John Smyzer's Ramblings

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Blind Justice

I heard a commotion  outside the window this morning.  Birds were going nutso.  A ‘very’ large black bird was being swarmed by blue jays I didn’t think too much about it as I was getting ready to go out and mow.

Upon going outside I soon discovered what the commotion was all about.  The black bird had evidently attacked the nest of the blue jays, knocking out of the nest four widdle jays.  They were too small to maneuver themselves.

I decided to call the Supreme Nature  Justices to see what I should do.  The one who answered asked what color the attacked birds were.  I said blue.  She said, only I can feel the pain of those jays, you cannot because you were never a bird.  I said, well, I ‘thought’ justice was supposed to be blind.  You are a moron she said.

Btw, the bird thingy really did happen.  I went about my business of mowing, knowing nature would take its course.  This was learned at an early age on the farm in Iowa where I grew up.  Some cat is probably licking their chops right about now

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Nominee

Up front I will say, of all the women who were being considered, the one nominated is the only one I feared.  Sotomayor, no matter what one’s judicial beliefs actual believes law is written from the bench.

I will give her credit for this much.  She makes no bones about her belief that law is implemented from the bench.  I give her kudos for being upfront about her beliefs.

Will the opposition put up a fight?  Nope.  I doubt they will even filibuster like President Obama did against Alito and Roberts.  Funny how it is OK when a democrat does it, but regardless, I expect almost zero opposition to her elevation to the court.

Elections, as they say, do have consequences. 

The War Between Limbaugh, Cheney, and Powell

I continue to get a kick out of the media’s elevation of the war of words between General Powel, former Vice President Cheney, and radio host Rush Limbaugh. 

Here’s what I do NOT understand.  Limbaugh is on the radio for three hours a day, five days a week.  He never shies from saying what he feels and believes. 

Mr. Cheney speaks as clearly as any politician you will ever listen to.  If you know one who says what they stand for and mean better than Big Dick Cheney, please enlighten me.

Now I ask you – what in the name of Sam Hill does General Colin Powel stand for?  Anyone know?  Other than to say, the republicans need a big tent?  Come, let us be a bit more specific General.  Please Sir?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pondering The President

I get up early; I get up very early according to many – my day beings generally between 4:30 and 5:00 a.m. – just a habit I can’t seem to break.  You see, I was always at my desk at 6:00 a.m. and I guess it is a built in reflex.

Regardless, I don’t generally take my shower until nineish – generally sit around and wait for spousal unit to rouse and ‘then’ hit the shower.  If that reveals what time she rises, so be it.

So today I am excited because both President Obama and former Vice President Cheney are going to speak on terrorism.  The former Veep’s speech had been planned for some time; President Obama decided yesterday he was going to speak today.  I thought at the time it was just  a way to generate a he said, I said situation, but…. just my opinion.

So I was reading the paper and time got away from me.  At 8:55 I had not had my shower yet and decided I could git in and git out – I neglected some areas as I didn’t wanna miss the President’s speech.  Well, he didn’t start till way late and again I thought what a childish action.  It appeared to me he was trying to run ‘over’ in his speech so as to make it difficult for those who were going to cover Cheney’s.  I actually turned him off and watched The View if that tells you anything. Instead of speaking clearly about what his intentions were it sounded like a campaign speech (again, my opinion).

Regardless, I never did hear Cheney’s speech; I am sure I will hear bits and pieces throughout the day and tomorrow.  I ‘did’ hear The President call Robert Gates William.  I didn’t even write this to comment on the speeches; I was just commenting on what appeared to be an apparent attempt to block Cheney out.  I think the administration is acting ‘afraid’ of Big Dick Cheney.  He was always Big Dick to me (private joke tween a brother of mine and me).  Little Dick was Dick Armey for those interested.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rewards of Paying On Time

   I see in today’s New York Times in an article by Andrew Martin good credit risks are going to be rewarded.  Supposedly, those who have paid their credit cards without carrying a balance will soon be rewarded with an yearly fee. 

