John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, August 26, 2022

Our illustrious FBI

So our friend Mark Zuckerberg in an interview with Joe Rogan admits, read that again, admits the FBI fed them information during the 2016 election cycle. This is something that has been believed for a long time but the first time someone in Zuckerbergā€˜s position has admitted it occurred. 

Speaking for me, one who grew up with Elliot Ness and had the FBI on a pedestal my feelings changed quickly during the 2016 election cycle. I am not now nor have I ever been a fan of Hillary Clinton, but, James Comey former FBI head changing his position on Hillary Clinton time and again told me the FBI was corrupt at the top. Not an easy admission for someone who grew up with Elliot Ness, and yes I know it was a TV show and had actors. 

So am I surprised to find out the FBI fed the information to Facebook? Absolutely not! And do I believe they did the same thing with Twitter? Absolutely! I believe our FBI is corrupt at the top echelons. I am sickened. 

So, take the 2020 election cycle. Do I believe our FBI send information to social media? If you have any doubt whatsoever I want what you are smoking. Again, I am very very disappointed in an agency I had at one time on a pedestal. No more!


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