John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, February 04, 2008

Super Tuesday - The Night Before

What to think, what to think - Democrat Party - Obama is definitely surging.  Hillary did shed a tear again today so perhaps that will carry her through tomorrow.  Cynical fellow I am, just can't help the thoughts that creep into my mind.  I have said in the past, were "I" a Democrat, I would vote for Obama.  I heard Jack Welch say today... "he is absolutely the most inspiring fellow I'd never vote for".  Ha ha ha.  Couldn't say it any better myself. 

On the Republican side - I am really struggling with the McCain phenomena.  If the media weren't the ones telling me how great he was, it might be one thing; when I hear people I've listened to day in, day out tell me McCain is a conservative I want to puke.  John McCain is NOT a conservative, not like "I" think of a conservative.  He has taken almost every opportunity to stick his finger into the eye of his party time after time.  The result is, I no longer believe what he says.  And here is the bottom line - those media folk who are trying to convince me to support McCain?  They will turn on him in a heartbeat once / if he is the party's nominee.  I mean, you will see the quickest turn of events you can ever imagine. 

Let there be zero doubt the American people are ready for change.  I think they could run The Huckster and they'd probably win.  But?  Somehow I think Romney may just change things up abit tomorrow.  While I don't agree with all he stands for either, he does represent what I think a Republican should be - at least in today's world.   He 'knows' we have the highest corporate taxes in the western world; he knows in order to compete, those need to be cut.  Oh well, I'm not going to be in the earning world anymore but I feel for those following. 

So tomorrow, I think Obama will surprise, and I hope Romney surprises as well.   It appears to me, the old establishment Republicans have decided on McCain.  Want to know the irony of that?  When Mitt's dad George ran back in the 60s??? He 'was' the establishment and I couldn't stand him.  How about those apples.


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