John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Read - Listen - Weep For This Nation

Obama Voters Demonstrate How Their Views Shaped by MSM |

   Once again, I pray for a successful administration of President Elect Obama.  This is actually an amazing video and a true indictment of the media in this country. It is funny, sad, scary, enlightening.  I dunno where we are going, but if you can look in the mirror and say this does not give you pause for thought, you have your head deep into the sands; best it stay there. 


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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Which Is It?

   We have been told over and over, we have been doin too much consuming, e.g. buying too many frivolous things, things we don't need, exercising our credit cards too much.  You have heard it, right?
   Now they are telling us it will be the worst shopping holiday period ever.  Umm, isn't that what they want???  Oh, I guess not... what is a fellow to think / do?  Should I buy, or should I save? 
   I have a nephew who scolded me the other day that we are all in this together, so I think I will have him give me $100.00 and go spend it... you know, use 'his' for me.  Sound familiar? 

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Friday, November 14, 2008

The Energy Situation - Specifically Oil

   I, as most of you, am grateful the price of gas has plummeted.  I'm not even too sure about the economic law of supply / demand anymore.  What a roller coaster.  As I write this, oil continues to fall.

   My main concern is that the desire, the public outcry to develop our own resources, oil included, has diminished greatly.  No longer do you hear drill, drill, drill.  And, as long as oil is cheap that cry will fade into oblivion.  History will repeat and the price of oil 'will' go back up. 

   There is a certain satisfaction knowing, with the falling price of oil, people like Chavez and Putin are hurting.  I suspect the good feelings toward those who appear to be our enemies is falsely placed.  Better to develop our own energy and be self sustaining than depend on those who show by their actions they are indeed our enemy.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Remember Who's On First???

Who's On First? Takeoff

You will love this... I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. LOL

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Monday, November 10, 2008

A Little Disturbing To Me

Obama Spokesman Says 'Obama Ready to RULE on Day 1' |

You can watch it yourself, but, the thought of being umm, <ruled> disturbs me just abit.  I guess we may indeed have elected King Barack.  The lady speaking is co-chair of The President Elect's transition team. 

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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Not Good Sarah

Jonathan Martin's Blog: Palin walks back call on Stevens to resign -

Personally I do not see where this is a tough decision for Sarah.  She should take a stand, and 'encourage' the good Senator to hit the fricking road.  The Senator from Alaska is 'one' of the reasons the republican party is in the shape they are now.

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Not a Good Way To Begin

Obama jokes about 'Nancy Reagan seances'

First of all Sir, it was astrology she consulted. Hillary was the one with the seances.  I suspect this may be the reason Mr. Obama refused the town hall meetings during the campaign. 

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Just Wondering

My mind works in funny ways at times I guess. After watching the total rapture in the faces of the mass assembled in the park the other night, I wondered... 'if' the political party of Mr. Obama were ' R ' instead of ' D ', would he have been investigated by the media of this country? Think about this for abit, and then consider prominent blacks in the ' R ' party. And if you can't think of any, you wouldn't see where I'm going anyway. I will guar-an-dang-tee he would have been ripped apart.

Now, as an American, I am wishing for a successful President Obama, and I do mean successful. If however, anyone things I will sit back and not speak my mind they have another think coming. He is not, in my opinion getting off to a good start by the selection of a cutthroat like Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff. But, time will tell.

The Palin Trashing

As a conservative, the sudden onslaught of criticism regarding Sarah Palin makes me want to vomit. Personally I do not believe even one half of the things I've heard. Why? Because from the time she was selected and displayed before our eyes, never once, I mean, not even once did we see a public display of anger. If there was one, I did not see it, and if there had been you can bet your sweet hinny we would have.

For the record, Mr. McCain would have lost much worse had he selected any of the other oft named individuals. Lessee, you had Pawlenty, Rommney, Lieberman to name the ones at the top. Obama's boyz were ready for any and all of those, but Palin caught them off guard. None of the men listed would have energized the party like Sarah did and McCain would have lost by an even bigger margin.

I think it is a disgrace for some < anonymous > source to be saying the things they are about Sarah. Stand up you yellow belly. Stand up and reveal yourself. You are like a grade school bully.

Oh, and Mr. McCain? One of your people is spreading this crap. You seem to be silent. And yet when people raised questions about 'The Reverend', 'The Terrorist' and a few others you whined for them to please stop attacking... you Sir may just be worse that the yellow belly spreading the rumors.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Mission Accomplished

Went to the polls today, the day before. I decided I have class in the morning that does not get out till noon so I may as well do the deed today. We took a chair along for Kay to use as we were anticipating long lines. The anticipation proved correct. It took a good two hours in line before gaining entrance. Thank goodness it was a bright sunny day with a southerly breeze.

So as will happen when one is in a line like that, people begin to chit chat. The voting joint was scheduled to open at 8 and we arrived probably around 8:40 - the line did not move and did not move and people began to wonder why. Said the good lady in front: " I called and they said the polls opened at 8". I made a comment that it is a government agency, so perhaps someone wuzz fulla beans. After several more comments, good natured in general about the fact this was a government agency we were talking about, I commented, and yet we want them to take over our health care. Suddenly and inexplicably, the conversation ended. Hmm,

One fellar in front of us was reading 'The Good Book' while standing in line, and had I not seen he was black I'd of thought he was a wascally right winged republican radical. But, he looked peaceful so we went ahead and stayed in line.

I will say this much - I am 63 years old; to this point in my life, I have never seen voting lines this long, and I have never missed an election to the best of my recollection. It would appear to me, this is indeed an historical election that has brought the folks out to exercise their privilege.
