John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Various'n Sundry Items In The News

   Jonathan Gruber looks directly into the camera and lies to us, the taxpayers of this country.  I guess he has had a wonderful teacher.  Our President, even though many things are 'on tape' and visible, will look directly at the camera and say he did not say something when we saw him say the words. We deserve it, we have totally succumbed to their way of doing things.

   The Republican Party agreeing to no shutdown is precisely why "I" have changed my voting registration to Independent.  I have learned over many years the Republican establishment is no more concerned about controlling spending than the Democrat Party.  Sad it took me so long to understand these facts. I defy you to tell who in the samhill is in power by what legislation is passed.  And if they don't pass legislation, President Obama just does his own thing AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!!!!

   I get the biggest kick out of the Democrat Senate releasing the report on the CIA "torture" that took place the past number of years, let us just say the Bush years.  First and foremost, I am FOR what the CIA did and would do it again.  Here is the hypocrite part.  President Obama sends drones all over the world to 'take out' terrorists (if he is using that word these days).  During the course of these drone strikes, some innocents are hit and killed. Now I ask you, would you rather capture and waterboard a bad guy, or would you rather send in a drone and kill him 'and' perhaps some innocents at the same time. Not a word from the hypocrites.

   Torture to me would be being married to a woman on the 93rd floor of the World Trade Center who had to either jump or fry - torture to me is riding on one of the planes and 'knowing' you were on your last flight - torture is having a sone or daughter and having them be-headed. Torture is NOT waterboarding some bastard who would cut your head off if given the chance.  And if he has information or I suspect he does, please let me volunteer for the duty!!


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