John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Losing of One's Faith in Government

I have been away for quite a spell.  Just got tired I guess, tired of bashing The President.  Well, it has gotten much worse in my mind and now we are being told, for all intents and purposes this election is over.

When one reads how much media hates Trump, and how democrats are employing dirty tricks to pervert polling, I am just not ready to give up on this election. I will say this, if their goal is to subdue participation with misleading poll data, I believe they are succeeding.

I am a military man... when this political season started, there were three democrats and sixteen (I think), republicans.  Out of those nineteen people, I said, before the very first primary, there is only one person I will NOT / NEVER vote for, and that was Hillary. Why you ask - any military person involved with classified information absolutely knows they would be in Leavenworth for doing 1/10th what she has done.

I have lost all faith in the FBI, the State Department, the NSA, the DIA for the way her actions have been swept under the rug.  The FBI for obvious reasons; Comey should be totally ashamed for making me and many others feel this way.  The other agencies because they handle classified on a daily basis, and for them, by their silence saying it is OK, well, many should indeed go to jail.


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