John Smyzer's Ramblings

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Olympics

Have been enjoying the Olympics immensely. Actually when this marathon began I thought I'd probably not watch nearly as much as I have in past years. However, as the days pass, I seem to always find myself watching. While I have not watched it all (impossible methinks), I have watched a significant amount.

It suddenly dawned on me, there is no poverty in China. There are no slums, nothing but beautiful new construction. It is indeed a beautiful country, but then I have never been in a country that was not beautiful. I am left wondering though if the Chinese have not stumbled upon 'the' way to govern. All appears to be, umm, well, rosy there. I suspect, were the games in this country, NBC would find a way to show the seamier side of things. Just a tad of reality.



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