John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, October 25, 2013

Obama Care Is A Flaming Success!

I am very impressed with what has been put out to the public as it pertains to The Affordable Care Act (AFC) - aren't ya just so very proud of the work done? And the fact the cost 'so far' is approximately three times what was bid even makes me more impressed. The administration is releasing, begrudgingly, stats on the numbers who have signed up. The numbers are truly frightening if you 'think' this fiasco is going to succeed. In some states, only 1 person has signed up for the AFC. Everyone claims they need seven million in order to even break even, read as, to keep the AFC going. I heard it sort of put into perspective the other day. The commentator was trying to say the AFC only affected 15% of the people, i.e. the un-insured. What an absolute idiot. More and more people are being advised they are losing their own private insurance. The end goal is now, and always has been for a single payer system. And when that happens it is NOT going to lower costs! Once again we have a perfect illustration of a bungled program. And now the dirty little secret. There is only ONE group of people who will benefit from this program.... have you figured it out yet??? Heeeer it comes... T H E 47% who do NOT pay federal taxes. All the rest of us will pay and you durn sure better believe that F A C T!!! There is getting to be less and less incentive to work. Betcha thought you would never hear of the 47% again. Ha ha ha ha ha. We are sheeple and we deserve what is coming!

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

The Shutdown

One could and should say it is despicable regards the families who have lost loved ones in war and not being able to get their benefits. I agree, although where the blame should be is born by both sides. I think the untold story here is how many servicemen/women have died since 1 October in Afghanistan - umm, one does not hear it on the news 'anything' like when that was President. Strange ain't it?

On Raising The Debt Limit

A quote form Senator Reid in 2006 - oh, and it was supported by the honorable Senator Obama at the time - Quote: “Why is it right to increase our nation’s dependence on foreign creditors?” Reid said on March 16, 2006. “Democrats won’t be making an argument to support this legalization, which will weaken our country.” Unquote!! There are no words!