John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, January 30, 2005

The Vote In Iraq

Dunno about you, but it gave me chills to watch some of the people struggling to get to the polling places in Iraq. Some were being carried, some were leaning on others for assistance. Since I get angry and tired of others slamming Americans, I won't here, but I sure did wonder about some people who continually complain. I just wonder how many of 'us' would even consider voting under the conditions those folks did toay. I include myself in that wonder. Would I have the courage? Perhaps, if I were so used to the repetitive blasts etc., but were it a new thing, I seriously doubt I'd participate. I guess I applaud those people who are hungering for the very freedom we take for granted.
I still believe The President only has a short period of time to show improvement(s) in Iraq. I bet he went to bed last night 'hoping' for a good turnout today; I'm grateful he got his wish and I hope it is the 'beginning' of some good things in Iraq.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

The Inagural Address

I heard it while eating lunch sitting at the kitchen table. I had the radio on and was munching a sandwich but... I did NOT think it was a call for war with anyone who was not in step with American idealism.

The day after, post hearing all the pundits writing about who we are going to attack next, I thought perhaps my hearing had gone bad. I re-read passages of the speech, I heard bits replayed... sorry I just didn't hear what they are all telling me I should have heard.

"I" heard a man who believes what he says and says it - one who believes in 'freedom' being the key to world peace, but never said a word about imposing freedom on anyone.

He said: "We will persistently clarify the choice before every ruler and every nation: The moral choice between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right."

To me, that means he will point out (NOT NECESSARILY publically), to every world leader if they are oppressing their people. In fact he / his administration is morally obligated to do so... that's what "I" heard.

He said: "our security at home increasingly depends on the success of liberty abroad," "So we will continue to promote freedom, hope and democracy in the broader Middle East — and by doing so, defeat the despair, hopelessness and resentments that feed terror."

To me, that is a simple declaration that free countries do not attack each other. When is the last time a democracy attacked another democracy... I dunno, perhaps I am a simple minded dunce... that's what "I" heard.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

WMD Search End

As most have probably heard by now, the search for WMD in Iraq is officially ending. Am I the only person left that believes there 'was' WMD? I worked in the intelligence field for too many years. If I thought American intelligence was that inept I think I'd start digging one very large hole.

I believe the WMD got moved out during the preparation for going into Iraq. Primo canditate is Syria. Iran? I don't think so... at least not with the Iranian governments knowledge. And even 'if' American intelligence were inept, I give you the Russians, the French, the British, why even the holy United Nations! They all believed. Something smells; I do now, and will continue to believe there 'was' WMD within Iraq.

And now, I think it may be time to go... yes, leave it to them, let them have their civil war and be done with it all. I suppose I should wait two more weeks post election time and then make the statement, but in 'my' mind, the Iraqi people have not done enough to justify our staying. For a period of time, and I would say it is [THIS YEAR], President Bush still has the American people, albeit a slim majority on his side. I believe were he to say it is time to go, the people would back him. I think the case could easily be made that the Iraqi man in the street does not seem to have the constitution to stand up and take back their country. When I watch the news, and I see the men with masks and rocket launchers walking on the street? My order would be to drop them right where they stand. You carry that weapon and you die.

So Mr. President, I think the time is near - they either want their country or they don't... it appears to me, an outsider looking in they do not, and I am very sad about that fact.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Iraq Once More

I have been quite depressed about the situation there for a period of time. It does not seem to be getting better. Every time I feel myself losing hope, I read someting that perks me up. I will go to my grave believing that the press does not give a fair shake to what is really happening there. I'm not sure it would be too much different were it a democrat administration in charge. There 'are' good things!!

Go to this site - this site is maintained by a Task Force Commander in Iraq; "he" sheds new light on what is really happening!

It is lengthy, but for those that lose hope (myself included), it will, I believe, perk you up a little and at least make you think there is hope. This is not to say in the least that it is not dangerous there; goodness knows it is - I just wish the press would reveal just a teensie weensie bit of the good.

The internet has changed the way of the main stream media - if you are a politician today, every word you say is available for recall. Entire libraries are being made available to the public - think of it - entire libraries from the Ivy League for crying out loud. A new day has dawned and I am glad I have gotten to see the gushing of information that is available to us all.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

2005 - A Fresh Beginning

2004 went out with horrific news from Asia - one can only hope there is relief enroute for the poor souls left behind. What with all the controversey regarding the aid being sent by America - I have no problem with any amount sent; I do have problems with America being called stingy.

The American people, and in fact the worlds people should be quite suspect of so much money flooding the area. Yes it is going to take millions, perhaps billions to put it all back together... but, when those sums of money are gathered so quickly, there are going to be problems. Um, 'somebody' is going to have their hands on large caches of cash; one can only hope it is not the United Nations.

Regardless, 2005 is upon us - one hopes for new beginnings for us all. Good health to one and all.