   Supposedly this will compensate for the loss of revenue card companies will realize as they weed out their risky card carriers. Well I have news for them; I do not need them, never have needed them – I have used them – used being the key word.  I have used credit card companies to allow ‘me’ to earn interest until the last possible moment.

   So, I could care less – I will, if need be, drop any credit card that says I will own a yearly fee.  Simple to say - “BITE ME”!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Release of The Photos

   Methinks President Obama has made a brilliant (depending on your point of view), decision on this matter.  I think the photos will, in the end be released.  Do I like it?  Nope. 

   The President’s decision to ‘not’ release the photos after initially agreeing ‘to’ release the photos covers him from both ends.  When, in the final analysis, as I believe, they will be released, President Obama will be able to say he was against the release.  Pretty dadgonned sneaky doncha think? 

   Anybody wanna place some bets?  smile_sarcastic

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Abit of Traveling

   I went to Vegas this past weekend – a first for me.  One of the things I did was go to the top of the Eiffel Tower (replica). On the way up, I swear I was getting nauseous.  Once the door opened I was OK, but on the way up I thought I may not be able to get out of the elevator.  Anyway, the attached video clip was shot from my camera.  It is a water show put on by the hotel across the street every hour on the hour.  The music is “Got Bless The U.S.A.”.

   I’m glad I went, but probably the only reason I’d ever go again would be to see the Hoover Dam.  Simply didn’t know enough this time around. And, if the economy is depressed, I’d surely hate to go out there when the economy is booming… Holy Cow!!! People everywhere.

   OK, so there is no video attached… when I went to insert same, it said the file was too big.  If you are interested in seeing it, let me know and I will provide a way to do so.


Friday, May 08, 2009

The End of Freedom of Expression

   Let us stipulate here and now – if you do not agree with the gay agenda (think Miss California), you will be vilified.

   This has nothing to do with whether or not I agree with one side or the other.  I think Miss California answered the question posed to her in as mild a manner as anyone I’ve ever heard.

   I don’t care if she’s posed totally and frontally nude.  Has notta to do with the question posed to her. 

   Make no mistake.  What has been done to her is vile.  I don’t see why they don’t just build a cross, nail her to it, and be done.  It is clear, not only is free speech under assault; one’s opinion is also.  Amazing.


Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Death of The Republican Party

   I can remember writing something ‘very’ similar back in either 2002 or 2004 only it was about the democrats.  Interesting how things turn around doncha think?

   All this has proved is the fact political parties ebb and flow just like a sine wave.  Right now the republicans are down.  The interesting thing to me is, why are democrats still hollering about Sarah Palin, why are they still hollering about those who espouse real conservatism? 

   Doncha think they should be hollering about umm, let us say, John McCain or those others who espouse just ‘getting along’, you know, ‘the leaders’ of the republican party?    Seems like it to me.  For whatever reason, it makes NO sense for them to be slamming people like Palin, like Demint, like Sanford – those espousing conservative ideals.  Why waste time on those who have taken the party down?  Just wondering.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Torture We Can Understand

The idiot(s) responsible for the flying of the aircraft around New York City created mental torture we can all understand.  I doubt anyone can really understand the torture those in congress are spewing about as it relates to Guantanamo etc., but this?

Methinks when just watching the video of that aircraft flying around, we all got a certain chill up our spines.  I did, and if I am that far out of the mainstream, heaven help me.

Health Care ‘IS’ Coming

You asked for it; it is coming – by October of this year if I read the leaves correctly.  And it won’t even take a two thirds majority in the Senate.  The democrat party has agreed to reconciliation in order to pass their health care bill.  This means a simple majority is needed vice the two thirds majority.  They have agreed to do it by mid October of this year.

Obviously this won’t be instantaneous; October is just when the plan will be umm, shall we say, revealed upon the sheeple. 

Elections do have consequences, and the kicker?  These actions will not guarantee anything.  Realizations will come slowly and it won’t be pretty.