Ms. Shiavo
Preface - I would 'not' want to be in her condition for one month let alone 15 years. Not the point in my opinion.
1) absence of living will
2) husband has long ago 'left' her in every sense of the word
3) parents are willing to take total care of her
4) "I" do not believe the removal of a feeding tube is the same as a DNR (do not resucitate).
I don't know - let's say you had an automobile accident - everything functioned except you could not talk, you could not move you mouth in order to eat etc. You had to have a feeding tube in order to survive. Do you not think, once this pandora's box has been opened that there would be no reason to leave the feeding tube in? Again, "I" would not want one in that situation either, but we are heading down a wicked and dangerous road me thinks.
I was talking to an Aunt of mine once about a similar situation - I had said I wanted to have a teensy weensy pill handy when the time came in case I was in a similar situation - she laughingly said to me that there was only one problem and that is, you probably would not know when it was time. A wise ole sage if I do say so. Regardless, I'd not like to go through a situation like that and I just KNOW in my mind we as a country are heading down the wrong road if we begin pulling the plug like in the Shiavo case. I don't give a hang about what the polls are saying. I'm afraid it is wrong and I do NOT have a dawg in the hunt.
but I do think that with all the dr.'s and all the attorney's already involved, that the US government should stay out of it!! This is really not any of their business.
Anonymous, at 6:37 PM
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