John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Southern Border

Can someone please explain to me the border crisis in the Texas and Arizona area? I will be the first to admit there are issues with our immigration and that Congress on both sides of the aisle is yellow. 

 For me, I do not know even one person who is against legal immigration. On the other hand, those same people who believe in legal immigration do not believe in illegal immigration! It is not difficult to

 I think what the governor of Texas is doing, governor Abbot, by sending busloads of illegals to New York and Washington DC is a brilliant move. It shows the hypocrisy of those sanctuary cities and it shows it quickly. Taxes is dealing with thousands coming across and he's sending a few hundred to the east coast in my opinion is brilliant to illuminate the issues associated with illegals.

 I will say in conclusion, the fact the president nor the vice president has been to the border since their administration began speaks volumes. If you need it interpreted there is not much hope for you.


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