This’n That
I have heard ‘several’ different commentators talk about the fact President Bush 43 should talk about the ground zero mosque issue. I refer to it as ground zero intentionally since there are those who want to ‘not’ mention the words ground zero and mosque in the same sentence. Regardless, after these people have hammered President Bust for more than eight years, when President Obama gets into a tight spot they want his help? They are scum in my eyes. I even heard one excuse President Clinton for not publically speaking about the issue because his wife is Secretary of State. Oh well – guess one should be used to it by now.
It rained all weekend at Martha’s Vineyard. What a dirty rotten shame.
It looks like McCain will be once again elected in Arizona. That is why, I, will take a deep breath and not believe a turnover in Congress until I see it as fact. In my humble opinion, McCain will be doubly dangerous once he is reelected. This undoubtedly will be his last last (thank God), election. He will be doubly dangerous ‘knowing’ he has nobody to answer to. Very sad.
I keep hearing little rumbles about whether or not The President will run for reelection. Let me say it again… regardless whether or not he does, ‘he’ has accomplished more that will define ‘YOUR’ and ‘your children’s’ future than any president I can think of. And he’s not even half way through his first term.
I see our lady Shirley has turned down the new job at the Department of Agriculture. She says she still intends to sue Breitbart though. I look forward to that issue.
Just to warm you up to the ‘tolerance’ of Sharia Law: Just watch it if you have the stomach. But doggone it, be tolerant.
Like the positive Obama comments.
Unknown, at 2:15 PM
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