John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Anyone remember when the AARP 'slammed' the administration over allowing people to put some of their money into the market and how it would ruin social security? Well they (AARP) have now come out with their own mutual funds... hmm, I wonder who their market is - would it, could it be some older folk who are either on, or approaching social security age? Me? I can readily name one fund I will 'never' invest in, 'ever'!!

Oh, BTW - I don't need the administration to tell me the market is the place to be. : ) Preferably with Exon!!! Ha ha. Think of this abit... company and government pension funds that invest their workers dollars in mutual funds - do you think just perhaps some of those funds invest in Exon, or any of the other BIG OIL COMPANIES????? And do those investors maybe like the returns they are getting from those funds?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Oil Company Profits and The President

The President has succumbed to the squeaking going on from the congress. Here he is, an oil man; above anyone else he should know their profits are not excessive. I invite you to check the profits of major companies in this country and then tell me that oil's are excessive. They aren't. But, the president of these United States has fallen into the same ole trap they all fall into.... investigate the oil companies. They do this time after time. Can you tell me even one time the oil companies have been proven to be gouging? Nope. Individual stations maybe... they are NOT the oil companies, and if they are gouging, I am for shutting 'them' down. I'd almost pay to see Fidel have an oil spill.

I read the other day that even Fidel Castro is gonna drill 35 miles from Florida. Can we? Nooooo. Vincente is drilling in the gulf... can we??? Noooooo. We could drill in the gulf and in Anwar. We could also get serious about alternatives. The congress is yellow and won't do anything meaningful. I am very disallusioned about the whole thing.... the only thing I know is they will not prove the oil companies are gouging. Gas taxes??? Now we might be gittin somewhere.

Pulitzer Prize

Umm, don't journalists say they always have a minimum of TWO sources for their stories? If so, I think there is still at least one more in the CIA needs firing. Right? Thought so. Just wonderin.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

CIA Leaker

1) Mary McCarthy leaks to Dana Priest of the Washington Post
2) Mary McCarthy worked 'with' Joe Wilson at the National Security counsel - you remember ole Joe doncha? Husband of Valerie Plame.
3) Dana Priest's husband works 'for' ole Joe, schedules his speaking engagements.
4) I wonder, did Mary send Joe to Niger? Hmmmmm?????

I hope Porter Goss (Director of Central Intelligence) weeds em all out. The traitors at CIA - if you ever worked in that environment, you 'know' that is the correct definition. There are more to go.
BTW - the CIA prisons story that Mary leaked to Dana??? Umm, has anyone ever actually found one of these prisons? Haven't heard, and I follow these things, (or try to). Was it made up in order to smoke a leaker out? Sounds plausible to mwaa.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Rummy and The Generals

The general officers coming out against Mr. Rumsfield make me want to puke. Not that they are voicing their disagreements, but 'when' they are voicing those disagreements. To hear them say they could not do so when they were 'in' the military is malarkey. Even "I", as enlisted swine could voice my disagreement(s), and trust me when I say, I did.

If they did not disclose their views while on active duty they are yellow; the very persons I would not want to follow into battle. I want a leader, someone who will take a stand, do what is right (at least in their mind)... take a stand for crying out loud. And, if in the end it means losing your precious career, well, at least you can look into the mirror General! "YOU" led men and women into battle. Do I want to follow you, knowing you are making your decisions based on your career goals? Nay nay, I do NOT!!

Here is how it is, period. During the leadup to any given situation... those in 'power' are SUPPOSED to voice their concerns if they have them. Having said that... once the decison is made, 'then' you follow the order - if you do not voice the concern in the leadup, and you 'have' concerns, you are a yellow dawg in my mind.

Remember this - when Rummy was initially made SecDef he immediately went about making drastic changes - he was disliked by many at the top (read as General Officers), and some are finding it quite convenient to now attack. I suspect Mr. Rumsfield, old soilder that he is, will withstand the attacks. In point of fact, the generals have probably ensured precisely that!!!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Various Thoughts

Remember it's the economy stupid? A famous phrase during the re-election campaign of President Clinton. Well, let me tell you... it is obviously NOT the economy these days. The Presidents poll ratings (which I don't think he cares a whit about), continue to plummet. At this early writing, I would not be surprised even a teensy bit if both houses of congress change hands in the mid-term. I'd not like it, but the Republicans have dropped the ball bigtime.

Nasty tornadic action throughout middle America - minor mention of FEMA being on the job and then nothing more. A couple of thoughts... 1) the people who lived through the devastation of one of these tornadoes are just as devastated as anyone who lived through Katrina. I wonder, are they gittin debit cards... are they being put up in hotels for a year or so? Doubt it. Forgit about it... just a tornado. 2) The fact that FEMA responded and got nary a second thought reinforces my thoughts on Katrina. This country had NEVER seen anything the likes of Katrina. No matter who had been in charge, the result would have been the same. 3) The President has had at least three high falutin types turn down the head of FEMA. Real patriots.

The Republicans in congress, BOTH house and senate are yellow. The immigration issue will be their undoing. Better to fight for what you believe than to cave to polls. Who in the sam hill is being polled by the way?

I have been one who has always stood up for the immigrant farm workers. UNTIL they start flying that mehican flag... end of my feeling... u gonna be in this country, you HONOR the flag of this country. If not? Hit the road!