chance for drilling, it has passed. Sad reality.
John McCain has turned real conservative in his race in Arizona. Man I hope those folks don't fall for him 'again'.
I do not know if the new law passed by the governor of Arizona is unconstitutional or not, but... I give them credit for doing 'something'. The Feds have been negligent for years across many administrations. Arizona is the pipeline for many other states. I applaud them, and if Sheriff Joe is running for anything, he has my vote!!
I see there is violence in Arizona tonight 'against' the new law on ILLEGAL immigration. Bottles being thrown, fires being started. Umm, did 'anyone' see this at any tea party? Just wondering. Perhaps this is the violence former President Clinton was yodeling about. Sigh.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I Could Not Resist

I saw this on Lucianne.Com and could not resist posting same. If you do not understand the picture, think the old saying. "Does a wild bear poo poo in the woods?"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Leetle Philosophy

There's an old sea story in the Navy about a ship's Captain who inspected his sailors, and afterward told the Chief Boatswain that
his men smelled bad. The Captain suggested perhaps it would help if the sailors would change underwear occasionally.

The Chief responded, "Aye, aye sir, I'll see to it immediately!"

The Chief went straight to the sailors berth deck and announced, "The Captain thinks you guys smell bad and wants you to change your
underwear." He continued, "Pittman, you change with Jones, McCarthy, you change with Witkowski, and Brown, you change with Schultz. Now GET TO IT!"

Someone may come along and promise "Change", but don't count on things smelling any better.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Random Thoughts

   I feel for the people laying around the airports without anyway to get home.  Many are running out of money – dunno why in the world they don’t just ask for a ‘bailout’. 

   Do you find it suspicious that right before the Healthcare Bill came to fruition it was revealed Blue Cross Blue Shield of California was raising rates real high?  Now, just as the Finance Bill comes up, it is revealed there have been dastardly acts by Goldman Sachs.  I wonder if one of those acts was the contribution of nearly one million to our President. 

   I don’t know quite ‘what’ to make of the fact President Obama has played more rounds of golf in less than two years than President Bush did during his entire two terms.  Different folks will draw their own conclusions. Me?  I just observe.

   Barbara Boxer in a campaign rally in California asking her supporters to get fired up like the Tea Party folks is quite interesting.  I thought Tea Partiers were  scum of the earth.  Evidently their passion is beginning to make the other side feel the heat.  When I say the other side, I’m not real sure what I mean.  I think incumbents in general are in some trouble this year. 

   The volcano in Iceland once again makes me realize just how insignificant we on earth are when it comes to pollution.  Were I to guess, I’d suspect more pollution has resulted and is still ensuing from this eruption, than years and years of man made pollution even thought of creating.  We are dust in the wind, and to ‘think’ we have to ability to control nature is beyond me.

   If I were a betting man, I would bet you most anything that no new off-shore drilling will ensue during the “entire” Obama administration, whether it is four or eight years.  He sound doggone good telling us about it though, just about the time we wanna hear about drilling.  Nor by the way will any new nuclear plants be started.  Any takers?

   Did you hear who Goldman Sachs hired as their lawyer?  Former White House Counsel Gregory Craig. Ha ha ha ha.  You can’t make this stuff up.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I Love This Sign

Thursday, April 15, 2010


   For the last couple of weeks it has been very warm for this early in the year.  Am I complaining?  Nope. I cite this fact to say I am expecting my wrens to arrive exactly one week early.  They usually arrive the week of 21-28 April.  This year I expect them next week.

   Will he be right?  You can make book I will let you know.  They may be laying over around Topeka about now. smile_angel

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tiger’s Return

   Round three of The Masters has just completed… Tiger is four strokes off the lead.  I will say he has done better than I thought. Herewith a couple of observations.

   #1  The golf tournaments leading up to The Masters, where Tiger was not participating did not draw my interest.  In passing I would tune them in and then drift away, rather quickly.

   #2  I find I cannot get certain images out of my mind as it pertains to Tiger and his umm, ladies.  I am no prude, and I am not without failings.  I do believe in second chances etc… all that rot that is going around.  I still see images when they are interviewing, and or he is putting.  Can’t seem to get them out of my mind, and I’d prefer to just watch him play golf. 

   #3  I said after November’s incident I used to have Tiger on a pedestal.  Obviously I no longer to, but for some reason I want to; I doubt it is going to happen.  I have a certain revulsion when I see him, and frankly I no longer care if he wins or not. 

   Just my opinion, and up to this point I am still allowed to have one.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Ms. Pelosi Was Right

David Freddoso: Five things we learned about Obamacare after it passed | Washington Examiner

   If you recall, The Speaker told us the bill had to be passed so we could find out what is in the bill.  Well, we are finding out more each and every day. 
   Our lawmakers wonder why people are incensed.  These actions are not unique to people we send to Congress - locally one of the mayors has to go through the City Council if his actions result in an expenditure of $20,000 or more.  So, since he does not want to go through the Council, he is ensuring the expenditures are $19,500.  Now I ask you... is there reason to be upset or not? 
   The Tea Party folks will only grow in number, and we will soon be third world in nature.  Either that or a new currency may become reality... in other words just start over.  We as a country simply don't have anymore money. 
   Paul Volker is now talking VAT tax, and even that will not solve the problem.  The problem is spending and not taxation.  The more they get, the more they spend.  And that is even if they don't have it to spend. A sad day indeed.

Monday, April 05, 2010

The Woods Presser

   I would not be surprised, after all is said and done if Elin is not said to be the villain in this situation.  Especially if she decides to leave or stay away. 

Saturday, April 03, 2010

The News as Reported

   One day this week, early morning I had MSNBC (Morning Joe) on the tube as I checked emails etc.  They began talking about Newark NJ and the fact Newark had gone thirty consecutive days without a murder.  Since I am not familiar with Newark’s crime rate, I had to assume this was an oddity – no murders for thirty days. 

   In my normal morning stupor, I tired of Morning Joe and flipped over to IMUS.  They were reading the news story about the very same issue – Newark’s thirty days without a murder…. ‘except’… they added one teensy weensy fact.  There had been eight shootings during those thirty days.

   We can conclude one important thing.  The shooters in Newark are firing only to wound, not kill.  I thought the story and the reading of it from two different sources was both revealing and funny.