John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Does 'anyone' know what a filibuster 'used' to be? Days gone by when one wanted to filibuster in the United States Senate they had to put in some hours. Today, the boys and girls shut down for supper and a good nights rest and come back the next day and talk some more. Then they have the nerve to say the republicans want to change the rules.

Here's the deal - "I" am all for filibustering, but ya gotta have some gonads. The wimps that changed the rules (both parties had to agree to it), need to revert to the real way of filibustering and by gum I bet there would be some changes made. What with CSPAN on the prowl, the public would perhaps see what is truly going on in the congress/senate of these here United States. What they are doing these days is NOT a filibuster in any way shape or form and for the press to even utter the word drives me nutso!!.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Final Thoughts On Ms. Shiavo

Sun Mar-27-2005 20:58

Final thoughts on the Shiavo saga - I wrote this once and then my computer locked up and I had to recreate it. :(
1) I have nothing but pity for the parents and brother of Ms. Shiavo
2) I have nothing but contempt for congress, both republican and democrat, and not because they initially tried to do something. My contempt stems from the fact they crept back into their holes when the polls told them the people were against them. That proves to me, their actions were all political.
3) I have even more contempt for those demonstrating outside the hospice facility, especially after the parents asked them to go home.
4) I would have pulled the plug long ago.
5) I will never understand why Michael Shiavo did not just allow the parents to take over, and everyone go on with their lives.
6) Had Michael stuck 'with' his wife I would have been on his side in toto. It is principle with me... and before anyone else says it, yes, I have skeletons too, but I still have principles. I just think he forfeited his basic rights (in MY mind).
7) I spent 'one' night with my mother as her life slipped away. Had I seen even one glimpse of eye movement and or recognition I would have been encouraged greatly. I did get a grunt or two but that is about it.
8) The clips we have seen of Ms. Shiavo's responses. I myself have never been able to determine how old those are. I think they are so important to one's feelings about this situation.
9) This is like any other political event... once again I will say - have you ever seen or known anyone who has changed their mind on something like this, or the war, or welfare, or [ anything ] of import. I haven't. So we all have our opinions; I think it all comes down to how one was raised, the values that were instilled.
10) I believe she will pass tonight or before noon tomorrow.... may she rest in peace.

Friday, March 25, 2005


So I'm watching CNN - they have a story regarding Ms. Shiavo being in (I think her eighth) day of murder by starvation. The VERY NEXT story is about fricking polar bears being hungry. Now, I ask you... what nitwit producer of news would put two stories like that in consecutive order? We are in sad sad shape! And I don't care what the polls say. And btw, "IF" the husband had stood by Ms. Shiavo, I'd probably be on his side.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Ms. Shiavo

Preface - I would 'not' want to be in her condition for one month let alone 15 years. Not the point in my opinion.
1) absence of living will
2) husband has long ago 'left' her in every sense of the word
3) parents are willing to take total care of her
4) "I" do not believe the removal of a feeding tube is the same as a DNR (do not resucitate).

I don't know - let's say you had an automobile accident - everything functioned except you could not talk, you could not move you mouth in order to eat etc. You had to have a feeding tube in order to survive. Do you not think, once this pandora's box has been opened that there would be no reason to leave the feeding tube in? Again, "I" would not want one in that situation either, but we are heading down a wicked and dangerous road me thinks.
I was talking to an Aunt of mine once about a similar situation - I had said I wanted to have a teensy weensy pill handy when the time came in case I was in a similar situation - she laughingly said to me that there was only one problem and that is, you probably would not know when it was time. A wise ole sage if I do say so. Regardless, I'd not like to go through a situation like that and I just KNOW in my mind we as a country are heading down the wrong road if we begin pulling the plug like in the Shiavo case. I don't give a hang about what the polls are saying. I'm afraid it is wrong and I do NOT have a dawg in the hunt.

Friday, March 18, 2005


Fri Mar-18-2005 14:27
I lost a friend this past week. She was 48 years old. I say a friend, but I am sad to say I neglected this friend for many years. Her name was Maryanne - I knew her as Crystal. We were in the Philippines together for around 15 months. I was in my early thirties as was her boyfriend Carl. Carl and I had been stationed together twice before so it was natural that he and I were together when I met Crystal.

