John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, August 31, 2006

August 2006

It is ending, but oh what an ending. We are concluding perhaps the most beautiful August in my memory. The a/c has been off for the last week with no end in sight. I mean, it is absolutely beautiful out... we've gotten rain to the point lawns are as they generally are in June. Of course one must mow more frequently, but so what!!!! And the scents in the air!!! Just a hint of fall - one's mind turns to football, raking leaves, ha ha.

It just needed to be noted that there are things happening that make one glad to be alive. : )

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Plame Gate

I've been scouring the news for the past few days, searching, looking for any clue the media will give apologies to Rove, Libby, The President, ANYONE, for all the accusations regarding THE Valerie Plame case. If I didn't think it would kill me dead away, I'd hold my breath while I wait.

The reason there will be NO apology is because Armitage is one of 'theirs'. So very sad but so very true. And, I believe they (the media), knew it from very early on in the investigation. The truth of the matter is very simple... there was no crime committed in this case... and the sad truth is, the special prosecutor knew it from the gitgo.

And saddest of all, 68% of the american people, according to polls, believe the administration committed a crime in this case and covered it up. And the media loves that poll... we are in a sad state of affairs.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Nuttin Much

I paid $2.71 per gallon for my gas yesterday... so what you might say... well, two weeks ago I paid my highest in this area anyway at $3.03 per gallon. I know some have paid more, some less with regularity, but those were my last two tanks. The point is this. I'd say the diff tween $2.71 and $3.03 in a two week period is quite substantial... NOT ONE WORD on the news about the falling prices. Personally I don't care, just an observation.

The editorial on the Omaha World Herald today woofed about the absurdity of drilling in Anwar. Said it would be no quick fix. They fail to point out if they had drilled there twenty years ago we coulda maybe depleted those fields by now and moved onto something else.

New Super Highway

Have you heard? I doubt it - I listen to the news daily, sometimes most of the day and I have NOT heard about the new superhighway the government has planned.

Worried about our ports? You'd better be. Regardless, put the following search criteria into your Google search engine (WITH the brackets), and then read about this new highway... then, you tell me why we as a people are totally ignorant about what is happening to our country. You may be disturbed abit, but truthfully? I doubt it.

[super highway Mexico to Canada]

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Civic Duty

I performed some civic duty this past week. I served on a jury in a civil trial. Herewith some obvervations from the experience.
The case was a dispute between a homeowner couple and a contractor. This is an issue anyone who has owned a home for ten years has been through, and trust me when I say, this issue goes both ways.
I went into this wanting to be on the homeowners side but was in the end persuaded by the evidence to rule in favor of the contractor.
It is apparent to me, that the pervasive attitude in this country these days is there is 'no' loser. Well my friends, there 'are' losers and there 'are' winners.
While 'every' member of the jury (early on) agreed the contractor deserved his money, half also thought the homeowners deserved something. I wanted to scream. That half of the jury was convinced that a contractors [mistake] was the same as a breach of contract. Without going into detail, the contractor definitely made a mistake but was NOT given the opportunity to fix the mistake which would have been on his nickel. Could I convince the other half of the difference? No, and here is where I was surprised. I called for the balif to get us a dictionary so a leeetle course in education could ensue. The request was denied. Arrgh.
Bottom line was this. I could see compromise had to be in the mix here, so I made a decision that I would go 1/2 of the amount the other six wanted and not one penny more. The other five went along with that quickly and that is how we voted. End of case.
I wanted so badly to watch the faces of those involved when the verdict was read. Didn't happen... and I was very surprised. Upon re-entering the court, only the judge and the court clerk were present. The clerk read the verdict, we were thanked and we went home. I felt cheated. : )
Yesterday I received a call from the losing attorney... he wanted to know if it was something he did. I had a quite candid conversation with him. That in itself was interesting; I concluded he very seldom in his life got what he considered to be [plain talk]. I guess some things never change.
Several jurors made the comment they were sure glad nobodies life hung in the balance, e.g. a criminal trial. I stated it would make no difference to me and in fact I believe that comment. Our system says the evidence rules and I can live with that (at least I think I can/could).
In the end, I am glad I was chosen and would do it again tomorrow. I might just carry a dictionary along with me though... one does things based on their life's experiences [along with, the evidence]. : )

Friday, August 11, 2006


On Thursday, 10 August 2006 A.D. is the first time in a public statement I heard The President of The United States identify Islamic Fascists as 'the problem'. Perhaps this it the beginning of 'finally' stating it publicly and beginning to deal with 'the problem'.

Today, 11 August, the political cartoon in our local paper used the same words. Methinks it may finally be sinking in and I say it is high time.

I do believe, and predict, within five short years there will be a nuclear confrontation. I see no other way out... "UNLESS", and this is a big "UNLESS" - day to day muslims rise up and stop what is going on... the normal muslims 'do have the power' and I for one have been waiting since 9/11 for them to stand up and be counted.

The time has come for profiling. Dunno how many times we have to be told the perpetrators were young Islamics... it does take time to soak in I guess, but I'm thinking the time is fast approaching.

Monday, August 07, 2006


It seems to be everywhere these days - turmoil abounds. I personally find myself somewhat taken aback at some thoughts that ramble through my head, then I ponder the alternative and get a little more down.

I see what is happening to Joe Lieberman in CN - he has been on the 'other' side often enough for me to, in a way, not be disgruntled about what is happening to him... however, I do think he is right in his support of the war.

The President, very early on in his administration identified 'The Axis of Evil'. Included in his descriptive were, Iran, Syria, North Korea. Umm, does anyone 'not' agree? I guess so. It pains me at times to listen to President Bush, pains me only in the sense that his delivery is not fluid enough for the regular folk in this country. Plain spoken and from the heart; he says what he means and means what he says. Waaaay too tough for most folk in this politically correct country we live in.

SECDEF Rumsfield - I can remember when he was a media star. Back in the early days of this war, they loved him. Now? In one way I guess I am beginning to think new blood may be in order. In most ways, he has my admiration. I don't think anyone can deny the mess in Iraq, in Baghdad in particular.

Major part of the Alaska pipe line to be shut down - what a time for this to happen. ( :

The Senate - finally coming around on off-shore drilling. I suspect the fact that Fidel is doing it just off the Florida coast was more incentive than anything the American consumer is going through. Think about that abit... the absurdity of Cuba drilling off our shore if you will... and here we sit, with our technology not doing so... think perhaps the American people can see how silly that is? Quite a motivator for our congress, at least in my mind.