John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

McCain Wins Florida

Welp, he won an all Republican vote - finally.  I guess the wind is at his back.  For reasons "I" don't understand, people choose to ignore some of what I think are his most egregious errors: 1) McCain/Feingold - campaign finance.  2) McCain / Kennedy (immigration, thankfully shot down). Also a leader of the 'gang of 14'.  I dunno, I have a queasy feeling.

One more time... a war hero?  Yes, not even debatable; does that make him right all the time?  Nope.  We shall see what the future brings.  My chosen one (Rudy) is gone; said to endorse McCain tomorrow in California.  Of those remaining... I do not know. If I could just BELIEVE what McCain says, I would have no problems. The issue is, I've been watching him for years.  This isn't an instant issue I'm having with him. We shall see. 

Monday, January 28, 2008

Your Smile For Today

        The next time someone asks you a dumb question wouldn't you like to respond like this?.....

       Yesterday I was buying a large bag of Purina dog chow for Athena the  wonder dog at Wal-Mart and was about to check out. A woman behind me asked if I had a dog. What did she think I
had, an elephant?

So since I'm retired, with little to do, on impulse, I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, and that I was starting the Purina Diet again,  although I probably shouldn't, because I'd ended up in the hospital  last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes
coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.
I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the
way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina
nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry
and that the food is  nutritionally complete so I was going to
try it again.

(I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line
was by now enthralled with my story.)

Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care because
the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I stepped off a curb
to sniff an Irish Setter's ass and a car hit us both.
I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack,
he was laughing so hard!

            WAL-MART won't let me shop there anymore


I see Caroline has endorsed Obama - she was able to articulate so much better what I've been trying to say off and on for quite some time.  In my own case, as stated before... while I disagree with almost 100% of Obama's policy ideas, he makes one 'believe' there is hope.  He is a gifted speaker, a motivator.

While I was never [inspired] by JFK myself, I understand Caroline's words, and I agree with her sentiments in toto.

Hold on - it's gonna be a rough ride baby.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

All You Really Need To Know

is the New York Times has endorsed John McCain and Hillary Clinton - nuff said.  Those two are like peas in a pod. 

A Scary Thought (To Me)

Read a Robert Novak column this morning that riled me so much I couldn't even do my daily business.  He said that behind the scenes, if Obama is elected, he is leaning towards John Edwards as his Attorney General.  A trial lawyer - scary stuff.

South Carolina - Democrat Party

So, I suppose Barrack is going to win this'n but one never knows (witness New Hampshire).  I still think (were "I" in this party), I'd nominate Barrack.  Why do I say this?  Because, while I personally disagree with almost 100% of his philosophy, he at least has the ability to spew said philosophy in a rational manner.  In my mind, I'd like to think democrat folk would agree.  Hillary?  Waaay to shrill... all the men would think their frau's were crabbin 365 days per year.  (:

Monday, January 21, 2008

Did You Know

John McCain did NOT receive the majority of republican votes in South Carolina or Michigan?  Just a little something the mainstreamers leave out of their equations.  The reason?  In those states people can vote for whomever they want, no matter which party you re registered in.  So, the final vote(s) get skewed.  Florida will be the first state,  where if you are registered republican you have to vote republican.  Should be an interesting outcome. 

The big question - how come we don't hear this FACT on any newscasts?

There is Only ONE

There really is only one person I would NOT cast my vote for president - that would be 'Her Majesty' Hillary.  Been there, done that with the Clintons.  Watching them, both Hill and Bill during this campaign season brings back haunting memories.  I still want to sleep at night.

On the other side, I personally would have a very hard time pulling the lever for McCain.  It would be very difficult.  If, however, it were between he and Hillary, I'd hold my nose and pull for McCain.  It amazes me how the media is for McCain, and in reality that tells me all I need to know.  I do not need them to tell me all the things I've disagreed with McCain on for years.  Course they don't remind me; I just know.  I no longer believe even one word he says though;  comes from watching him. 

There are times I wish I could bury my head in the sand and pay no attention to all this stuff.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The United States Navy

US. Navy releases Al Qaeda Terrorist!
The US Navy today announced that it has released a senior Al Qaeda terrorist after questioning him extensively for 27 days while being held prisoner aboard a US aircraft carrier in the Arabian Sea.

In a humanitarian gesture, the terrorist was given $50 and a white 1962 Ford Fairlane automobile upon being released from custody.

The attached photo shows the terrorist on his way home just after being released by the Navy.


This Will Be Interesting

Watching the democrat party 'probable' nominees duke it out is quite revealing.  Hillary is not going to be able to resist showing her true colors (pun intended).

Watching her bring out her surrogates (both black and white) to impugn Barrack is breathtaking to me.  What has surprised me for as long as I've been aware is how the black populace of this country more or less falls in step with the democrat party - lockstep actually.  Been that way as long as I can remember. This particular election may finally reveal the dirty little secret. The blacks as a group have been used - for their vote and not much more. 

What has intrigued me all these years is, what have they gained by being in lockstep with the democrat party.  Now, by that, do I mean all would be rosy had they voted for an occasional republican?  No, although we will never know will we.  I can say for sure "I" have been greatly disappointed with the republicans in congress - bigtime. 

Well anyway, this will be fun to watch.  Just the little innuendoes that will reveal the 'real Hillary'. 

