John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Things That Make You Go Hmmm

   We had a shooting in a local hospital yesterday.  The shooting itself is not the story here.  During the reporting it was revealed a lady was on the third floor where her son was getting a liver transplant.  So you ask, why is that part of the story.  Well, the lady was from Canada.  Without knowing anything more than that, I wanna know why in the world ‘anyone’ from Canada, where they have such wonderful health care, would dare come to Omaha Nebraska and get a liver transplant. This will NOT stand!!!

   I see where Pottawattamie County in Iowa is going to begin charging room and board for their prisoners.  The charge will be $50.00 per day, American.  The story did NOT mention what happens if the prisoner is indigent or here illegally.  I think they should add a restaurant tax or something to ensure collection of the room and board regardless.  Just saying.

   California and Meg Whitman – my gal Gloria Allred has revealed that Ms. Whitman employed an illegal for 8+ years.  I listened to Ms. Whitman tell Neil Cavuto yesterday she had documents that showed the agency ‘Nikki’ had come from had correct papers when hired.  I know if you lean left, you automatically believe Whitman is a liar.  Personally I don’t care.  I’d like to believe she is smarter than to NOT have proper papers.  I of course have other questions.  To wit:

      1)  I have NO doubt Whitman was withholding taxes to include social security etc. on this employee.  Start thinking about that just a little bit.

      2)  Think of all the people involved who KNEW ‘Nikki’ was here illegally. Makes my stomach churn.

   Finally, I give you a link to beautiful aerial photography.  It is titled "Earth From Above" and is the result of the aerial photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand's five-year airborne odyssey across six continents.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Various Sundry Subjects

   I notice several national columnists advocating doing away with the filibuster rule in the Senate – I seem to remember these same folks being ‘against’ changing the filibuster rule when the Republicans were in charge.  And they make their arguments with a straight face. Interesting.

   I am stunned at how much ‘news’ one can pick up via 140 characters. Shall we say ‘Breaking News’?  One can’t be on Twitter all day, although it seems some are, but when you open Twitter and just scan for abit, it truly is amazing what technology has brought.

   I was listening to Morning Joe the other day.  He is on this kick to umm, take meanness out of politics.  He then goes on to give examples of rhetoric he deemed to be inappropriate.  He referred to <the professional left>, and the <extreme right>.  Joe, words do mean things.  His choice of professional and extreme say it all in my book.

   The state of education in or nations schools is the latest ‘thing’.  I truly do hope the powers that be can come to a resolution and fix the problems in our schools.  In the end, I suspect ‘their’ answer will be to throw money at the issue.  My own belief is, unless and until they address the issue of the unions, they are, shall we say, swimming upstream. President Bush, in ‘his’ effort, “LET” Teddy write the bill named ‘No Child Left Behind’.  This was Bush’s effort at bipartisanship early on in his administration.  Bush of course is savaged for the failure of education reform.  More money is not always the answer.  Sometimes if the money comes after true reform, it does some good. 

   Anybody know what is happening regards the Ground Zero mosque?   Seems to have slipped away.  Either the news is moving too fast, or people have gotten their mileage out of this story. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Advice To The GOP

   If indeed the GOP takes over the Congress, I have abit of advice for them as it pertains to health care, Obama Care, whatever you are calling it these days.

   Most of the media is portraying the GOP as stopping / rescinding healthcare in toto.  First of all, I don’t believe they will even attempt to roll it all back.  My advice is to go slowly.  There are several aspects of the new bill that everyone is in agreement with; two examples are pre-existing conditions and no limit on one’s benefits. 

   I suspect that is the GOP’s intent, but I sure do not hear them refuting the media who keeps insisting the rascally Republicans are going to roll it all back.  Not gonna happen.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Words Mean Things (I Think)

   I have grown tired of people saying things like – there is a Muslim prayer room in the Pentagon – there ‘was’ a Muslim prayer room in The World Trade Center – and on and on. I guess I can easily agree with those statements.   Media people however use these facts to justify a mosque at the so called Ground Zero.

   Is there a mosque in the Pentagon?  Was there a mosque in The World Trade Center? I don’t think so.