We spent many many hours together, in fact, other than my own wife, I probably spent more time with Crystal than any other woman in my life. She had lived through a difficult childhood, had been involved in drugs at an early age, and just was one mixed up young lady... didn't matter, being away from home like that has a way of equalizing everyone - she wanted to talk - I wanted to listen - we became friends. When Carl's shift was opposite ours, oft times we'd sit in the barracks lounge for hours, sometimes late into the night shooting the breeze.

Upon my return to the states, Offutt AFB here in Nebraska, Carl soon followed. While we were not in the same shop, we were once again on the same base. I was surprised to learn from Carl that Crystal had a nervous breakdown before leaving The Philippines and was in the mental ward at Travis AFB CA. I say surprised and yet I always 'knew' she had some problems. Long story short, Crystal was medically discharged with 100% disability and she and Carl got married somewhere in there. She came to Nebraska of course to be with him and we got together occasionally in the beginning. Both Carl and Crystal seemed to be drinking heavily during that time, and I had two teenage daughters around that I didn't want seeing that sort of behavior. I 'quit' seeing them, friends, both of which I had told I them I loved them. I quit seeing them because I was embarrassed around my children. I wish I hadn't taken that step now.

Crystal left Carl in February of 03 (I didn't know) - they divorced in October of that year ( I did not know ) - Crystal, dressed in a skirt, blouse, and windbreaker, wearing sandals was walking west on a train track, a freight train bearing down on her heading west, blowing it's whistle to no avail. I will attend her service tomorrow morning. To hurt that much I can not imagine. I've spoken to Carl - in his voice was gratitude for the call - there was not allot to say although we talked for 30 minutes or so... I let him do most of the talking because he needed to, but I will tell Carl I love him at the serivce.

To anyone reading this whom I do call friend, I love you too. I will try never to turn my back on a friend again - I think I learned a life lesson.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Lady in Atlanta

In my humble opinion, the lady who talked the killer of the judge and others in Atlanta out of more killing is a true hero. My goodness, the way she was able to relate what all went on is, in itself courageous. I don't think the enormity of the whole situation has, as of this writing hit her yet... but in a crunch, I would like to have her on 'my team'. I applaud her heroism, and many of us could take a lesson or two from her.

She had better get the reward!!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Just an Observation

Anyone notice how the angst and bickering about the Iraqi war has subsided now that the bulk of those being killed are Iraqi's themselves? I am more than grateful the American casualty count has subsided, but the number of Iraqi's has increased tremendously. I wonder just what it will take for the Iraqi people to finally put their feet down and squelch what is going on... it is afterall, up to them in the final analysis. There 'are' signs the tide is turning, i.e. I think the Iraqi people are beginning to see 'who really' are the bad guys. We can only hope.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

The Powerful Women

The Condelezza Rice / Hillary Clinton comparisons are fun and interesting for me to watch. It is also interesting to see how they are built up and or portrayed in different lights.
I have seen no less than four pictures of Condi that make her look like the devil himself. With the proper lighting, and with her head bowed and eyes lifted up??? Wow! Looks evil.
Hillary on the other hand, no doubt is a gifted politician... let there be NO doubt of that, and anyone who underestimates her would be making a grave mistake. Anyone who knows me knows I have a history with the military. I have been hearing the stories lately of the Bush administraton taking away the combat pay of men who have been injured and are in the hospital. What a stinking load of crapola. Combat pay is for when you are in a war zone, BY LAW. It is not the Bush administration anymore than it is the Harry S. Truman administration. It is Congress for crap sake. Those lily livered people are the ones who WRITE LAW. Law, does it not mean anything? Now I am all for the military folks, but change the fricking law if that is what you want to do. Regardless, Hillary made a big tadoo about this and got lots of 'good' press. Snake in the grass stuff but looks doggone good doing it!!!
Bottom line? Gonna be a down/dirty next election. Makes me shudder to think of it.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Itlalian Reporter

Somebody is an idiot. Knowing what we know as of this writing, I do not see how anyone can object to the actions taken by the American soilders in firing on this vehicle. For crying in the sink! Anybody who has been there for 'any' length of time should know where the friendlies are and act accordingly. If the Americans are punished for their actions it had better be something more than what we now know or there will be some P.O.'d troops.