John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

How To Avoid The Wife's Chores

As an old military man who had to figure things out on his own on occasion, I believe this fellow has the right idea in hiding from his betrothed.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Anyone who knows me, and I mean 'knows' me will tell you that just about the worst thing you can do is be a hypocrite (knowingly).  Drives me nutso.

Last night I was watching NBC News - Sir Thomas Brokaw was interviewing the second richest man in these United States - Warren Buffett.  Mr. Buffett was talking about how his tax rate is lower than those lowly people who work for him... 17% vs 30% as I recall.  Gushing about how the rich just don't pay enough in taxes.  The asked a couple of his workers if they were aware of this... oh noooo, you're kidding... all the normal rot about how unfair this 'must' be. 

I do not pretend to know the ins/outs of our wonderful tax code. I am for a flat tax, period, however, I do know enough to know that those who are considered rich know how to hide/shelter their money.  This includes the illustrious Mr. Buffett.  He does lots of good with his charitable donations; one can not deny that fact.  Do you suppose he gets a tax break because of those donations?  You bet your bippy... "BIGTIME". 

One thing people ought to think about.  The definition of 'rich'.  I do not begrudge the rich (whoever that might be).  What I 'do' worry about is when someone decides I am rich.  I am rich as are most Americans in comparison to the rest of this ole world.  But this is about taxes. People would be amazed if they knew how small a percentage of taxpayers pay 90% of the income taxes in this country. [INCOME TAXES], not all the other taxes including property, sales, hotel, food, and on and on.

Every time INCOME taxes are cut, the bounty coming into the treasury increases.  Why is that?  Well, those dang rich folks need something to do with their money, so they umm, invest those monies.  And guess what that does... it creates jobs for other rummies to work and pay, umm buy things which creates more jobs, which creates more wealth, cause someone hasta build / create those things.

So Mr. Buffett. I pay my fair share and more, and you are free to send more than is taken straight to your government.  They will gladly accept anything you send.  Nobody will deny your right to send the money you think you owe.  Please do so you hypocrite.

Here is one more hypocrite.  BONO - the singer.... he has done much to identify and aid world hunger.  He's done allot, can't deny that.  Well, he has moved his corporate base from his homeland of Ireland to The Netherlands where his royalties have virtually zero tax.  These dang rich guys.  You see how simple it is to get OUT of taxes?   Same thing here. If you think Buffett hasn't taken advantage of tax shelters you are smokin something.

The point is - raise the taxes as high as you want.  The really rich, those we can all agree who 'are', will find a way to not pay.  It isn't complicated. 

Monday, October 29, 2007

Seen On Daily Irrelevant

The Surgeon General announced today that he will recommend changing the country seal from an eagle to a condom because it more accurately reflects our politics.

A condom stands up to inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you’re actually being screwed.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Spy Is Easy On The Eyes

Watched 'The Spy' on 60 Minutes with 'Katie' last night. I will say, 'The Spy' is easy on the eye. It was a very self serving interview in my humble opinion.

Just a little side note, and I will let it go at  that - will someone, anyone, tell me who was convicted of 'outing' a spy?  Nobody is the answer, and that has to mean she was NOT covert.  I will guaran-goldang-tee you, someone would be in jail had they revealed a covert agent.

Just tidying up after 60 Minutes and the perky Katie.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Another Freaking Recall !!!


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Which One Will It Be??? She's Coming !




Friday, October 12, 2007

Government Efficiency

I had what I considered a well thought out plan when I determined I would file for Social Security - this has nothing to do with my age, it has to do with the process itself.

So, everything "I" had read, said you should begin the process three months prior to when you wanted to begin receiving benefits.  That was June of this year.  Since over the years I had lost my actual Social Security card, I actually went to the local office in February to see about getting a new card. That was a simple process; in fact I got a parking place in the front row, and had service within five minutes of entry. Received my new card within two weeks, and was looking forward to June, my next appointment.

