John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Yep - I Was / Am Stunned

To say I was stunned with the election outcome would be an understatement.  When I saw just how tight Florida was, and how close North Carolina was, I decided to go to bed for a few hours, then get back up.

I woke at 1:55 a.m. CST, and by the time I got to my chair, Mr. Trump was giving his acceptance speech.  I was absolutely floored. I spent the next 4-6 hours listening to CNN, and MSNBC just to hear the crapola coming out of their mouths.

For me, it was simple, the people are so very fed up, and they were going to do something, and that something turned out to be electing Donald John Trump.

My vote was sent in two weeks ago, and while I was being fed the daily jizz by the media and felt quite depressed going into the night, you have to know my feelings of elation at 2 a.m.

I do predict anarchy and gnashing of teeth for the next four years.  Few remember just how detested Ronald Reagan was when elected.  I do, by both the left and the right.

I leave with one closing thought - when there were 18 or 19 Republicans, and 3 Democrats running, out of that whole bunch I said there was only ONE I would never vote for; if you chose Hillary, you chose correctly.  I predict a full pardon for her "before" Jan 20, 2017.


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