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hillary's Watery Eyes

So, they are telling us the reason the pollsters were wrong was the fact women got mad at people ganging up on Hillary. I happen to think her watery eyes (she did NOT cry), was a conscious decision on her part myself. But, it does not matter what I think; this issue did bring to mind an incident I had in the military.
When I went to Thailand in 1974I walked into an explosive situation. I was a junior Tech Sargent which means there were others there who outranked me. This meant I should not have been a supervisor... however, the head cheese there knew me from a previous position in California. He called me in and said he had a problem shift... friction tween a young black male, and a white female. Wanted me to take the shift. I reminded him I was junior and what was wrong with the other supervisors? He just said - no balls. My only comment was, what I say goes then. He agreed and I took the shift.
Now you have to understand, the white female outranked the black male. While that is important in many situations, in the case of a small group (crew), the crew has to be as one. This includes the cleaning of the facility, as task we were endeared with on the midnight shift. I had already fleshed out most of the reasons for the rancor between the two, and it was merely a matter of perceived fairness. Oh, did I mention the white female was 5'10", had hair that would hang to her hind end when let down, and who had legs all the way up to her hinny? Just painting a picture here.
So, our first mid shift rolls around. My belly is begining to churn because I know cleanup time drawing near. The time comes, and I tell the white female to grab the mop and bucket. I tell the black male to give the room a sweep and she would mop. His eyes got wide as if he'd heard this before, but perhaps not in the same way. She comes up behind me, puts her arms around me and presses something soft into my back. She says she shouldn't have to mop because of her rank. I have to ignore this and firmly state as small as our crews are we would all do our part. Then the tears started and I just said, go get yourself together and on the way back, bring the mop. By now the black male's eyes are nothing but white. He may even have had some sympathy for her, but I won him over in that one instance.
What does this have to do with Hillary's watery eyes? There is nothing wrong with crying, but in the proper place. And not staged. You can be so mad you cry, you cry at funerals (sometimes); my point in this oration is to say the use of tears has been going on for along time and it will continue. But, trust me when I say, 'most' men can tell when it is contrived.
There was one more incident it took before I won 'her' over, but I did, and we were the best shift there. My supervisor just grinned and said he knew it would be handled.

New Hampshire Aftermath

So... we are through #2 - only 48 more to go. My thoughts in passing.


1) John McCain won but I am not buying the fact he will be the elephant nominee. I personally detest several things McCain has done over the years in the Senate. He fixed the financing of campaigns didn't he? He fixed immigration didn't he? He opposed tax cuts... nope, I don't think he will even get the nomination. My gut churns every time I think of him. Did you watch his speech after he was declared the winner? Sad. War hero? Yup... the end of resume.
2) The Huckster: not sold on this guy yet... I want to hear more. I do know he is pro-life. Good for him. I am not a one issue person. I also know he raised taxes in Arkansas, at least according to what I've read. I also know from watching he has a knife in the back (but with a smile) streak in him. I like to think of it as the Christian way of doing things... so smoothly one does not know it's happened. Not sold yet on this fellow.
3) Thompson - dead in the water.
4) Rudy - Florida will tell whether or not his strategy of staying out of Iowa and New Hampshire will be a wise choice. Overall, Rudy is still my man; I have heard him discuss many issues and I like his approach/solution.
5) Romney - if he does not win Michigan, I think he will consider thorwing it in. He claims he's in for the long haul, and he does have the money to do so. I think he has done well in the debates and that's the reason McCain and The Huckster have ganged up on hom.


1) Clinton - I am glad this happened, not because she won, but because it will allow, during future states, the fleshing out of opposing views within the democrat party. I do not want a single person to be 'annointed' and then not have to hear that person's views for 8-10 months. I want a continuing fight. The greatest thing about her victory was how wrong the pollsters and media were.
2) Obama - they guy gives the best speech you can hope for... but he has not once given any concrete solutions. Just spews the word change, and while even I am ready for some change, umm, please tell me what we are changing to. And let me say one more time... I do hope Obama changes some of the melodious sounds of his speeches. I mean, while 'I Have A Dream' had a certain melody to it, I think we would get quite tired of each and every speech having that ring. Having said that - I still think Obama is gonna win on the democrat side. I know Hillary is the establishment, but, just my opinion.
3) Edwards. Stay where you are please - he scares me most of all - his views.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Iowa Caucus Aftermath

Initial reactions - Obama has legs and is a real contender. One can not deny his charisma. My only hope is he backs off just slightly with the cadence he seems to get into as he gets wound up. Forget the technicalities of his proposals... he knows how to deliver a line - he makes you 'believe' probably better than anyone I've heard in years.

Hillary - watch the claws come out. She is in trouble.

Edwards - he is the one I fear most just because of what he says - I think he is probably finished so letting that fear subside.

Huckabee - Not sold yet, and truth be known, I don't think he will hold up. He is shrewd, no doubt about that - his 'Satan' comment regarding the Mormons, bend on over and slide it all the way in... very slick. The Christian way doncha know.

Romney - hurt badly in Iowa by his showing - spent too much money not to win. Will lose in New Hampshire to McCain and probably miss in South Carolina also.

McCain - big winner in Iowa - needed Huckabee to knock off Romney - will return the favor to Huckabee in New Hampshire, then those two will become enemies.

Rudy - where is Rudy? May have erred by skipping Iowa... time will tell.