   I’ve been on military installations all over the world.  There are chapels on each and every base I’ve visited.  There may in fact be more than one chapel depending on the size of the base.  At no time have I ever seen a denomination specific chapel.  There may be a Protestant service immediately followed by a Catholic service immediately followed by a Jewish service and so on – and the services may be in any order.  Since my time in the military, they have even added Muslim services.  But… I defy you to show me a base that has a mosque. 

   So why do the commentators use the fact ‘services’ are allowed (or were allowed) in these locations to lobby for the mosque at Ground Zero?  I dunno, but in my mind it is an illogical argument.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Why I Do Not Care If They Lose

   Here’s the deal, short and to the point – do you realize if the gentle lady from Maine, Olympia Snowe had not helped the democrats, we would not be stuck with this health care bill now?  This is the very reason I do not care if O’Donnell loses in Delaware.  Correction – I care, I just want someone who will stand on their principles. 

   Have you ever heard a politician campaign on the fact they will raise taxes?  I can only think of one – Walter Mondale, and I think we all know what happened to him.  The point is, they ‘all’ campaign on cutting taxes and spending, then they go to Washington.  This by the way is pointed at both parties.  I ‘hope’ beyond all hope the Republicans have learned their lesson as it appears they are gonna be in charge of the purse strings once again.  If they haven’t learned they will be disposed of in short order.

   I will say again, it appears the women of the Republican Party will be the ones to lead us out of the morass we find ourselves in – they appear to be the ones with the courage, and the backbone to lead.  Hopefully some of the males will fall into line and follow. 

   Finally, I listen to Morning Joe (MSNBC), with some regularity – when the show started a few years ago, I listened because Joe was a conservative, and it was fun watching him balance the ‘generally’ liberal guests on the show.  For the last year or so, Joe has gone squishy.  He now castigates the Republicans almost daily.  A few weeks ago he was dogging Marko Rubio from Florida.  Rubio  was backed by the Tea Partiers, and Joe was backing Charlie Crist who the Republicans refused to back in his bid for the Senate.  So, ole Charlie went Independent, and Joe was saying how much more moderate etc. Charlie was and therefore the one to elect.  This was almost a daily banter. 

   So – now that Rubio is up by 10-15  points Ole Joe is silent.  This should give people with fortitude, those with principles the courage to go on and ignore the learned few.  Perhaps they are not as learned as they think.  The American people are stirred up.

  And really finally – I grew up loving Wiliam F. Buckley – I like Charles Krauthammer today, reading his columns and listening to him regulary on TV – Charles has been knocking Christine O’Donnell as unelectable in Delaware; he talks about Buckley’s rule that says you back the most conservative candidate who is electable.  With all due respect to Mr. Krauthammer; is that not what got us here in the first place?  I want someone who is willing to say ‘no’, who is willing to campaign on that and follow through.  If they campaign on it and lose, so be it; we get precisely what we deserve – to wit, the dishonorable Charlie Rangel who just won his primary and will I am sure be re-elected to serve yet again (among many others). 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

General Thoughts

   Let’s start with the premise nobody seems to have figured out yet.  The American electorate is ‘upset’.  I don’t care what you call them – many call them the Tea Party – others use a derogatory term… doesn’t matter, nobody seems to understand.

   The result in Delaware last night made me proud – in fact it has given me the impetus to probably for the first time in my life, give a donation out of state. 

   The actions of the national Republicans is and was abysmal!  They made me want to vomit!   It is fun watching those who say she had no chance try and eat their words. 

   I listened to them dog Marco Rubio in Florida – guess who has an (in the teens) lead as of this writing.  Give me one Rubio; you can have all the fricking Castles (and McCains), you want.  I want someone with principle.  I don’t care if they pass all the legislation in the world with ONE caveat.  Is it good for America. If it is not good for America, have the gonads to say so and vote against. 

   Chris Christie in Joisey for goodness sakes has my attention.  He is “TELLING” the state’s workers they have to cut back… it is gonna happen.  He is facing reality – PERIOD! Give me ‘more’ Christies!!!

   John McCain on the other had is reverting to form.  He is making noises (now that he is past the primary), of going back to a back door amnesty.  John McCain can kiss my rosie red buttocks!   I am grateful he did not get to be President; he would have literally made me puke – all in the name of ‘getting along’.  I don’t care if he was a war hero; is the legislation good for America!!!! Git it though your heads.  If it is not good for the nation, have courage; say NO!

