John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mergers a Coming

1.) Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and W R.

Grace Co. Will merge and become:

Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace.

2.) Polygram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta Crackers join forces and


Poly, Warner, Cracker.

3.) 3M will merge with Goodyear and become:


4. Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge

and become:

ZipAudiDoDa .

5. FedEx is expected to join its competitor, UPS, and become:


6. Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become:

Fairwell Honeychild.

7. Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become:


8. Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women will become:

Knott NOW!

And finally...

9. Victoria 's Secret and Smith &Wesson will merge under the new name:




Bailout or Whatever You Wanna Call It

I, a simple man, believe the American People would support this plan if the crap were taken out of its substance. This simple man has lost lost and lots on paper like many others. Perhaps it was preordained, I dunno.

On the evening news they showed me a cartoon to help me understand the credit crunch. A cartoon!! The toon talked about if the company I worked for could not borrow money they couldn't make payroll. If the restaurant I washed dishes for could not buy the food they prepare to sell to the public it would close. And several other examples.

A couple of points: 1) If the company I work for has to borrow money to make payroll, that company is on shaky ground to begin with. Me? On my day off, I'm looking for a more solvent company. If the restaurant I am washing dishes for is borrowing money to buy the food to sell to Joe Shmo, that restaurant is probably gonna fail.

If they'd just tell me a new small business would have problems getting start-up money, THAT I would believe. Just tell me something believable, even if it is in a cartoon.

Or, perhaps the cartoon should go further and tell me that many companies / businesses 'NEED' to go Tangu Uniform (Tits UP) - think about it, it will come to you.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Just Wonderin

Premise: Congress is the root cause of the financial crisis we are currently in as a result of the sub-prime mess. If you don't agree with this premise then the following question will mean nothing to you.

So, if you accept the premise, do we then want Congress, read as government to manage our health care? Just wondering.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Debate #1

Dunno who you thought won... I think since Senator Obama did not lose / blunder, he won, even thought I thought Senator McCain won decisively - at least the second part of the debate.

As far as the upcoming VP debate. Let us all agree going in that Gov. Palin can be had. Depending on the moderator, and I don't care who it is, they can (if they so choose), make her look bad. It will be interesting; I hope it is not humiliating. Time will tell.


Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain Blunder

Personally I think Senator McCain blundered by saying he would NOT debate until there was an agreement and then going to the debnate without an agreement in place. If you are gonna go out \on a limb and blow smoke, ya better follow through Sir.


The Bailout

Who knows how this fiasco is going to turn out. As for me? I say let the market correct itself. We (Congress) created this mess. Let the slime and feces finally come off and it will correct.

I am so tired of people saying the credit will dry up. I will gurandangtee you if you have a good credit rating and want to borrow money from a bank they will loan it to you. That is if the bank has not put themselves into such a state their own credit rating is whacko.

If you have the courage, click on the link below and read from the New York Times from September 30, 1999 - in the article you will begin to understand what has caused this situation we are in now.

Even an alcoholic has to admit they are one before they can get help. Hello, my name is Congress, and I am an alcoholic. Welcome Congress, pull you head outta ur butt and let the system correct. Fat chance of that happening I know, but, you can indeed see when the seeds for this latest crisis began.

And oh by the way? The fundamentals of the economy 'are' good.


Friday, September 19, 2008

The Latest Bailout

Have you thought about who has to approve this? One guess. C O N G R E S S !!!!

Have you thought about who caused this? C O N G R E S S !!!!

Like many others I have lost boo koo monies (on paper) in the past few days. Am I pleased with what has happened, or is happening today to 'fix' the problem? No I am not. Unless and or until the market is allowed to correct itself, we will relive this over and over again. I have not and will not pull my meager funds out of the market. Many have, thinking the losses they have sustained to this point are enough already. My philosophy, and it may be bull steinofsky is this: If the monies I have (well diversified) in the market all goes poof, then any $ I might have in cash will be worthless anyway. In the meantime, assuming the crisis gets resolved, the market is the ONLY place to make / beat inflation... historically speaking.

Congress forced banks way back in the 90s to begin giving mortgages to those less fortunate. Remember the term 'red lining'? It had to do with banks disqualifying perspective homeowners because they could not afford a mortgage. Congress in its wisdom forced the banks to lower the standards. Are the banks blameless? No, but just think how it began. And, since the 90s it has progressed. And both parties are to blame by the way.

Did you ever think that some people are not meant to have a mortgage? Sometimes the most complex seems so simple, and while I realize this is a simplistic statement, it 'is' where it all began. You, Mr. John Q. Public who has been working your buttocks off to pay your mortgage are now going to pay for those who should never have hod one in the first place. Bend over Sir and or Madam. It begins to feel good once you get used to the in/out motion.

Palin Factoid

Have picked up slight accent from Sarah and one interesting thing - have you noticed she does NOT pronounce the 'ing' at the end of words? Nothing becomes nothin, getting becomes gettin. Watch for it. I picked it up during an interview I listened to and it carries through to every word ending in 'ing'. As for the accent, it sounds sort of like a Canuck to me. Now your day has not been a total loss with this bit of trivia.


Sarah Interview - FOX News

Yes it was on FOX - that automatically dismisses it for many; for me I will say this - she came across as authentic. She didn't dilly dally and dance 'around' questions. She answered in a straight forward manner. I appreciate that quality. I am actually looking forward to the debate between Sarah and Joe. I dunno who is conducting the debate, and I do realize people can be made to look bad on purpose. Somehow I think she can handle what is coming her way.

