John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Hampshire Aftermath

So... we are through #2 - only 48 more to go. My thoughts in passing.


1) John McCain won but I am not buying the fact he will be the elephant nominee. I personally detest several things McCain has done over the years in the Senate. He fixed the financing of campaigns didn't he? He fixed immigration didn't he? He opposed tax cuts... nope, I don't think he will even get the nomination. My gut churns every time I think of him. Did you watch his speech after he was declared the winner? Sad. War hero? Yup... the end of resume.
2) The Huckster: not sold on this guy yet... I want to hear more. I do know he is pro-life. Good for him. I am not a one issue person. I also know he raised taxes in Arkansas, at least according to what I've read. I also know from watching he has a knife in the back (but with a smile) streak in him. I like to think of it as the Christian way of doing things... so smoothly one does not know it's happened. Not sold yet on this fellow.
3) Thompson - dead in the water.
4) Rudy - Florida will tell whether or not his strategy of staying out of Iowa and New Hampshire will be a wise choice. Overall, Rudy is still my man; I have heard him discuss many issues and I like his approach/solution.
5) Romney - if he does not win Michigan, I think he will consider thorwing it in. He claims he's in for the long haul, and he does have the money to do so. I think he has done well in the debates and that's the reason McCain and The Huckster have ganged up on hom.


1) Clinton - I am glad this happened, not because she won, but because it will allow, during future states, the fleshing out of opposing views within the democrat party. I do not want a single person to be 'annointed' and then not have to hear that person's views for 8-10 months. I want a continuing fight. The greatest thing about her victory was how wrong the pollsters and media were.
2) Obama - they guy gives the best speech you can hope for... but he has not once given any concrete solutions. Just spews the word change, and while even I am ready for some change, umm, please tell me what we are changing to. And let me say one more time... I do hope Obama changes some of the melodious sounds of his speeches. I mean, while 'I Have A Dream' had a certain melody to it, I think we would get quite tired of each and every speech having that ring. Having said that - I still think Obama is gonna win on the democrat side. I know Hillary is the establishment, but, just my opinion.
3) Edwards. Stay where you are please - he scares me most of all - his views.


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