John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)

I don't know about you, but something smells to high heaven regarding the latest NIE as it pertains to Iran and their nuclear capability.  My gut tells me there is politics in the highest echelons of this government.  And by that I mean precisely that President Bush has enemies within his own government... bigtime. 

You absolutely cannot convince me our intelligence is that worthless. NEVER!  Been too close to that world for too long.  Further more, you also will never convince me that 'all' of our intelligence agencies concur.  They all have their own agendas, mainly to survive. 

The first clue one should digest is this - the democrat party, when it is convenient to do so, strongly [believes] a given NIE.  However, you should be well advised when an NIE goes against what they believe, all of a sudden, the NIE is suspect, a Bush product etc.

Speaking for me?  I will sit back, I will wait until it is revealed the political leanings of the author of this NIE.  You will never, 'ever', convince me our intelligence is this bad.  Call me a sucker if you will; I am still grateful for a President with testes, one who KNOWS how different areas of this government have been infiltrated with some who can be almost be called traitorous.    


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