John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, April 29, 2005

Last Night's Speech

I listened to the president speak last night... I guess I am continually struck by a common thread. I understand people not agreeing with him on 'any' proposal. But if it is a proposal to try and do 'something' about an issue, just disagreeing does not seem to be adequate.
The president is and has pushed private accounts with a percentage of the monies one contributes to social security. While I have 'never' heard him say that is the ONLY thing he would do to attempt a fix of the program, it IS a portion of what he wants to do. Whether you agree or disagree, please give some input as to 'your' proposals.
What seems most interesting to me is the fact that both sides agree there is a problem coming in the out years. Everybody agrees with that; the disagreement seems to be how soon the train is going to hit us. Nowhere else it seems to me does everybody agree there is a problem and fight about doing something to fix the problem.
One more time... me personally? I could care less if they ever fix it - I will be pushing up daisies by the time the real crunch comes. And I'm not one that sits around and worries about my children or my grandchildren. In fact if my last nickel is spent the day I check out, so be it. But those charged with the task of overseeing the laws and programs of this country should be willing to do something to fix the problem they all agree is coming.
On energy I thought the president's proposal to use old military bases to build some new refineries literally jumped off his lips into my ears. Will it happen? Doubt it. But, when one considers the 'fact' there have been no new refineries built in this country in over 30 years.... if you then believe that the current refineries we have are running at 95% + of their capacity... how in the sam hill can you expect there to be more gas in the pipeline if you can't refine it? Duh, dat don maka no cents ta me. People don't want the 'expected' pollution a new refinery would bring to their community. The government has to convince a community or two that with new advances in pollution control, the advantages are greater than the disadvantages.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The United States Senate

I'm sort of getting a kick out of watching the manipulations in the senate these days. Methinks the democrats, upon realizing the republicans are serious about changing the rules are now ready for some sort of compromise. The fact is, depending on whom you listen to nobody knows what that compromise is going to be.

Joseph Biden on Sunday past said in the spirit of compromise the democrats would allow five of the seven judges up for the circuit judge positions pass 'if' the repubs would just not change the rules. I am paraphrasing but that is what he said. Then his leader today said, nooooo, only two would be sent forward if only the rascally republicans would not change the rules.

1) The republicans would not have to change the rules if the minority party would allow an up/down vote for these judges.
2) Regardless whether the number is five, or two... if they [really] believed, and I do mean believed those judges were 'extreme', they would not budge in their stance. In my mind it proves just what the minorities real intent is, and that is to prevent conservative judges from being appointed to the circuit courts. The circuit courts, being one step below The Supreme Court are where most Chief Justices come from... ding ding ding.

I think the republicans should change the fricking rule! If respective nominees are deemed bad, the individual senators can vote them down and trust me when I say, there are plenty of panty waist republican senators. I can rattle off six or seven real quickly.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Diversity Training

Today I attended a one hour mandatory diversity training session at the office. This class covered the fact that one should be cognizant of, and open to any and all ethnicities, any and all life styles etc. etc. etc. It goes on and on folks and each year more is added to this sort of thing. It is mandatory, and I did go. Upon completion, I was asked... well John what did you think of our class? Did you enjoy it? I replied - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. When I got the expected blank look, I asked. If indeed you do follow the golden rule, does it not cover each and every aspect of that hour we just spent in there?

The individual sputtered and several times tried a different approach. I insisted on an answer to 'my' question, and in the end they agreed. And then I drove the final nail in by saying, and oh by the way, I was probably in kindergarten when I learned that rule. Life is not all that complicated me thinks. We as a culture sure try and make it so, but it is not in the final analysis.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

John Bolton - Tom Delay

In my humble opinion, the republican party does not yet know they are in power. And I suspect by the time they realize they are, they no longer will be. Speaking for me, I have lost confidence in them as a majority party.

One thing I 'will' say... if this party finds out Delay has been doing something 'other' than what most of them do, they will cut him loose. They will not blindly support him, trust me on that one. On the other hand, the Senate should stand up, take a stand and get Bolton confirmed at the U.N. He YELLS at subordinates? Ha ha... from what I've seen during my lifetime, many NEED yelled at. Further, I will venture to say that 99 out of the 100 senators currently in the Senate have and do yell with some regularity! Making their underlings feel inadequate etc. Oh me oh my... what will I do... he yelled at me. CRAP! If you don't like it, git OUT.