June came, I sauntered to the office, and so help me got the same precise parking place.  Thought about crossing myself but just said a silent thank you instead.  Again... absolutely zero wait inside... had a nice lady, in fact a knowledgeable lady wait on me. I left there feeling confident despite the fact I expected to begin receiving my checks in August. I was a bit non-plussed to find out they would not begin until October, and THEN not until the third week of October.  I asked the lady if I should just bend on over so she could slide it all the way in; she and I had a good rapport by that time and we laughed.

So, it is now October; I get a fricking letter from Social Security, and when I saw it in the box I just assumed it was a confirmation that my checks would begin [s o o n ].... nooooooo... they want me to 'confirm' I have not been working so as to ensure they don't send me too many sheckles.  Most of everything on there had been asked when I went to the local office in June.  And, there was a testy edge to the letter saying it was imperative to mail it back as soon as possible.  And the envelope required fricking postage!!!!  The last insult was a statement at the end talking about the paper reduction act.

I decided to call the yahoooos, thinking I could save some paper, some postage, and the aggravation of filling the paperwork out.  I talked to Mary after perhaps fifteen minutes of going through a menu, answering questions.  I was polite to ole Mary as she sounded like she was choking on a doughnut.  She tried to do the deed online but couldn't get her system to work. In the final analysis I asked Mary to agree with me that it was bad news the govmit boyz were making 'me' spend my own money to send back a piece of paper verifying what I told them in June, what I had just told her on the phone etc. etc.  She said she could not do that, but I still thanked her in my best syrupy voice.  And all this 'before' getting my first check!  I am going to Red Lobster tonight just to console myself.  And ya'll want govmint healthcare!!!  Party on.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Bullfight Buffet

A man goes to Spain and attends a bullfight. Afterwards he goes to a nearby restaurant and orders the specialty of the day. The waiter brings him two very big balls on a huge plate, which the tourist eats with relish.
The next day he goes to the same restaurant again, once again orders the specialty of the day, and he is brought two very big balls on a huge plate. It tastes even more scrumptious.

The third day he does the same and the fourth, but on the fifth day he goes to the restaurant and orders the specialty of the day, and they bring him two very small balls on a big plate. The man asks, "What gives?"

And the waiter says, "Senor, the bullfighter doesn't always win!"

Friday, October 05, 2007

Marion Jones - Courageous

I watched Marion when she came out of the courthouse today - forget what she did, although I am sorry for the sad state of today's athletes.  Not the point of this ramble.

Ms. Jones showed more courage today in [ speaking extemporaneously ] than any politician or actor I've seen in similar circumstances in the last thirty years. If you can name one, just one, who has had the guts to speak, [WITHOUT] reading their statement, I'd like to know about the case. 

This was a true, heartfelt apology.  I for one appreciated how it was delivered. She showed courage and I believed her.


I see justice has been served to the young editor-in-chief of the Colorado State University newspaper - The Rocky Mountain Collegian. 

He got, drum roll... an admonishment, verbal in nature.  Here is the irony.  The young lads name is McSwane.  His offense was  he had a headline in his paper that said [ the 'f' word and then Bush ]. The site I discovered the admonishment on, censored the letter that said:  [ the 'f' word and then McSwane ].  Ha ha ha. 

The hate for our president is unprecedented.  And just in case anyone has forgotten, the laddie wrote the article as a result of the tasering which took place at the Florida college where John F. Kerry was speaking.

All during my youth I was told using swear words was a sign of ignorance, lack of vocabulary etc.  Guess the colleges of this country are proving my point.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Dunno bout where you live, but around here there is a new Kentucky Fried Chicken commercial with a lovely black family. They are all sitting around the supper table and asking each other about their day.  One of the kids asks the mother what she liked about her day and she replies "right now". 

So, what's the problem you ask... well in my mind, it is a perfect opportunity to portray the [entire family].  Noooo, not this family.  No father present.  No mention of good ole Dad either.  Just a mother and the kids.  I suppose he could have been in prison based on what we are led to believe.  If so, one would think there might just be some reference to his plight.

I just believe the commercial, which is portraying a family should somehow include the entire family.  The Colonel missed a golden opportunity, at least in my mind.  This was afterall, not a low income family... appearance wise, it was upper middle class.