John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, September 20, 2013

Another Crime By An ILLEGAL! I capitalized illegal above just to piss people off who no longer want the term used. This country "deserves" precisely what we get. What intrigued me as much as the story itself are the comments by those who took the time to comment on the issue. Speaking specifically of those who condone the entry of illegals.

We Are Being Played Anyone who does not believe The United States is not being played is a fool. Not only has Assad asked for 1 Billion dollars American to do the deed, he has missed deadline #1 - of course we have been assured by Mr. Kerry this would NOT happen. So much for being a hard ass Sir.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Benghazi - One Year Later So the question is - WHAT DIFFERENCE 'DID' IT MAKE??? Not one arrests and no credible response from our government. So evidently Hillary was right in her statement before the committee! "What difference does it make?" Very sad comrades.

Redistribution of Wealth The 'opening' line in this article says it better than anyone can. The mainstream press will not write it, the networks will not tell us, but believe you me, it is going to become quite apparent to all, and soon.... oh, except the unions, and the Congress and all others they exempt. Some of us saw this from the very beginning.

Please Pass To Mr. Gore This is a good article. For those mentally challenged, it comes with a picture to 'show' the polar ice cap.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

The Working People

Are you not proud to be in a country with the LOWEST worker participation rate since the 70s? This can only mean one thing, and one thing only. Those who 'are' working are going to have to pay more and more to support those who are not working. Simple eh?