Yes, I think I can honestly say, I have indeed lost confidence in the political system in these United States of America. I am saddened to have to admit that fact.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

A Glorious Day

Sun Apr-17-2005 19:40
It was a gorgeous day today! I 'heard' my first wren of the year but did not see her. She is hunting for a home obviously and Kay brought home a brand new one for her. I dunno though, it has a metal roof and the rain / hail falling on it might be loud. :)
I went for my walk at the river - I'm usually down there at least once a week; it is interesting to see the slow 'coming out' of the trees, the grass etc. Not windy today, just a beautiful day. I had the iPod in my ear and different songs made me flash back.
An old Louis Armstrong song came on and it made me flash all the way back to 1968, Okinawa - there was a female entertainer who played there - a very large woman, bath in height and girth. :) Regardless, she could emulate ole Louis like you wouldn't believe... she played the trumpet and used the hankie to dab her mouth. Just walking along and hearing that song caused the flashback.

I saw a young family with two little girls - that made me flash back to an earlier time and wished I had spent more time with my own. The fresh air and exercise clears one's head and allows in some of life's lessons.

Two times around the layout comes in right at three miles... at the far end, right close to the Bellevue Bridge, a man was hitting golf balls out into the water... there were two ladies, obviously with him, one was a paraplegic in a wheelchair and not moving. A grim reminder of just how good it was to be walking. I went all the way around and on my second trip, the man who had been hitting balls was now laying on a blanket, the paraplegic had not moved. Very sobering... I made it all the way around and back to my car and I don't even know why I took that route out of the park. But, as I glanced over towards them, the paraplegic had not moved. I guess all I'm trying to say is, one should count their blessings on a daily basis, knowing when it is 'good'.

It 'was' a glorious day, one where you soaked in life, cleared some webs outta the mind and went home to grill ribs and wings to eat with baked beans.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The DaVinci Code

I'm reading this book at the moment - I was struck quickly by how much it reminded me of a previous reading - 'The Celistine Prophecy' - just the general subject matter. I'm only about 40-50 pages in. Then came Dateline tonight and low and behold they were talking about The DaVinci Code - talking about partial scrolls, tablets etc. It got me to thinking - thousands of years from now, will blogs perhaps be considered scrolls or something similar? Not to say these prose are of any consequence, but just hink of it in the sense that waaaay back there... somebody was writing down thoughts.... just what if

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Thoughts on The Pope

I'm not sure anyone can deny the influence The Pope had during his tenure. "I" find it interesting that he seems to have as many people who admired him as there were detractors. And I am speaking mainly of Catholics themselves. Not being catholic, but interested in the historical things revealed during events like The Popes death, I take most of these things with a grain of salt. It seems most things have a political slant, and this includes the hierarchy of the catholic church.

During The Pope's last days, one where he was in the window trying to speak... you could see the frustration on his face, and in fact he whacked his hand against his forehead 'showing' that frustration. When I saw that I immediately flashed back to my father. In the latter stages of his bone cancer, I was sitting in their apartment in Talequah - dad was trying to eat a bowl of cereal. He could not raise the spoon to his mouth with his right hand. He slammed his elbow down on the table in frustration. A sight / memory I will never forget - to see a man who always seemed so strong, unable to lift a spoon.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Sandy 'Burglar' Berger

What a guy this Sandy man is - here is a fellow that had [ the highest ] security clearance one can get in this country, and he was stuffing things in his socks and pants. And the best part? He got away with it - another one carrying the Clinton water - he gets a three year suspension from accessing classified material, e.g. loss of his security clearance.
Let me tell you one simple fact. Anyone granted access to material such as he had access to signs a Classified Nondisclosure Agreement. That agreement basically says you are going to jail if you 'do' disclose. And trust me when I say, the little people 'would' go to jail. As one who worked in that world for many years, this specific case sickens me more than most, and it rattles my faith in my country's government.
Sandy Berger, perhaps more than anyone in government knew precisely what he was doing. He was getting rid of evidence of 'some kind'; we little people will never know. I think I could even accept the face he is a sneaking weasel, a lower than snake dung human being IF I JUST KNEW WHAT HE REMOVED. Even if I knew what he removed he is a weasel!!! This is a 'clear' violation of Title 18, United States Code, a United States criminal law.
One passing note - I asked my local security person if he was aware of the Berger incident - he had never heard of him. I guess I am further appalled but don't have a clue what to do but shake my head. IYAMADUMMY ! ! !

Friday, April 01, 2005

Change is About

I've decided to turn over a new leaf. The first 59 years have been one thing - surely it will turn around in the second half of my life. Accordingly, I have decided to:

1) Become a member of the Democratic Party and work actively for the election of Democrats
2) Attend all functions at the office - become 'one of the chosen few' who agrees with the boss man
3) Fully support Hillary Rodman Clinton in her run for POTUS. I have forgiven, in fact forgotten the past
4) Fully support the euphoria that is realized when starving people to death. No more donations to the food bank or anything else. I do not want to take away anyone's pleasure.
5) Lobby my congressman to increase taxes by at least 20% - we are 'not' paying enough and I think we should 'all' do our share.

I feel better already having made these five decisions. I think I will let them settle into my consciousness awhile before listing anymore. I hope you understand.