Does 'anyone' know what a filibuster 'used' to be? Days gone by when one wanted to filibuster in the United States Senate they had to put in some hours. Today, the boys and girls shut down for supper and a good nights rest and come back the next day and talk some more. Then they have the nerve to say the republicans want to change the rules.
Here's the deal - "I" am all for filibustering, but ya gotta have some gonads. The wimps that changed the rules (both parties had to agree to it), need to revert to the real way of filibustering and by gum I bet there would be some changes made. What with CSPAN on the prowl, the public would perhaps see what is truly going on in the congress/senate of these here United States. What they are doing these days is NOT a filibuster in any way shape or form and for the press to even utter the word drives me nutso!!.
Think there was a good movie with Jimmy Stewart doing a "real" filibuster. Dang, can't remember the name of that movie, but it was good and I think it showed what a filibuster was all about.
Anonymous, at 11:52 PM
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