John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, September 01, 2008

Do You Remember Brownie?

Gustav is on the rampage so who does NBC have as an authority, pulsing him on how FEMA is responding etc. None other than Brownie, the one they had humiliated, the one they had said knew absolutely nothing about disasters, the one they rode out of office. I actually nearly did a projectile vomit watching Matt Lauer interview him.

First of all, and this is a dad gummed sore subject with me... Gustav is NOTHING in comparison to Katrina. And I don't give a rats ptooie who is President... "IF" another Katrina hits Nawlins like Katrina did it will be another disaster. Unless and until this country decides to do it right in the rebuild then those are just the facts.

Here's another fact; since Gustav more or less skirted Nawlins, the next time fewer will evacuate, and the time after that fewer still. Then when Mayor Nagin says the mother of all storms is approachin he will be ignored. And then we will have what we had when and if another Katrina hits. Just simple facts that nobody wants to acknowledge. The fact they got off their butts and evacuated is simplicity in action. The fact the federal government is required to make it happen is a sad state of affairs. Say what you will, this country wants to be force fed by Uncle Sugar.

Heckuva job Brownie on those NBC interviews all day today. Evidently you have been rehabilitated and are now the darling of the illustrious National Broadcasting Company.


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