John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tax Incentives

Have you ever wondered about our government (you and me), giving tax incentives for different things? Say, ethanol for example. We are told it is an important part of our energy predicament. I have said before, I am for alternative sources of energy but why can't they stand on their own if they are so good?

Bill Gates and Microsoft - did he get incentives to start his company? I don't think so, and look at the number of Windows computers in this ole world. Why is that? Because, people found out their worth, they are useful, they are profitable.

Steve Jobs and Apple - did 'he' get incentives? Nope. Again, something people wanted, something they could see value in etc.

Why isn't energy the same thing? If someone invents something that people can [SEE], is 'the' answer, doncha think they will buy it and wean themselves off of oil? And, doncha think that product, even if it is feces would be profitable? Yup, it would be.

Give me an alternative that is something I can believe in please. Just something to think about.



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