   There are several women running for elective office (many Republican) who have restored my faith – they have courage – they do NOT care if they are disagreed with – it is called integrity.  They have my support.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

This – That’n – The Other

   Didja ever wonder why nobody believes the government anymore?   This morning when the first-time jobless claims were reported by the government, it was surprisingly low.  The financial people on the networks were breathlessly reporting things were getting better.  One teensie weensie problem.  The numbers were not necessarily true.  Nine states, because of the Labor Day holiday did not report their numbers.  Do you think just a little, that is an important part of the story?

   Mayor Daley leaving Chicago politics – my own opinion, and one I’ve not heard anywhere else is this:  Daley was ‘told’ to go so Rahm could run.  Rahm wants ‘out’ at the White House so Daley was told to go allowing Rahm to run.  You must remember, the White House is Chicago politics ‘East’.  Obama, Rahm, Jarrett, Axlerod, Duncan, Rogers (has left) – this is just a partial list, but many more made the move from Chicago.  I am sort of surprised they never found a place for Blago.  He would fit right in.  And  yes, before anyone says anything, those from Chicago replaced those from Texas. Guess that is how it works.  Not my point.  “MY”  point is, Daley is being ‘told’ to go by the Chicago clique.

   Regarding the idiot in Florida and his group of fifty followers.  Just a couple of thoughts. #1, were it not for the media the WORLD would not know about this freak.  #2, the radical Islamists don’t need this issue to try and reign terror on the U.S., and if you believe otherwise then ‘you’ are the idiot.  Oh, and just one other thing.  As much as I dislike Mayor Bloomberg, ‘he’ at least has the courage to say the idiot has the right to do it here in America.  Bloomberg is at least consistent, (e.g. the mosque issue). 

   Didja ever notice, if we imbeciles don’t do precisely what the radicals want they threaten us?  Just sayin. 

Monday, September 06, 2010

New Stimulus

   Yes Mr. President, we are dummies.  You asking for another $50B for construction projects; and you sound good asking for the monies.  You of course blame the GOP.  You do realize Mr. President you jammed the health care down our throats without ‘any’ GOP support.  What has changed?  Notta! If you want the fricking money, just do it!  You have the votes in your own party.  May as well take us all the way down.

   What I will NEVER understand is the unspent monies in the original $787B TARP.  There is a bunch that has not been shoveled out the door.  You keep coming back for more, and there is still money there in the original.  Why?  It was for SHOVEL READY PROJECTS!!!! Remember???

   Yes Sir – we are sheeple and you still sound doggone good spewing like you do.  You do sound good; why I even jumped outta my seat tonight and went and washed my dishes manually!  Just cause you are so dadgummed inspiring. Thank yewwwwww!!!

Friday, September 03, 2010

Just Rambling

   Dunno how the health care is going to end up, but it is apparent there will me major changes from what has already been passed. State after state are raising barriers to the federal mandates.  What does this mean?  To me, either it is going to change by ‘changing’ what has already been passed, or it is going to be tied up in court so massively that it will be repealed.  Now there are parts that I believe all Americans are for, pre-conditions being paramount, but other things are gonna go by the way side.  You can see this coming.

   The weather today was so very glorious when I awoke I added an extra .75 miles to my daily walk.  I was tired but it was just plain wonderful outside.

   I watched several news video clips on the Jan Brewer incident, and they made her look awful.  My heart went out to her.  It was her opening statement in a debate, and she ‘very obviously’ lost her place.  Later, on a morning talk radio show I heard the incident played in its entirety. The difference was, they played the whole thing.  Were I an Arizonian the incident would not have made one iota of difference on whether or not I’d vote for her.  The problem for the Democrat is, he was still ten points down ‘after’ the debate.

   I am not wavering on my thought that Sarah will NOT be the Republican nominee in 2010. There can be little doubt however, ‘she’ has had major influence on candidates running this year.  I don’t believe it is a gender thing; I believe it is the voice.  Her voice begins to grate after awhile.  On me anyway.

   I personally am disgusted with the federal governments actions against the state of Arizona.  I ‘think’ the governments actions may just be the driving force in what is steering  the changeover coming in November.  There are other things to be upset about, but the way the government is fighting against Arizona may just be the most upsetting.  Time will tell.

   Just remember this – it is all ‘Bushs’ fault, umm, except for the victory in Iraq.  Now, I know the term victory is debatable, but I think you git my drift.