Why I Do Not Care If They Lose
Here’s the deal, short and to the point – do you realize if the gentle lady from Maine, Olympia Snowe had not helped the democrats, we would not be stuck with this health care bill now? This is the very reason I do not care if O’Donnell loses in Delaware. Correction – I care, I just want someone who will stand on their principles.
Have you ever heard a politician campaign on the fact they will raise taxes? I can only think of one – Walter Mondale, and I think we all know what happened to him. The point is, they ‘all’ campaign on cutting taxes and spending, then they go to Washington. This by the way is pointed at both parties. I ‘hope’ beyond all hope the Republicans have learned their lesson as it appears they are gonna be in charge of the purse strings once again. If they haven’t learned they will be disposed of in short order.
I will say again, it appears the women of the Republican Party will be the ones to lead us out of the morass we find ourselves in – they appear to be the ones with the courage, and the backbone to lead. Hopefully some of the males will fall into line and follow.
Finally, I listen to Morning Joe (MSNBC), with some regularity – when the show started a few years ago, I listened because Joe was a conservative, and it was fun watching him balance the ‘generally’ liberal guests on the show. For the last year or so, Joe has gone squishy. He now castigates the Republicans almost daily. A few weeks ago he was dogging Marko Rubio from Florida. Rubio was backed by the Tea Partiers, and Joe was backing Charlie Crist who the Republicans refused to back in his bid for the Senate. So, ole Charlie went Independent, and Joe was saying how much more moderate etc. Charlie was and therefore the one to elect. This was almost a daily banter.
So – now that Rubio is up by 10-15 points Ole Joe is silent. This should give people with fortitude, those with principles the courage to go on and ignore the learned few. Perhaps they are not as learned as they think. The American people are stirred up.
And really finally – I grew up loving Wiliam F. Buckley – I like Charles Krauthammer today, reading his columns and listening to him regulary on TV – Charles has been knocking Christine O’Donnell as unelectable in Delaware; he talks about Buckley’s rule that says you back the most conservative candidate who is electable. With all due respect to Mr. Krauthammer; is that not what got us here in the first place? I want someone who is willing to say ‘no’, who is willing to campaign on that and follow through. If they campaign on it and lose, so be it; we get precisely what we deserve – to wit, the dishonorable Charlie Rangel who just won his primary and will I am sure be re-elected to serve yet again (among many others).
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