John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, October 05, 2007


I see justice has been served to the young editor-in-chief of the Colorado State University newspaper - The Rocky Mountain Collegian. 

He got, drum roll... an admonishment, verbal in nature.  Here is the irony.  The young lads name is McSwane.  His offense was  he had a headline in his paper that said [ the 'f' word and then Bush ]. The site I discovered the admonishment on, censored the letter that said:  [ the 'f' word and then McSwane ].  Ha ha ha. 

The hate for our president is unprecedented.  And just in case anyone has forgotten, the laddie wrote the article as a result of the tasering which took place at the Florida college where John F. Kerry was speaking.

All during my youth I was told using swear words was a sign of ignorance, lack of vocabulary etc.  Guess the colleges of this country are proving my point.


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