9/11/01 Remembered
Sitting watching MSNBC this morning and they began replaying their coverage from 'the' day in 2001. I found myself riveted to the dadgummed screen; finally had to force myself to go to the shower as I had grocery shopping etc. planned for today. Regardless, the memories flooded back and made me think.
Earlier, say around 5 a.m. ish I had the radio on; a local commentator whom I have admired for years was reflecting on how it may be time to 'get over' this remembrance of 9/11. In my mind I instantly poo pooed that thought, and then as he went on, I began to (in theory), agree with him. It wasn't that he thought we should forget 'the incident itself'; his point was, there are tragedies that occur every day to every day folk... it is time to move on, in the sense we as a country face tragedy daily - 'somewhere'. That I agree with; in fact said so back in late 2001, when I saw how the victims families were holding this country hostage.
Today, as "I" look back, I do believe it is time for the families to put it behind them and move on with their lives. We have 'all' had different things in our lives happen since then, some just as tragic as what happened to those that lost a family member on 9/11. Take for example someone who lost a family member in an auto accident that very same day in 2001. Have they had to move on? Yes they have, and, I might add, the government did not pay them upwards of a million bucks even if it was the breadwinner.
So, as I was riveted to the TV again this morning, feeling my insides churn and tighten, I thought about the war, what remains to be done, how this war will continue, probably until I pass on from this earth. Even "IF" certain powers prevail to have us removed from Iraq, this war will continue, at times bloody, at other times bloodier still. And if, God forbid the [can't we all just get along crowd] prevails there will in fact be a blood bath. What they don't know is, they will be the first to bleed.
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