John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, February 22, 2008


Many years ago I made a vow - if the republican party ever got totally into power, and did not do what I thought they espoused, I would give up on politics.  Well I guess I just can't give up  on politics itself, but I finally changed my registration from republican to non-partisan.  I guess that is the equivalent to independent in the great state of Nebraska.

Anyway, failure to do what is right on immigration, failure to cut spending, failure to get any meaningful legislation on entitlements; these all have added up, and I could go on and on.  And now?  The republican party has allowed the media to present us with one each John McCain as our leader (and or 'their' leader).  In the end I will probably have to hold my nose and vote for him, but I don't think it will do much good.  I think he will be beaten like a drum, probably worse than the last time a senator from Arizona was nominated.  And btw, I was 100% behind Mr. Goldwater.

I can not think of even ONE policy of Obama/Clinton that I approve of; in fact they both scare me to death, but in my mind the republican party has allowed this to happen.  They had the opportunity (forget the war), had they been fiscally responsible, to be in power, probably for the foreseeable future.  After their period of 'total' power, the democrat party will probably be in 'total' power for another forty years. 

This is a sad commentary, but today I officially declare as Independence Day. 

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Hillary's Departure

I think she's getting close to giving it up.  I listened to the debate last night and I think I heard the first subtle concession.

In the end, it is Bill who I think doomed her.  That and Barrack - in fairness one has to give Obama credit for the campaign he has run. Personally I think he will be elected in a landslide.

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I Encourage You To Listen


I had these sent to me in email - I had delayed watching because I assumed it would be umm, blah blah blah.  No matter your leanings, there are many good points in these videos.  In the end, you will probably be proud to be an American. 

Don't give up on the videos, watch them to the end.  Enlightening to say the least.

Monday, February 18, 2008

60 Minutes and The Border Fence

Watched 60 Minutes last night - the ole boy was in a good mood when the show started, and then:

a) First story had to do with a drug (name nor result is important) - evidently this drug was killing people.  The message of the story?  The FDA should have banned the drug years ago.  No mention of when a new drug is invented and people are clamoring for useage and the FDA is too slow to approve.  Bad government and consequently bad U.S.A.

b) Second story had to do with how absolutely wonderful it is in Denmark. Everything is free to include tuition, medical etc. etc. etc.  Easy to draw the conclusion.  Bad ole U.S.A.

c) Story three had to do with a young maestro from Venezuela - quite talented I might add.  He had / has been hired to lead the orchestra in Los Angeles (as in U.S.A.).  Thrust of the story?  What wonderful opportunities he provides in Venezuela as opposed to our oppressed chillren here.  Bad ole U.S.A.

I have to draw the conclusion we do NOT need any border fences as long as we have 60 Minutes spewing their shtick.  Nobody will want to come here - will they??????

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Economic Stimulus Tax Rebate Calculator

Here is a link to find out if you are eligible - lots of good information there also:

Friday, February 15, 2008

Baseball and Congress

Holy Cow... now, after the fact, ole Henry Waxman says he really didn't want to have the players brought before Congress.  What a travesty. 

For me, a baseball fan, I am really saddened by Roger Clemens.  I had held out hope till I watched him testify, that he had not taken any HGH and or steroids.  I don't see how one could watch, and not know he 'probably did'  A sad day for baseball indeed.

As for Congress itself?  I thought this was one instance when partisan politics would not be evident.  You tax dollars in action.  As I said, what a travesty. 

Sunday, February 10, 2008

McCain and One Hundred Years in Iraq

So I keep hearing Hillary and Barack referring to McCain's comment marines may be in Iraq for up to 100 years.  The media keeps letting them repeat this tripe over and over and over again.

A simple minded question that even a rookie reporter / journalist might consider asking.

So Hills m'lady, and or Barack my fellow:  does it then follow that you will pull all our troops from umm,

OKINAWA - JAPAN - ITALY - GERMANY - ENGLAND - TAIWAN - why in the sam hill, after more than 50 years in these countries are our troops still there!!!!!?????!!!!  Come on people... pull thine heads out of thine buttocks.

Illegal Immigration

This is 'the' issue I thought would predominate this election year.  With the candidates left, no matter the side - I have to concede defeat on 'the' issue. 

It is now clear we are going to accept another 20 million on a fast track to citizenship, and that will open the floodgates for another 20 million or so.  Tear DOWN that frickin fence (the bit that has been built), and lettem in, pullleeeezze. 

One last thing - since the minor crackdown (when the politicians thought it was expedient) - have you missed out on even once piece of fruit?  They said it would rot in the fields.  Has it?   Makes me wanna vomit.

Obama - Something Is Happening

I live in a red state - Obama packed our local civic auditorium - anybody who does not think something is going on with this fellow is smoking something. 

We've heard nothing but oratory so far, but he has the allure that draws people without giving specifics.  Whether or not he will be able to be drawn out with specifics is an open question.  We will have to rely on the media.  Guess we are doomed.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Romney Out

So, it appears we 'get' Mr. McCain.  Principles be damned it would seem.  Well, hopefully he can convince me.  So far he hasn't, and I do have principles. 

One note - I believe if Obama is nominated on the democrat side he will win in a landslide - if Hillary is, McCain has a chance. What about the Huckster you ask?  He has no chance in my opinion.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Super Tuesday - The Night Before

What to think, what to think - Democrat Party - Obama is definitely surging.  Hillary did shed a tear again today so perhaps that will carry her through tomorrow.  Cynical fellow I am, just can't help the thoughts that creep into my mind.  I have said in the past, were "I" a Democrat, I would vote for Obama.  I heard Jack Welch say today... "he is absolutely the most inspiring fellow I'd never vote for".  Ha ha ha.  Couldn't say it any better myself. 

On the Republican side - I am really struggling with the McCain phenomena.  If the media weren't the ones telling me how great he was, it might be one thing; when I hear people I've listened to day in, day out tell me McCain is a conservative I want to puke.  John McCain is NOT a conservative, not like "I" think of a conservative.  He has taken almost every opportunity to stick his finger into the eye of his party time after time.  The result is, I no longer believe what he says.  And here is the bottom line - those media folk who are trying to convince me to support McCain?  They will turn on him in a heartbeat once / if he is the party's nominee.  I mean, you will see the quickest turn of events you can ever imagine. 

Let there be zero doubt the American people are ready for change.  I think they could run The Huckster and they'd probably win.  But?  Somehow I think Romney may just change things up abit tomorrow.  While I don't agree with all he stands for either, he does represent what I think a Republican should be - at least in today's world.   He 'knows' we have the highest corporate taxes in the western world; he knows in order to compete, those need to be cut.  Oh well, I'm not going to be in the earning world anymore but I feel for those following. 

So tomorrow, I think Obama will surprise, and I hope Romney surprises as well.   It appears to me, the old establishment Republicans have decided on McCain.  Want to know the irony of that?  When Mitt's dad George ran back in the 60s??? He 'was' the establishment and I couldn't stand him.  How about those apples.