John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, September 09, 2010

This – That’n – The Other

   Didja ever wonder why nobody believes the government anymore?   This morning when the first-time jobless claims were reported by the government, it was surprisingly low.  The financial people on the networks were breathlessly reporting things were getting better.  One teensie weensie problem.  The numbers were not necessarily true.  Nine states, because of the Labor Day holiday did not report their numbers.  Do you think just a little, that is an important part of the story?

   Mayor Daley leaving Chicago politics – my own opinion, and one I’ve not heard anywhere else is this:  Daley was ‘told’ to go so Rahm could run.  Rahm wants ‘out’ at the White House so Daley was told to go allowing Rahm to run.  You must remember, the White House is Chicago politics ‘East’.  Obama, Rahm, Jarrett, Axlerod, Duncan, Rogers (has left) – this is just a partial list, but many more made the move from Chicago.  I am sort of surprised they never found a place for Blago.  He would fit right in.  And  yes, before anyone says anything, those from Chicago replaced those from Texas. Guess that is how it works.  Not my point.  “MY”  point is, Daley is being ‘told’ to go by the Chicago clique.

   Regarding the idiot in Florida and his group of fifty followers.  Just a couple of thoughts. #1, were it not for the media the WORLD would not know about this freak.  #2, the radical Islamists don’t need this issue to try and reign terror on the U.S., and if you believe otherwise then ‘you’ are the idiot.  Oh, and just one other thing.  As much as I dislike Mayor Bloomberg, ‘he’ at least has the courage to say the idiot has the right to do it here in America.  Bloomberg is at least consistent, (e.g. the mosque issue). 

   Didja ever notice, if we imbeciles don’t do precisely what the radicals want they threaten us?  Just sayin. 


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