John Smyzer's Ramblings

Saturday, July 28, 2012

I Am Tired

   I am oh so very tired of political correctness.  There are examples each and every day, but some are so very blatant they just jump out at you.

   Mitt Romney in Britain.  Can anyone please tell me what he said that was wrong?  And he did not say it in an offensive manner whatsoever.  But nooo, the media began in on him, it is and was ridiculous.  One cannot, I repeat, cannot tell the truth these days and it is very very sad.

   Another example is the Chic-fil-a – I personally have never had one in my life.  We ‘are’ getting one in town, it is currently under construction.  I will make every effort to eat as many as I can cram down my throat. 

   Chic-fil-a does have gays working there, they do serve gays.  Yet, the owner is not allowed to give his personal beliefs in AMERICA!!!   Gestapo tactics at their finest and it is very sad indeed. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Tax Issue

   I do not give a rat’s ass if Romney releases more than two years of tax records.  Here is what you need to know.  If he released records from his entire working life, they would want more.

   There has NEVER been an allegation he has cheated.  If his taxes are paid in accordance with the crappy tax laws available in this country, then that is the way it is… even if there were years he did not pay taxes, show me it was not legal. 

   What an absurd argument.  If one wants to crab about taxes, take it to Congress where the laws are written. 

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Obama Care and This’n That

   On 25 June I said I would not be one bit surprised if The Court upheld Obama Care.  Well they have and I was not surprised.  In fact, initially I was disgusted, and I still wish they would have emphatically struck it down. 

   After reflection, and after listening to some of the analysis of Chief Justice Robert’s decision, I think I agree ‘with’ the decision. It is now up to the people, period.

   The first think you have to understand about where I am coming from is this.  I will not be around to suffer the long term effects of the decision one way or the other.  So that being said, I still wish it had been struck down. 

   Now, do I believe if Republicans are elected across the board it will go away?  No I do not!  The GOP has shown me they have zero < B A L L S >!  I can not say it plainer than that!  For Romney to say he will strike it down on day one is doggone near blasphemy.  Not saying he doesn’t want to get rid of it… to say he will do it on day one?  Complete bull steinofsky!!! 

   We will soon see if they (GOP) does have any gonads, because if they ‘do’ take control across the board it only takes 51 votes in the Senate to git rid of the funding for Obama Care.  That is because Justice Roberts deemed it a tax!!! Congress is the only body with the authority to implement a tax, and low and behold they can git rid of one also.  The big question… will they?  Ya gotta show me baby.  I no longer believe any of them. None of them!!!