For the record, I am more convinced in my male mind than ever before. Some women can not stand a woman who is rising in status if she is appealing to look at. At the risk of alienating a female or two... I have observed many times over the years catty remarks. I've considered it a part of my education, but I will guarantee a correct observation.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

95% Getting Tax Cut

Mr. Obama is saying he will cut taxes for 95% of the populace. This sounds wonderful until you realize that 40% pay NO income taxes in this country now.

There are child credits, there are earned income tax credits among other things. Now... here is what he probably meant to say. We are going to give you MORE in credits. He simply can not say he is going to cut the taxes of 95% when 40% don't currently pay any.

I am taking a tax course presently and I asked the instructor today if he or his company ever chatted about whether or not a flat tax would affect their business. Or, I asked, is the possibility of a flat tax so remote you don't ever worry. He said it had never been a topic of discussion. A sad commentary I'd say.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sarah's Gibson Interview

If you have a moment or two, go to the link above and read what is highlighted. It shows what ABC edited OUT of the interview with Ms. Palin. It is so very fascinating what they want us to hear. Think back in your life a moment or two and just wonder if some of your thoughts of people might have changed had you heard <The Rest of The Story>.


Monday, September 08, 2008

Empowering Women

I listen to Oprah with 'some' regularity.  Longtime readers here know I have had some problems with her over the years.  One thing she continually espouses is the empowerment of women.  I need to begin 'really' listening I guess.  One would think she would RUSH (pun intended) to get Sarah on her show.  Naaaa, wrong party.   I love the irony.

Meteoric Rise

I, like many have a new love in my life, Ms. Palin from the great state of Alaska, but.... I think I've said the same thing about Barrack. People who rise so very fast have only one way to go and that is down. In the case of McCain / Palin, one hopes the fall does not occur until after Nov 4, 2008 A.D.

Friday, September 05, 2008

President Bush

I know why his name was not mentioned at the convention, but for me, I am still a President Bush supporter. Has he made mistakes? Yes, and plenty of them, but the man has gonads and he has my support.

John McCain made one, maybe two references during his speech to 'The President'. If I had even one hint of criticism of John McCain's speech it was his refusal to acknowledge President Bush. After all, his 'is' the Maverick is he not? Umm, I suppose it depends. As for me? I stick with my friends.


Convention Recap

The convention is over and I must say I learned a thing or two about McCain. I guess I thought I knew his story as well as anyone, but to hear him tell it himself sort of put a different light on things. I have even made comment in the past that just because he was a POW did not make him 'the canditate'. While I still believe that basic statement, his description of the type of man he is and why, put him in a different light to me. While I had already made the decision as to who I 'had' to vote for, I think his speech last night is going to bring along many others.

He had the courage to acknowledge why the American people had lost confidence in the congress. And he was talking about the Republican Congress. And if you are a regular reader here, you must know I agree with that point. I do know, if McCain is elected he will git under my skin with regularity. I know that based on his past dealings in The Senate, BUT, I know believe he is that way based on his development as a man and not for his own glory.

I also have one comment regarding Cindy McCain. While I was aware of what she has done working with children around the world, I will guarantee you America in general did not - I find it ironic that even after the video giving the details I've heard nobody in the media giving her credit. I think the contrast between her and other First Ladies and potential First Ladies is striking and I will leave it at that.


Thursday, September 04, 2008

Renewed "HOPE"

Holy Cow!!! Did she blow them away? And how about Rudy??? Rudy was my choice by the way. Had he campaigned this way he may have been the nominee, but had that happened we might not have heard about Sarracuda Palin. I can't take credit for Sarracuda but I liked it so am using it also. :)

"Finally", someone has the courage to call out Mr. Obama. It may have taken a woman, and for that I for one am grateful. This is a woman who has done it on her own. To hear people from the Ivy League demean the school she attended; things like that emulate with we little people.

"Finally" someone brought up Islamic terrorism. Not Islam, but Islamic TERRORISM. Thank you Rudy.

Who knows how it will all come out; I surely don't, but I will say this - Sarracuda has given <me> renewed hope for the future of the Republican Party, win or lose.

Here's the difference folks. I watch The View on occasion - Elizabeth says when Michelle Obama was a guest, the panel was given a list of questions they could NOT ask. When Cindy McCain was a guest, no such list allowed. Does that sound familiar? When in the name of all that is holy will the press begin to question the associations Mr. Obama has had over the course of his adult life? Perhaps we will have to have the 'woman' do the job.


Monday, September 01, 2008

Do You Remember Brownie?

Gustav is on the rampage so who does NBC have as an authority, pulsing him on how FEMA is responding etc. None other than Brownie, the one they had humiliated, the one they had said knew absolutely nothing about disasters, the one they rode out of office. I actually nearly did a projectile vomit watching Matt Lauer interview him.

First of all, and this is a dad gummed sore subject with me... Gustav is NOTHING in comparison to Katrina. And I don't give a rats ptooie who is President... "IF" another Katrina hits Nawlins like Katrina did it will be another disaster. Unless and until this country decides to do it right in the rebuild then those are just the facts.

Here's another fact; since Gustav more or less skirted Nawlins, the next time fewer will evacuate, and the time after that fewer still. Then when Mayor Nagin says the mother of all storms is approachin he will be ignored. And then we will have what we had when and if another Katrina hits. Just simple facts that nobody wants to acknowledge. The fact they got off their butts and evacuated is simplicity in action. The fact the federal government is required to make it happen is a sad state of affairs. Say what you will, this country wants to be force fed by Uncle Sugar.

Heckuva job Brownie on those NBC interviews all day today. Evidently you have been rehabilitated and are now the darling of the illustrious National Broadcasting Company.