John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Hypocrites Among Us

   By now we have all been hearing about the waivers granted by the administration to Obama Care – and now word comes from the biggest hypocrite of all.  A A R P ! ! ! For my money, they are snakes in the grass.  There really is nothing more to say except to say this.  If ever you were wavering about leaving this organization, this should do it for you.

   Along the same lines, I give you the state of our current disabilities that are approved for payment. There really are no words.  I saw this wing-nut on TV yesterday sucking on his  fricking tootsie bottle.  Nearly puked up my lunch. Plus he had some big fat momma talking baby talk to him and stroking his hair.  Yup, we deserve precisely what we get.

   I don’t know how long Ronald McDonald can hold out against the Gestapo we call a government, but I’m on Ronnie’s side.  Further, if the government wins out, I hope ALL Ronald McDonald houses are shut down pronto.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

This’n That

   The second I heard the code word Geronimo in relation to the Bin Laden incident, I turned to the wife and said… someone will obviously call this a racist term.  It did not take long:  The sad part?  We “KNEW” and expected it!

   For me, my initial thought on the Bin Laden incident was – I don’t need to see anything.  I was quite ambivalent.  I will only say this – I think the way the administration has handled the whole incident has ‘created’ various issues. The administration ‘can’ do things well – somebody planned the Bin Laden operation from start to finish and it was executed with precision. To me, that is what makes this staggering around after the fact so annoying.  In my opinion, they turned a fine wine into a sour mess.

   I personally was caught off guard by the fervor of the American people post the killing of Bin Laden.  I was happy he was gone; I was just abit surprised by the reaction of ‘the people.  Not displeased, just surprised.

   I come from the school that says enhanced interrogation works, so to me it was poetic to hear Director Panetta admit nuggets of information were harvested using those methods.  Course, later others in the administration realized how this might look, so they said it did not happen – umm, The Director says it DID! Guess he’s lying.   Sorta like Hillary standing there in front of God and country saying the Packis’ had helped in the finding and execution of Osama – and umm, Panetta saying the Packis’ had no advance knowledge.  It is one or the other Gonzo.

   It is fascinating for me to see the reaction of media because President Bush declined an invite to Ground Zero today.  I think it is really quite simple.  #1 when he left the White House he said he had enough of the limelight.  He has (unlike others), respected the time honored tradition of turning that light over to his successor. #2, maybe, just maybe Bush saw how Rep Ryan was treated after being invited to an announcement about a health care issue and was then publicly humiliated by President Obama. 

   I have refused up until today to register my car via online.  The reason for the refusal is they charge an extra $3.00 for handling.  This year, knowing I only get around 17 MPG on the Mercury, I figured with gas at $4.00 per gallon I made out by doing so online.  I did however give them a piece of my mind in their opinion poll post the registration.  Just galls me, PERIOD!

Monday, May 02, 2011

Bin Laden

   If you have been a regular reader of this epistle for any length of time, you know that “I” believed Osama was dead long ago.  I was wrong.  I am grateful he is now feeding the fish.

   We (I will speak for myself), will now have to endure the endless platitudes for everyone except those responsible for ‘getting’ him.  I do give our President credit for sticking to the job. Thank you Sir.