John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, November 15, 2007

We Be Dense

So I'm watching the Brian Williams show - otherwise known as NBC Nightly News - he is talking to, (according to Morning Joe), international superstar Erin Burnett.  She is on CNBC daily and is their current favorite 'looker'. 

So they are talking about just how bad and shaky the economy is - by the time they are done, I'm thinking I should cut my losses and sell all my holdings.  She bats her eyes, goes away; so help me, the very NEXT story is about how Americans will be traveling in record numbers for the Thanksgiving holiday period. 

Now, I did go to an ole country school for the first 8  years or so, but something just does not mesh with these two stories.  Perhaps I missed the part where one does not need moolah, dinero, buckeroos, baht, pesos or some other sort of exchange in order to travel.  Someone please splain it to me please... I be dense and dumber than dirt.


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