John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Who Really Cares

   I get very ticked when listening to the commentators talk about collective bargaining, and what a dastardly thing is happening in WI among other states.  If they would just differentiate between the public and private sector it would be OK, but the do not make the distinction. 

   The favorite of the democrat party of all time, FDR was against collective bargaining in the public sector. Mr. Roosevelt is quoted in this article and is well worth the read.  Another stalwart of the left, George Meany who was head of the AFLCIO back in the day was also against collective bargaining in the private sector.  I can remember as a kid wanting to climb through the TV screen whenever he was on the tube.  It is so very ironic how the left simply ignores two of their biggest backers.

   Social Studies, eighth grade; there are three branches of government, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.  The Executive Branches decision to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act is itself a violation of law.  It is a [ L A W ].  Now, if the doggone law is changed, OK.  Let us turn this around, what if, just lean back and ask yourself, what if George Bush had just said the government would no longer defend Roe vs. Wade.  Do you think there might have been howls for impeachment post haste???  Somebody in the Judicial Branch of this government needs to take this fellow down a peg or two.  I am finally beginning to get a wee bit afraid. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

This’n That

   Anyone read ‘Profiles in Courage’?  JFK’s book.  It seems that title fits precisely to the senators in WI who have slunk their way out of the state.  I have no clue what the end result will be; if history repeats, the Republicans will probably fold, but… it seems to me since the governor campaigned on this very issue, the people have spoken.  You don’t take your ball and go home just because things are not going your way. 

   I continue to be amazed at recent polls showing former President Ronald Reagan as the most popular ex president.  I can clearly remember how the left in this country, and hence the mainstream press despised President Reagan.  They openly called him dumb.  I must gall them to see the results of these recent polls.  I enjoy them immensely. 

   Dunno how things will shake out in the Middle East but one thing is for absolute sure;  the price of oil is gonna go UP!!  And the kicker?  The administration is preventing oil drilling in this country.  And not a peep from our illustrious media.  We are gonna be a suffering folks, and plenty soon.  And… we may end up with Gadhafi close by in Venezuela.  What a treat.

   You should notice after all the uprising in Egypt has died down, the Google fellow has been strangely quiet.  He had been given big credit for being ‘the instigator’ of the revolution.  In the aftermath, he is silent.  What about all this new freedom?  I suspect, in the end (you pick the country), things will return to dictatorships of one sort or another.  I’m betting a good steak dinner.  

Monday, February 14, 2011

Slick Willie Could Not Hold a Candle + Random Thoughts

   So I’m looking over / reading about some of President Obama’s budget cuts – umm, heating assistance to the poor, Pell grants among others. 

   You have to be the biggest idiot in this world to even consider the fact anyone will cut heating assistance to the poor.  Trust “ME” when I say it will increase.  And the same goes for Pell grants.  He is indeed slick.  He ‘knows’ that when push comes to shove, and should the wascally wepublicans submit those cuts, the people will rise up, and ‘HE’ will ride to the wescue.  He is indeed slick.

   The freezing of discretionary spending?  Another sleight of hand. The President RAISED spending by extreme levels during his first two years – and those raised levels are where he wants to freeze. The media, by not pointing this fact out is complicit in the sleight of hand. 

   The President has ignored his own commission's recommendations.  For the record… there ‘should’ be no need for commissions.  Congress should have the cojones to make cuts when required; since we all know Congress abdicated their responsibilities many moons ago, Presidents appoint commissions, and then after those commissions come up with their advice, it gets ignored. 

   We all thought Bill Clinton was a smooth talker.  He could not hold a candle to this young fellow, and the media ‘is’ complicit. 

   I am sure we can all agree with the great democratic victory for the people of Egypt.  I of course am somewhat skeptical.  I am not too sure just what the people of Egypt thought was going to happen.  This much I do know.  The military is in complete control, and that sounds like a coup to me.  Anyone knows (or should know) Mubarak was kept in charge ‘by the military’.  So…. methinks we are in for some interesting times along the way.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Things To Ponder

   I have no clue how the Egyptian issue is going to end, but I suspect Hosni will leave one way or the other ‘before’ September. In the meantime, it was breathtaking to hear him tell President Obama to go pound sand, if for no other reason it just does not happen too frequently.

   If you as a somewhat aware American are not scared to death with the absolute ignorance of James Clapper, our Director of National Intelligence, you must be totally oblivious.  Incompetence is an understatement when discussing this subject. 

   In my opinion, I thought Bill O’Reilly went easy on President Obama during the Super Bowl interview.  I did not however have any problem with his style of interviewing.  If you are going to interview a politician, you had better be able to break in or the person being interviewed will filibuster big-time.  On the other hand, on his show, (O’Reillys), it is disgusting to me to have to listen to Bill solicit comments from all his cohorts about how ‘he’ did while interviewing The President.  Sounds too much like he wants un-needed pats on the back.

   It has been interesting to see / hear the leaders in Europe, Merkel, Sarkozy, and Cameron say multiculturalism has failed in their countries. While I think it may be too late to turn the clocks back there, it is something I believe we should take to heart.  Will we?  I doubt it.  Just wouldn’t be prudent doncha know.