John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, June 28, 2010

Passing Thoughts

   Supreme Court just released their decision on the 2nd amendment, e.g., the right to bear arms.  The decision was 5-4.  I do not own a gun; this decision is scary to me.  How one can vote against the right to bear arms is beyond my comprehension.

   Anyone who believes the Republicans have the gonads to filibuster Kagan ‘has’ to be smoking some wacky weed.

   I note the passing of Senator Byrd as once again showing the difference between how the media portrays liberals and conservatives. When Strom Thurmond passed, the media was quick to stress when once in his career he supported segregation.  Have you heard the media talking about Byrd’s membership in the KKK, or his filibuster ‘against’ the Equal Rights Amendment?  Just wondering.

   The fact is, these were two old bulls from the SOUTH!!!  They were both old enough to have lived during ‘different times’.  It just continues to amaze how the parties are handled differently.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Difference of Coverage

   Does ‘anyone’ remember the way the press covered General Shinseki’s differences with President Bush as opposed to General McChrystal’s differences with President Obama?

   Just tapping my memory banks, I do believe Shinseki was portrayed as a great leader to have the courage blah blah blah. McChrystal?  He’s a bum.

   For the record, I’ve said from the beginning McChrystal has to go.  One just can’t do what he’s done… that being said, The President may keep him on board to oversee the withdrawal of Afghanistan.  You do remember the deadline doncha?  That deadline, in my humble opinion is the origin of the disagreement between Mr. Obama and the general.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rambling Thoughts

   Do the ‘little people’ differentiate between a yachting weekend and a golfing weekend?  Dunno – we little ones do not matter.

   Elana Kagan from 1997:  From speech at Case Western Reserve, 1997: “I loved what happened in the Bork hearings. I wrote a review of Stephen Carter’s book recently where I said, ‘no, he has it all wrong. The Bork hearings were great, the Bork hearings were educational. The Bork hearings were the best thing that ever happened to Constitutional Democracy.’”  I wonder what she thinks right ‘now’.

   Ken Feinberg:  No matter what one thinks of a specific policy that brings Ken Feinberg into the picture, I have never watched an interview with him I didn’t like.  He speaks straight from the gut.  He does not mince words.  He does not talk around a given subject.  I think I genuinely like him.

   Mika Brzezinski admitted that she has been "working with the White House" on oil spill talking points.  What can one add to that?  If you don’t know, Mika is the female half to MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’. 

   General Mc Chrystal will have to leave, probably as soon as today.  I do not see any other choice.  Can’t be any other way no matter your view on the war(s).  From the time he and President Obama met on the plane (for all of 20 minutes), you should have known this was coming.  The time has come and the General is unloading on a whole bunch of them on his way out.  

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Future of American Elections

   Take the time to read this article; if you, as an American do not believe it is one of the most obscene things you’ve <EVER> then you may as well hit the exits.  Sad sad sad.

   We are sheep being led to slaughter.

Barton’s Apology

   Can ‘anyone’ tell me where it says in our laws, our constitution, anything on the books, where it is permissible to ‘DEMAND’ payment from a company?

   Joe Barton was right.  It was / is a shakedown from our government to BP.  The only thing he did wrong was to then apologize to BP.  We are supposed to be a country of laws – we are no longer in my opinion.

   I’ve also been noticing the media citing the huge number of safety violations BP has had in comparison to Exon Mobile and others. I was involved with the government, both directly and indirectly for more than forty years. I will bet my last fricking dollar BP has ‘on record’, evidence of passing those  government inspections.  And by the way… if they were violating government regulations, why did not the big government boys and girls SHUT THEM DOWN???   In other words, why isn’t the government shaking themselves down?  Hmmm??

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rambling Thoughts

   Perhaps the most intriguing thing in this whole Gulf disaster to me is how long it has taken The President to meet with Tony Hayward (BP head honcho).  Just boggles my mind.  Nothing more to say regards this subject. 

   Has anyone noticed how President Obama cites as a leader in green energy the country of Spain?  Talks about how advanced Spain is and how many jobs are being created.  Umm, for the record, Spain is ‘on the brink’ of bankruptcy.  But, I guess the same can be said for us, read as U.S.A..

   Here is a link to a classic example of Affirmative Action – I don’t know, but I’m guessing it may be more prevalent than we know.

   I listened to Elizabeth Warren, who is chair of the U.S. Congressional Oversight Panel discussing the panels oversight of AIG.  We have been hearing the Obama Administration blame Bush for deregulation in the oil industry, which in turn has led to the Gulf situation.  If you ever wanna hear someone speak straight doo doo, listen to Elizabeth. She cuts no slack, but I digress.  One of her points was there were more than 300 regulation agencies which were in place when the AIG situation developed.   They were, and probably still are tripping over each other.  “THAT” is why we need to cut regulations.

   I personally have no problem with regulations, but when you have to hire people just to ensure you are following the regs, you are getting in too deep.  Cut them!!!

   Now I’m gonna go cook some ribs.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Gulf Issue

   Were I BP, and were I given a 72 hour ultimatum to do ‘anything’, I’d just say, I’m doing what I can.  What is YOUR plan? 

   You can agree or disagree with this issue; I happen to disagree with allot of things BP has done, but… there’s nobody in the Administration who knows better… take that to the bank!

   Now – if the White House gave this ultimatum ‘behind’ the scenes I would agree wholeheartedly.  I guess in order to do that, The President would actually have to ‘talk’ to BP.  Unbelievable!!

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Random Thoughts Along The Way

   The President said in an interview with Matt Lauer referring to the oil spill - "so I know whose ass to kick." Now I am no prude but I expect just abit of decorum from my President.  I know politicos over the course of time have been caught with an open mike; this is different.  You are “THE PRESIDENT of The United States of America!  According to the L.A. Times our man Rahm lived rent free in a D.C. apartment for five years,  owned by (you can’t make this up), a top BP advisor.  Oh, and don’t forget BP gave 750 million buckeroos to the Obama camp in the run up to the last Presidential election. 

   The press made excuses for Helen Thomas for too many years.  Age is no excuse for what frequently spewed from her lips. I for one am glad she is gone.  Documentation is now revealing the truth about the response by government to the BP spill.  Remember, I am no more blaming the administration for the origin of this crisis than I did Bush for Katrina.  I ‘do’ see fault with the response.  It always comes out in the end.

   The President said, in response to the BP disaster – paraphrasing slightly, <someone didn’t think this through>.  Umm, I wonder if that is the same as ‘thinking through’ Obama Care.  Just wondering.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Random Thoughts

   Just wondering about our running out of oil.  The flow from this one well is tremendous.  The pressure of the oil flowing out of this hole is unimaginable.  How can this be if we are running out?  Doesn’t make sense to me.

   Nancy Pelosi says she has a duty to pursue policies in keeping with the values of Jesus.  What in the world happened to separation of church and state?

   It might surprise you to know I no more blame Obama for the BP spill than I did Bush for Katrina.  I ‘do’ find it interesting to watch the media handle the issues differently.  As far as blame in their respective responses. Interesting.

   Just heard Al and Tipper have split.  You do know this will contribute to global warming don’t you?  They will now be maintaining two different households thereby requiring more energy.  Doncha just love it when  their own idiocy comes back to haunt them?

   I’ve found it interesting for many in the Democrat party saying the oil spill is Bush’s second Katrina.  That “might” have more credence if it had happened say in the first six months of the new administration.  Unfortunately, Mr. Obama has been the HMFIC (old military term) for seventeen months.  I don’t care if they do keep blaming Bush; at some point they have to take the hits.  Their ‘time has come’.