John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, January 25, 2007

State of The Union Speech

Yes I watched the speech. Yes I thought it was a good speech. About the only time I gagged was during the entering and exiting of the chamber. There is no way on this earth I could be a politician. To watch those who daily spew venom about our President gush and fawn over him during the entry / exit just makes me take another pepto.

I will concede I believe this is our last chance to do it right. I have conceded there have been errors made leading up to this point. So might I add, has the President. That is 'why' he has changed course, something that has been demanded by the opposition, until of course he does change course. What absolute hypocrites. There is NO brass in their gonads.

The democrat party is now in power. P O W E R. That means, IF they believe all is lost they should cut off funds and do it now. They are yellow... they say they won't cut off funds while the troops are there. Well get real... does anyone actually believe they would not fly the boys and girls home? Absolute crap. They are absolutely in fear that this so called surge is going to work. If it does they will be exposed. And if it doesn't? We all know the people of this country have grown weary of the fight. I could point you back to previous entries where I spelled out time lines and as those lines passed the President's popularity has indeed eroded. That is why I do indeed believe this is the last chance. Notice I didn't say "I" would get out if it fails. Just that I don't think the people would go for anymore.

I also listened to Senator Webb give the rebuttal. One thing sticks in my craw and I'd like to see him justify / prove his assertion. He stated that over fifty percent of the troops are against the surge. Oh??? News to me. Troops are being very quiet if that is the case.

Anyway, brace yourselves. I hate the daily news from Iraq... my biggest disappointment in the whole thing is I thought the Iraqi people would stand up and weed out the graft amongst themselves before now. Were that to happen, this would have a happy ending. At least in my humble opinion.

Friday, January 19, 2007

FOX Under Fire

Fox Entertainment is really under fire it would seem. Yesterday I turned on my trusty TV and Imus's show was ragging on the American Idol show... bout how mean they were being to the contestants. Dunno how many watch Imus, but for him to criticize anyone for being mean is, well, abit ridiculous.

So later in the day, most all day, MSNBC and their collection of 'expert' commentators are ragging about how American Idol's judges have crossed the line in their 'judgments' to the contestants. Please, if anyone has watched this show in the early parts of the year, you have to KNOW these contestants KNOW it is all for TV. I rather enjoy American Idol when it gets to the final month or so; during the early shows it is just silly entertainment. Evidently the American public likes the pablum dished out early as well as late (highest ratings ever). It's the same public who likes Nancy Pelosi, so.... (sorry, could not resist).

And now today I see my gal Rosie has joined the fray. I can't add to this - Rosie speaks for herself.

Then I'm watching another show and they were bashing the show '24'. Seems '24' had a nuke go off this year... and now they are saying that the FOX network is in cahoots with the Bush Administration in order to keep terror on the minds of the American people. That theory seems to be working doesn't it? I don't watch 24 week to week. I buy it and watch two or three episodes at a time on DVD. Regardless, anyone who has watched this show, it would seem to me would realize this is a logical progression of the dastardly deeds presented to Mr. Bauer. I am confident he will handle the issue.

This all reminds me of when my kids were 'kids'. I used to like General Hospital during those days. I worked shift work and got hooked. :) Accordingly, my girls got hooked. However we had several heated discussions over the course of time, differentiating between [reality] and what was being presented on General Hospital 'as reality'. They kept looking around for nice decanters of afternoon alcohol breaks; I'd get a cup of juice.

So it appears that FOX is going to remain under fire. I suspect they can handle themselves, however, considering this countries apparent refusal to acknowledge [REAL] reality, the hue and cry being raised against FOX may indeed turn into a groundswell.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Bible Verse For "YOUR" Birthday

I got this from a friend and thought it quite unique. Thought I'd pass it on. Just go to the site and plug in 'your' birth date.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

California Deep Freeze

This country is about ready to learn a lesson in supply and demand... a simple lesson, but one we need a refresher on now and then.

Recall if you will just prior to the elections and gas prices began to fall. The hue and cry was that President Bush and his cronies were manipulating the gas prices to influence the election. Umm, that didn't work too well did it? The opposition was all atwitter about how they were going to impose windfall profit taxes on those fricking oil companies. And they 'still' are talking about that and I am quite confident they will assess those taxes. Ho hum.

So.... now we have a leetle problemo in Caleeefornyaaa.... I am quite confident the price of oranges and other citrus is gonna skyrocket.... umm the demand is gonna exceed the supply. Those dadgum fruit farmers are gonna gouge us, I can feel it. Can't yewwww?????

Friday, January 12, 2007

Iraq - Again

I can't say I was 'inspired' by President Bush's speech the other night, but... I 'basically', still believe. I know, according to the polls I am in a distinct minority, but having been there most of my life, I'm quite content to remain in the minority.

One thing for sure; it matters not what decision Mr. Bush makes, it will be wrong. The people have evidently turned on him (not me), and no matter what direction he takes, he's wrong. To wit:
a) Get rid of Rummy and you will prove you are taking a new direction - he did, and...
b) Change course in Iraq - he has and...

I don't really mind myself... the opposition is now in power in congress - we will soon see their colors... I could predict but I think everyone knows. One thing stuns me every time I really stop and think about it... the rhetoric coming out of the opposition and the soldiers themselves seem to be keeping their focus. God bless them for their steadfastness, courage, and sticktuitiveness. It is going to be a loooong two years for the administration.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Republicans Crybabies

And so the crying begins. The other side is not letting us provide input... we didn't get the opportunity to change, modify this'n that... well folks, the GOP is going to reap precisely what they sowed. I for one don't want to hear their excuses. It is their fault; as far as I'm concerned they just as well bend over their respective tables and let Ms. Pelosi slide that gavel she wields right up their, umm, you get the picture.

Here's the deal... without question, the GOP was positioned to hold power in this country for an untold number of years. They had the power, and they muffed it big time. Perhaps it's an age thing with me, but for now, I say - learn from you mistakes. I know this; it will take time to get the trust of the people back... ya gotta earn it !!